Zdeněk Novotný

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Lásky mezi kapkami deště
Set in Prague during the years leading up to World War II, this family saga tells the story of a cobbler named Vincenc Bursik (Vladimir Mensik), who uproots his clan from the country to the city, only to suffer the loss of his wife and the failure of his shoe business within months. When his daughter moves away to go live with a wealthy businessman as his mistress, Vincenc is left to take care of his two sons, who spend their days in a secret garden vying for the affections of a teenage girl.
Nebeští jezdci

Nebeští jezdci

Dec 20, 1968
The story of Czech pilots in RAF service during the Battle of Britain, and the ongoing aerial battle in Northern Europe. It tells the story of the crews of the RAF’s No. 311 Squadron, which was mainly crewed by escaped Czech airmen, and their bombing raids during the Second World War.
Signum laudis

Signum laudis

Oct 31, 1980
The trenches of World War I provide for a captivating backdrop to the drama of Corporal Hoferik. In his devotion to the Habsburg Monarchy, he fanatically carries out his military orders, but he ultimately suffers the Empire's disfavor.
Kde řeky mají slunce
Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more old-fashioned time, the story centers around Lenka (Suzana Fisarskova), a young woman with a domineering, psychologically abusive father. When Lenka falls in love she suffers the ultimate injustice when her father and her family forbid her to marry the man. They see no advantage in such a union and want her to marry a wealthy local landowner instead, for obvious reasons. But Lenka is not as submissive as they think and she runs away to the city to look for the man she loves -- only to find a serious problem, though a surmountable one, is waiting for her.
Skok do tmy

Skok do tmy

Aug 28, 1964
Spring 1943: A three-member group of resistance fighters flies from a Soviet military airport into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to establish contacts with an illegal communist center in the occupied territory.
Kdyby tisíc klarinetů
A military base. An awkward soldier. A statue of Bach. And suddenly all guns in the area change into music instruments. Great mystery is immediately found by TV station. And soon the military base becomes a stage for huge TV show.
Monsieur, vous êtes veuve !
Après qu'un soldat ait coupé le bras du cousin du roi, celui-ci décide de désactiver l'armée. Bien entendu, les généraux n'apprécient pas du tout cette décision et tentent de tuer le roi. L'assassin doit être un corps artificiel ayant la forme de l'actrice Evelina Keleti et le cerveau de la tueuse en série psychotique Fany Stubová. Ils parviennent également à tuer l'astrologue du roi, Stuart Hample, qui met en garde le roi. Par accident, le cerveau de Hample est implanté dans le corps de l'assassin, l'actrice Keleti est tuée et le chaos commence.
Science Fiction
Pět mužů a jedno srdce
In modern hospitals are carried out intensive cardiac surgery. Daily operations individually comments attendant Cajthaml ... Stylized ,, dream "scene are combined with documentary footage of actual operations, which were filmed at the University Hospital in Hradec Králové. The unique cinematic experiment theater and TV director after only a few years remind viewers.


May 09, 1975
Le film de la Grande Guerre se déroule entre 1942 et 1943 et décrit l’histoire de la création d’une unité militaire en Union soviétique et de la participation de soldats tchèques et slovaques à des batailles sur le front oriental. Le titre a été conçu dans le cadre de la trilogie historique, les autres parties étant "Jours de trahison" et "Libération de Prague".
Rosa Luxembourg

Rosa Luxembourg

Apr 10, 1986
En décembre 1917, à la prison de Wronke, Rosa Luxembourg se souvient : 1906, déjà en prison, à Varsovie, l'exécution d'hommes dans la cour, son propre interrogatoire. 1899, Berlin : ses retrouvailles avec Léo Jogiches, son camarade de combat, son compagnon dans la vie. Lors de la soirée du jour de l'an, elle le présente aux dirigeants de la social-démocratie August Bebel, Karl Kautsky, mais évite le révisionniste Bernstein. 1910, Berlin : après une longue période d'activité révolutionnaire coupée d'emprisonnements en Pologne et en Allemagne, elle retrouve son amie Luise Kautsky. Puis, Léo arrive de Varsovie. Meetings et discussions théoriques de plus en plus vives s'enchaînent. L'amour et la politique s'emmêlent...
Kukačka v temném lese
Set in World War 2 as the Germans occupy Czechoslovakia, teenage Emilka's father is murdered by the Nazis, but she is selected for special treatment by virtue of being blonde. She is billeted with the commandant of a concentration camp near the Baltic coast, where his kindness towards her provokes his wife's jealousy, but is compromised when Emilka witnesses his brutality towards the prisoners.


May 14, 1971
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.