Ellen Faison

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Acting Out

Acting Out

Jan 01, 1978
This unusual documentary-style feature starts with ordinary people discussing their private erotic desires; what sets it apart from other documentaries, which often feature a lot of talk, is that in this experimental film, 10 of the subjects then act out their most intimate fantasies. Carl Gurevich and Ralph Rosenblum (the acclaimed editor of Woody Allen's comedies Annie Hall and Sleeper) co-direct this daring peek into the human sexual psyche.
The New York City Woman
John Holmes is dictating his memoirs on the terrace of a penthouse in New York City. He has just left sunny California and all the wild orgies. He is desperately searching for the one woman who can deep throat his massive manhood. He's looking for...The New York City Woman.
3 slags kærlighed

3 slags kærlighed

Feb 09, 1970
The story concerns the sexual awakening of a young woman who is the daughter of a socially conservative and religious Danish couple.
L'aube des zombies

L'aube des zombies

Dec 11, 1981
Un photographe et ses jeunes modèles font une séance photo non loin de la pyramide de Kheops lorsqu'ils tombent sur des pilleurs de tombes qui viennent de découvrir le tombeau maudit d'un roi égyptien. Son cadavre momifié y repose. Un fabuleux trésor serait caché quelque part dans le tombeau. Le photographe décide d'y faire poser ses modèles pendant que les pilleurs attendent leur départ afin de garder le trésor pour eux seuls.la chaleur des spots réveillent la momie qui elle même provoque le réveil de dizaines de zombies au beau milieu du désert. La momie et sa horde de zombis vont décimer la troupe et envahir le petit village...
Bloodsucking Freaks

Bloodsucking Freaks

Nov 03, 1976
Maître Sardu a des activités peu orthodoxes. Il anime un petit théâtre marginal où, le soir, se tiennent des spectacles mettant en scène des violences et des tortures. Le public est convaincu que tout cela est truqué. Mais il n'en est rien. Sardu et son âme damnée, le nain Ralphus, enlèvent des jeunes femmes et leur font, en fait, subir de véritables sévices....


Jul 27, 1973
A presidential advisor discovers that the President has assembled a secret army of vigilantes to suppress dissent and is setting up concentration camps in which to imprison protestors, hippies and other "social undesirables."
End of the Road

End of the Road

Feb 10, 1970
Jeune homme tourmenté, sujet à des crises de catatonie, Jacob est envoyé dans un institut psychiatrique où il est pris en charge par le Docteur D, un médecin aux méthodes peu orthodoxes. Une fois guéri, il trouve un emploi de professeur d'anglais. Il ne tarde pas à tomber amoureux d'une collègue, Rennie, qui est déjà mariée.
Odyssey : The Ultimate Trip
Odyssey relate trois percées intenses dans la libido américaine des 70’s: les fantasmes d’un homme marié perdu dans une maison de passe psychédélique, les émois d’une femme qui révèle ses frustrations à sa psychiatre et les illusions perdues d’un jeune mannequin, devenue escort girl par dépit amoureux.
New York Nights

New York Nights

Mar 01, 1984
Nine New Yorkers' successful lives all intertwined in a treacherous tale of passion, a game of seduction. The only rule; anything goes.
Chorus Call

Chorus Call

Apr 21, 1978
Cheryl Cooper is a dancer who wants a part, but is held back by the vindictive Bertha, a former partner. So Cheryl resorts to seducing Sidney, the director. Meanwhile, the sleazy producer Ed has sexual encounters with every woman he meets, while Manny, the financial backer, clashes off against Rue, an egoistical local talent agent who is trying to cast the popular Mona Randall for the lead in the play, while Mona has a meeting of minds and bodies with Manny's business partner, Frank, to ensure that she land the lead.
Who Killed Mary Whats'ername?
A prostitute is murdered on the streets of a tough, low-income neighborhood. A diabetic retired boxer who knew her is appalled by the lack of interest shown in the case by the police or anybody else in the neighborhood, and decides to investigate the case himself.


Jul 29, 1977
A composer's mind wanders into a bizarre, erotic fantasy world after being knocked out during a robbery.
Love in Strange Places
When Nurse Blue gets a job at the Hospital for the Sexually Insane, she knows she'll have her work cut out for her - after all, a ward full of orgasm addicts is enough to keep anyone's hands full. But when she arrives at the hospital the situation is crazier than she expected. The two directors of the hospital, Dr. Hook (John Holmes) and Dr. Fraud, practice a rather unusual form of therapy wherein sex is the key for recovery. Soon, Nurse Blue discovers that the hospital is filled with hysterical patients who believe they're doctors and nurses.
Sweet, Sweet Freedom

Sweet, Sweet Freedom

Mar 01, 1976
Faced with patients who die before they pay their bills, the staff at Carcinoma Hospital has hit on a novel way to keep the patients alive - dispensing hourly boffings so they'll have a reason to fend off the Grim Reaper. Naturally the nubile young nursing corps plays a big part in the plan, and the gorgeous Marlene Willoughby leads the white-clad sexual shock troops into carnal combat. And then there's the incompetent Dr. Mort, played by adult cinema legend big John Holmes. He brings his formidable uh, medical knowledge to keep a string of appreciative female patients in the land of the living.