Xavier Castano

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The Queen

The Queen

Sep 15, 2006
Dimanche 31 août 1997. La princesse Diana meurt des suites d'un accident de voiture survenu sous le pont de l'Alma à Paris. Si cette disparition plonge la planète dans la stupeur, elle provoque en Grande-Bretagne un désarroi sans précédent. Alors qu'une vague d'émotion et de chagrin submerge le pays, Tony Blair, élu à une écrasante majorité au mois de mai précédent, sent instantanément que quelque chose est en train de se passer, comme si le pays tout entier avait perdu une sœur, une mère ou une fille. Au château de Balmoral en Écosse, Elizabeth II reste silencieuse, distante, apparemment indifférente. Désemparée par la réaction des Britanniques, elle ne comprend pas l'onde de choc qui ébranle le pays. Pour Tony Blair, il appartient aux dirigeants de réconforter la nation meurtrie et il lui faut absolument trouver le moyen de rapprocher la reine de ses sujets éplorés.
Deux Frères

Deux Frères

Apr 07, 2004
Nés au cœur de la jungle, deux petits tigres grandissent sous le regard bienveillant de leurs parents. Mais leur destin bascule par la faute des hommes. L'un se retrouve vedette de cirque sous le nom de Koumal. L'autre est baptisé Sangha par le fils d'un administrateur colonial qui en fait son animal de compagnie…
Le temps

Le temps

Jan 01, 1995
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
Les Fugitifs

Les Fugitifs

Dec 17, 1986
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
L'Écume des jours

L'Écume des jours

Jan 10, 2013
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
Jour 26

Jour 26

Jan 01, 1970
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.


Jun 21, 1991
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
Belle Maman

Belle Maman

Mar 10, 1999
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.


Aug 20, 1997
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
Tchao Pantin

Tchao Pantin

Dec 20, 1983
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
Jean de Florette

Jean de Florette

Aug 27, 1986
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.

May 24, 1993

Runaway Bay was a children's adventure television series, which ran from 1992 to 1993. The series followed a group of friends having adventures while living on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean. The show was principally produced by Lifetime Productions International Ltd with Ellipse Productions for the television networks Antenne 2, CBS Television, and Yorkshire Television. In the UK, the show was screened on ITV. The character of Shuku was one of Naomie Harris's first television roles.