Prentiss Rowe

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Le Gang des frères James
Le célèbre gang des Frères James est le plus renommé et le plus redoutable groupe de bandits de tout l'Ouest Américain. Pilleurs de banques et spécialistes des attaques de train et de diligences, leur audace en a fait des légendes vivantes sur tout le territoire. Mais lorsque la puissante agence de détective Pinkerton jure de mettre fin au gang coûte que coûte, ces hors-la-loi vont alors devoir affronter un ennemi qui ne s'arrêtera que lorsqu'ils seront derrières les barreaux… ou morts…
In a Shallow Grave

In a Shallow Grave

May 06, 1988
Garnet Montrose (Michael Beihn) returns home to West Virginia after suffering horrible facial disfigurement from wounds at the battle of Guadalcanal. He watches his former sweetheart Georgia (Maureen Mueller) from his farm down the road. Garnett is obviously socially withdrawn because of his injuries, and he soon enlists the help of itinerant young farmhand Potter Daventry (Patrick Dempsey) to deliver notes to Georgia. Garnet begins to open up to Potter before he suspects him of delivering more than letters. Potter quickly becomes a major focus in both Garnet and Georgia's lives in this drama taken from the novel by James Purdy.
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home
Eccentric 17-year-old Morgan Stewart (Cryer) can't seem to get his conservative parents to notice him - even though Morgan's been thrown out of 10 prep schools in 7 years! But when a sleazy campaign manager threatens Morgan's father's senatorial bid, Morgan comes home to clean up the mess... and creates hilarious havoc! by the time Morgan is finished, Washington politics will never be the same.
The Adventure of the Action Hunters
An innocent couple suddenly finds themselves thrust into an unbelievable adventure involving underwater treasures, maniacal gangsters, violent gunplay and non-stop chances in trains cars and boats, when they witness a luxury boat explosion in the small town of Oyster Creek and receive a cryptic message from a dying victim they attempt to rescue.
Guardian of the Wilderness
In 1861, miner Galen Clark (Denver Pyle) learns he has consumption and decides to travel west in his final months. During the journey, he meets naturalist John Muir (John Dehner), who encourages him to live. Along with Native American Teneiya (Don Shanks), Galen builds a cabin and settles with his daughter, Kathleen (Cheryl Miller). When loggers threaten to destroy their community and the forest, Galen joins forces with Muir and Teneiya to advocate for the area's preservation as Yosemite Park.
Harry's War

Harry's War

Mar 06, 1981
After his aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS, Harry Johnson decides to take up the cause.
La Duchesse et le Truand
Un débrouillard femelle est courir après les hommes riches, mais devient à plusieurs reprises mélangé avec un escroc suave et une carte de requin à travers une série de mésaventures avant de tomber en amour avec lui.
The Incredible Rocky Mountain Race
An old man observes a boy bullying his playmates and treats him to a morality lesson. The man tells the story of the epic cross-country race between a young Mark Twain and his rival, Mike Fink. The bulk of the film depicts the race, which proves to be more a test of character than of stamina