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The Body Beneath

The Body Beneath

Sep 29, 1970
A family of vampires takes over an estate known as Carfax Abbey. Since inbreeding is destroying the family line, they need new blood to keep the family going, so they set out to find new sources.


Oct 11, 1970
While living rough on the streets of London's East End, a young man named Dink encounters the mysterious Dee and they begin a relationship. When tenderness gives way to cruelty, they become consumed by darkness.
Bloodthirsty Butchers

Bloodthirsty Butchers

Jan 23, 1970
Sweeney Todd, a barber, and Maggie Lovett, a baker, join forces to commit a series of brutal, gory murders in London with a little help from Tobias Ragg, an employee of Maggie's bakery. They abduct a number of customers from the barber shop and kill them, baking them into meat pies which are sold to the public.


Feb 12, 1998
Jonathan Cake, Jemma Redgrave and Hugh Bonneville lead an outstanding cast in this mini-series tracing the turbulent political career and tempestuous private life of Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists during the 1930s. The mini series charts Mosley's rise to political notoriety through his personal life – from youthful rising star of the Conservative Party to potential leader of the Labour Party, and later abandonment of conventional party politics to become a figurehead of burgeoning fascism.
The Red Riding Trilogy: 1974
Dans le Yorkshire, la corruption généralisée des services de police fait régner la paranoïa et la méfiance. Un jeune journaliste, Eddie Dunford, tente de découvrir la vérité au sein du labyrinthe de mensonges de plus en plus complexe qui caractérise l'enquête de la police sur une série d'enlèvements d'enfants.
Go Now

Go Now

Sep 16, 1995
Nick, is a young Scottish soccer player living in the big city. He meets Karen, and the two fall in love and move in together. Soon after, Nick exhibits signs of serious illness. As his body slowly succumbs to multiple sclerosis, he experiences a wide sweep of jagged emotions, and in the process gives himself and those who love him the strength to carry on.
Coronation Street - The Feature Length Special
Some burning questions will be answered when five of our best loved Coronation Street characters embark upon the cruise of a lifetime. Will we see another side to Curly, Raquel, Rita, Mavis, and Alec as they enjoy the sunny Mediterranean cruising? Can the dark, starry nights on board the world's most romantic cruise-liner spark the passion in Curly and Raquel's difficult relationship or will they be sailing into troubled waters?
The Fifteen Streets

The Fifteen Streets

Jan 01, 1989
In northern England around 1900, the worker John O'Brien lives near poverty in a small house in the worker's district. He falls in love with Mary, the teacher of his highly intelligent younger sister Kathy and daughter of a rich family. Their love is doomed by the social difference, but the vigorous Mary refuses to allow outer circumstances destroying their love.


Apr 04, 1974
En 1911, alors qu'il ne sait pas qu'il ne lui reste que quelques jours à vivre, le compositeur autrichien Gustav Mahler, très malade, se remémore les grandes étapes de sa vie.
The Errand

The Errand

Jan 01, 1980
A soldier at an elite military institution is sent on a strange and increasingly nightmarish errand in this full-on fever-dream thriller from long-time Pete Walker collaborator David McGillivray (House of Whipcord).


Feb 06, 1996
A la fin du XIXe siècle, en Angleterre. Jude Fawley, un petit paysan, prend conscience qu'une promotion sociale passe obligatoirement par l'université. La première étape l'attend à Christminster, la ville voisine. Mais, avant même d'entreprendre le voyage, Jude cède aux avances d'Arabella, la fille d'un éleveur de porcs. Arabella tombe enceinte et Jude l'épouse. Puis Arabella quitte Jude pour l'Australie et le jeune homme rallie finalement les bancs de Christminster. Tout en étudiant, il gagne son pain comme tailleur de pierres. Il rencontre Sue, sa cousine, et en tombe bientôt profondément amoureux. L'union illicite des deux amants ne tarde pas à faire scandale...
The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
En Angleterre, Nicholas Nickleby, jeune homme sans fortune, essaye de se frayer un chemin dans la cruelle et injuste société victorienne. Son physique avenant, sa gentillesse et ses manières de gentleman sont des qualités appréciables, mais ces atouts seront-ils suffisants pour l'aider à affronter ce qui l'attend ?


May 11, 2001
En Europe, au XIVème siècle, William Thatcher est un modeste écuyer qui a un don inné pour l'équitation et les combats de joute, un talent qu'il décide d'exploiter après la mort de son maître Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein. Mais ne concoure pas qui veut dans les tournois, il faut être un noble. Il prend alors l'identité de son défunt seigneur et part sur les routes de France avec ses compagnons Roland et Wat. En chemin, William rencontre Geoffrey Chaucer, un écrivain errant qui lui fabrique de faux papiers. Ces documents falsifiés lui permettent de participer aux tournois disputés par les plus grands chevaliers. En peu de temps, il se fait remarquer par son agilité et multiplie les victoires. Il attire également l'attention de la belle Jocelyn et, malheureusement, du redoutable comte Adhemar. Ce dernier est jaloux de son succès et compte bien y mettre un terme.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
Inspecteur Frost

