Antonio Gandusio

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La bête se réveille

La bête se réveille

Jan 16, 1948
Victime d'une amnésie, un soldat allemand se retrouve dans la petite République de San Marin, à répandre le bien autour de lui...
Giorno di nozze

Giorno di nozze

Sep 28, 1942
Les Bonotti, famille romaine très modeste, envoient leur fille, Mariella, dans un collège de grand luxe et lui cachent leur pauvreté. Elle ne tarde pas à se fiancer au fils d'un riche financier. Les Bonotti vont alors tout faire pour ne pas dévoiler leurs origines.
Mille chilometri al minuto!
Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an improvised astrophysicist - the girl's father - who, together with another scientist, is about to take off in the direction of Mars aboard a missile.
Stasera niente di nuovo
A singer saves a heavy alcoholic journalist. Fate has a new meeting for them: the two are found in a police station where she was brought with the accusation of prostitution.
Gente dell’aria

Gente dell’aria

Mar 04, 1943
Two half brothers, one a pilot, the other a repairman at the plane factory of their father, are in a disagreement due to the envy of the younger brother, son of the first wife of their father. Then both brothers fall in love with the same woman; this causes more conflict between the two, making worse an already tense situation.
La vispa Teresa

La vispa Teresa

Sep 04, 1943
Alberto, son of a rich engineer, falls in love with Luisa, a ruthless manicurist who is only after his money. His parents offer him a holiday in Venice because they hope he will forget her. Alberto however leaves for Venice with Luisa, who has asked a friend of hers to take her place at the beauty parlour. Alberto's parents go there and mistake Teresa for Luisa. A series of misunderstandings ensues...