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前田敦子 涙の卒業宣言! in さいたまスーパーアリーナ
Gyomu Renraku. Tanomuzo, Katayama Bucho! in Saitama Super Arena (業務連絡。頼むぞ、片山部長! in さいたまスーパーアリーナ, "Business Contract. I'll Ask, Katayama Director! in Saitama Super Arena") was AKB48's Spring Concert in 2012, held in Saitama Super Area. The concert was renamed after Maeda Atsuko's graduation announcement to Maeda Atsuko no Namida Sotsugyou Sengen! in Saitama Super Arena - Gyomu Renraku. Tanomuzo, Katayama Bucho! - (前田敦子の涙卒業宣言! in さいたまスーパーアリーナ ~業務連絡。頼むぞ、片山部長!~ "Maeda Atsuko's Graduation Declaration of Tears in Saitama Super Arena - Business Contract. I'll Ask, Katayama Director! - ") With the participation of SKE48, NMB48, HKT48, SDN48 and JKT48, 3 different shows were done in the time span of 3 days, from March 23 - March 25, 2012. This is the concert where Maeda Atsuko famously made her graduation announcement.
AKB48 リクエストアワー セットリストベスト100 2011
AKB48 Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2011 is AKB48's 4th Request Hour. A voting ticket was included in Beginner's limited edition. All songs out at the time of voting were available to vote, with the exception of the medleys in A3 and K3, Sakura no Hanabiratachi 2008, the Baby! Baby! Baby! remixes, AKB's cover of Idoling!!!'s Moteki no Uta, Ganbare!, 3seconds, Love Wars, and Stargazer.
Documentary Of AKB48 : To Be Continued - 10年後、少女たちは今の自分に何を思うのだろう?
This documentary follows the unstoppable all-female Japanese idol group, AKB48. With a complicated balance of competition and friendship among the members, their bond is strong. The footage was taken from over 1000 hours of recorded videos throughout 2010 and includes personal interviews with select members revealing each of the girls' struggle, joy, growth, and dream.
The movie focuses on the the graduation of the the previous General Manager Takahashi Minami and now Yokoyama Yui taking over. Furthermore, the sister groups HKT48 and NMB48 are gaining popularity. Also NGT48 make their debut and the rival group Nogizaka46 become a bigger and more threatening rival.
AKB48 in TOKYO DOME ~1830m no Yume~
AKB48 in TOKYO DOME ~1830 no Yume~ sont les concerts d'AKB48 au Tokyo Dome qui se sont tenus du 24 au 26 août 2012. Les DVD et les Blu-Ray de « AKB48 in TOKYO DOME ~1830m no Yume~ » sont disponibles en trois versions : la SINGLE SELECTION qui ne comprend que les performances des singles du groupe, et la SPECIAL BOX en édition limitée et normale qui comprend toutes les performances des 3 jours en 6 disques, le making-of et des séquences vidéo bonus, cinq photos, et un livret de 132 pages.
DOCUMENTARY of AKB48 1ミリ先の未来
"Documentary Of AKB48 : The Future 1mm Ahead" is the first AKB48 documentary which was aired on NHK. The movie feature various moments of 2010, such as the AKB48 Request Hour Setlist Best 100 2010, their Yokohama Arena concert, AKB48 Manseki Matsuri Kibou Sanpi Ryouron, Oshima Yuko winning the 2nd Senbatsu Election, their concert Surprise wa Arimasen, Ono Erena's graduation announcement,the 1st Janken Tournament, and Akimoto Sayaka resigning as Team K Captain.
AKB48グループ東京ドームコンサート ~するなよ?するなよ? 絶対卒業発表するなよ?~
AKB48's first solo Tokyo Dome concert! The new era of the AKB48 Group is so much fun! 3 years in a row Tokyo Dome concert. Held for 3 days, the first day is AKB48's first solo Tokyo Dome performance. And on the 2nd and 3rd days, about 300 members from 48 groups in Japan will make a total appearance! The theme of this stage is "school", and there are plenty of familiar uniform costumes as well as stage productions unique to the theme! Don't miss the jazz medley !! From the meaningful concert title, 3 hot and exciting performances that were held while calling various speculations will be released on DVD & Blu-ray !!!
AKB48 リクエストアワー セットリストベスト1035 2015
The AKB48 Request Hour Setlist Best 1035 2015 (AKB48 リクエストアワー セットリストベスト1035 2015) was held from January 21 to January 25, 2015 at Tokyo Dome City Hall. Fans made their voices heard by voting for their favorite AKB48/SKE48/NMB48/HKT48/SDN48/JKT48/SNH48 original songs, also including songs from solo and sub-units singles.
HUNTER - Sono Onnatachi, Shoukin Kasegi
Rei Isaka travaillait comme hôtesse de l'air, mais en raison de son age, elle est congédiée. Et c'est à ce moment que des collecteurs de dettes font irruption chez elle pour trouver sa soeur. Rei après avoir touché une récompense pour avoir stoppé un voleur à l'aéroport décide de gagner de l'argent de cette manière. Rei forme une équipe de chasseuse de prime avec une hôtesse de l'air junior et une femme au foyer et se met à la recherche de sa sœur pendant qu'elle chasse des primes.
Majisuka Gakuen

Majisuka Gakuen

Sep 06, 2020
Deux étudiantes, Atsuko Maeda et Onizuka Daruma, viennent d'être transférées lycée Majijo. Dans cette école, la violence et les combats sont courants parmi les yankees. Dès son arrivée, Daruma se fait remarquer et parvient à remporter son premier combat. Mais très vite, elle est remise rapidement à sa place par la Team Hormone. Au contraire, Maeda se montre discrète mais ne peut échapper à la violence quotidienne de son niveau lycée. Elle se retrouve malgré impliquer dans de nombreux combats, éveillant la curiosité du meilleur groupe de combat de Majisuka, Rappappa, et notamment de ses Quatre Reines...


Sep 14, 2013
Wakaba Mano et son mari Toru ont récemment acheté une maison et déménagé dans la banlieue de Tokyo. Dans cette nouvelle ville, Wakaba est déterminée à se fondre parmi les autres. Un jour, Wakaba rencontre Saito-san, une femme au foyer de 30 ans. Comme son mari est toujours à l'étranger pour affaires, elle est responsable de protéger l'avenir de son fils unique Junichi. Junichi va à la même école maternelle que Takeru, où d'autres parents semblent tous éviter Saito-san parce qu'elle est trop directe. Pour Saito-san, ce qui ne va pas est mal. Elle n'a jamais peur d'affronter les gens mal élevés. Le mode de vie de Saito-san, une mère célibataire juste et digne, influence progressivement Wakaba et les autres habitants de la ville.


Sep 24, 2019
AKBINGO! is a long-running variety show featuring Japanese idol group AKB48. Its opening theme song was the AKB48 single "Aitakatta" until 2016, when it was changed to an instrumental jingle. In each episode, members from AKB48, and sometimes its sister groups, participate in a series of games and activities. The show was hosted by owarai comedy duo Bad Boys, Omizo Kiyoto and Sata Masaki, until they were replaced by Woman Rush Hour, Muramoto Daisuke & Nakagawa Paradise, in July 2016. The show aired on "late night" Wednesdays until it was moved to "late night" Tuesdays in April 2013.
Mendol is the story of three girls named Asahi, Nami, and Hinata, aspiring idols who have repeatedly failed in their auditions. One day, they witness a serious crime, and they are forced to flee from the culprits. Fortunately, they are saved by a producer who is willing to let them debut, but they have to hide their true identities and dress up as boys instead.