Inspecteur Frost

Apr 05, 2010
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur William Frost, plus connu sous le nom de Jack, dans la ville imaginaire de Denton. Ce veuf quinquagénaire, brillant policier de l'ancienne école, n'a pas son pareil pour résoudre les affaires les plus complexes. Il a reçu la plus haute distinction civile, la croix de Georges, pour avoir été imprudemment blessé par un homme armé alors qu'il sortait d'un bar et était ivre, le jour où il a appris que sa femme, qu'il comptait quitter, était atteinte d'un cancer en phase terminale. Souvent en conflit avec ses supérieurs, désordonné et allergique à la paperasse, il est réputé pour son fichu caractère. Bourru et prenant parfois quelque liberté avec les règlements ou les procédures, il fait toutefois preuve d'empathie avec les victimes et a bon cœur. Il est assisté dans ses enquêtes par différents sergents détectives qui apportent leur point de vue particulier à la résolution de l'affaire. L'humour anglais et le ressort comique de la série sont inscrits dans les relations entre Frost et le bureaucratique Superintendant Mullett.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Feb 08, 2004
Seven British construction workers escape Britain's ever growing dole queues and travel to Germany to work on a site in Dusseldorf. We follow their trials and tribulations of working away from home and away from the women they left behind.
Amandine Malabul

Amandine Malabul

Nov 23, 2010
Amandine Malabul est une jeune sorcière, qui va dans une école de sorcière, et se révèle très maladroite dans toutes les choses magiques qu'elle entreprend.
Crocodile Shoes

Crocodile Shoes

Dec 19, 1996
Crocodile Shoes is a British 7-part television series made by the BBC and screened on BBC One in 1994. The series was written by and starred Jimmy Nail as a factory worker who becomes a country and western singer. A sequel, Crocodile Shoes II followed in 1996 and the theme tune "Country Boy" was a hit for Nail too.


Dec 29, 1993
Jimmy Nail plays tough cop Spender, forced to return to his native Newcastle after a failed undercover operation in London. He uses tough and unconventional methods to tackle the criminal underworld, but he must also deal with the friends, enemies and family he left behind, and never expected to return to. Sammy Johnson played Spender's sidekick Stick, while Denise Welch played Spender's wife.
Parents of the Band

Parents of the Band

Jan 09, 2009
Parents of the Band is a 2008 British comedy television series, created by Jimmy Nail and Tarquin Gotch and shown on BBC One. The show stars Jimmy Nail, and is set around a teenage musical band, which each band member's parents are trying to manage.


Sep 01, 2000
Drama series about a police wildlife liaison officer and others who help him fight wildlife crime set in the rural county of Northumberland.
Moving On

Moving On

Mar 08, 2021
Moving On is a British television series set in contemporary Britain consisting of standalone dramas all sharing the theme of someone going through some kind of change in their life and moving on.
Running Wild

Running Wild

Jun 04, 1989
Sitcom about male mid-life crises. Max Wild longs to return to his 1950s Teddy Boy youth - but after living the life again, soon wants to return home.
Distant Shores

Distant Shores

Jun 27, 2008
Distant Shores is a dramedy first shown in the United Kingdom on ITV in January 2005. Like the similar fish out of water dramedies, Northern Exposure and Doc Martin, it focuses on the difficulties of an unwillingly-transplanted metropolitan doctor who is forced to adjust to a rural environment. The show's recurring cast is unusual for featuring major actors from three significant British franchises — Doctor Who, Blake's 7 and the James Bond film series. The programme itself is notable for being a rare example of a show to have an entire series shelved in its country of origin following the completion of post-production.
2point4 Children

2point4 Children

Dec 30, 1999
They're just your average family. Stressed mum Bill, daft dad Ben, and two troublesome teens. Plus just a few crazy ideas, escapades and mishaps. The classic 90s sitcom.


Mar 05, 1998
Sir Oswald Mosley was a man who should have ranked with the heroes of the century... Instead his personal life and public career ended in disgrace and Mosley is now remembered as the leader of a dictatorial populist movement in the decade before WWII.
The Royal

The Royal

Jul 31, 2011
Follows the staff and patients of a Yorkshire cottage hospital in the 60s, embroiled in tangled love lives and bitter power struggles.
The New Statesman

The New Statesman

Dec 26, 1992
The New Statesman is a British sitcom of the late 1980s and early 1990s satirising the Conservative government of the time.
The New Statesman

The New Statesman

Dec 26, 1992
The New Statesman is a British sitcom of the late 1980s and early 1990s satirising the Conservative government of the time.
The New Statesman

The New Statesman

Dec 26, 1992
The New Statesman is a British sitcom of the late 1980s and early 1990s satirising the Conservative government of the time.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.
Bad Boyes

Bad Boyes

Dec 22, 1988
Bad Boyes is a 1987 British children's comedy-drama television series produced by the BBC and which was aired on BBC One's afternoon CBBC slot for two series in 1987 and 1988. It was written by Jim Eldridge and starred Steven Kember as the eponymous hero, Brian Arthur Derek Boyes, a mischievous schoolboy who had a tendency to get himself into trouble and consequently had a series of misadventures.
Red Riding

Red Riding

Mar 19, 2009
Thrilling trilogy of films based on David Peace's cult noir novels about Yorkshire during the 1970s and 80s: a world of paranoia, corruption and the terrifying legacy of the Ripper murders.
Mission casse-cou

Mission casse-cou

Nov 01, 1986
Véritable tête brûlée de la police de New York, le lieutenant James Dempsey voit son coéquipier Joey mourir lors d'une opération contre des trafiquants de drogue et découvre que sa hiérarchie est complètement corrompue. En danger, il décide de partir en Angleterre et intègre une unité spéciale de la police britannique. Sa collaboration avec sa nouvelle partenaire, la très noble et un peu snob Harriet Makepeace, fait très vite des étincelles...
Action & Adventure