Keenan Arrison

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Shirley Adams

Shirley Adams

Oct 26, 2009
Shirley Adams spends her days caring for her disabled son, Donovan - he was shot in the back of the neck on his way home from school one afternoon over a year ago. Since then the Adams family has lost all their worldly possessions to medical bills. Shirley has no money, no job and no husband - he left. The shooter is one of Donovan's childhood friends. Her reaction to the betrayal is so overwhelming that she chooses not to tell Donovan in fear of further damaging his already unstable emotional state. Determined to make a change in their lives, Shirley actively decides to embrace their new circumstances, hoping that Donovan will follow her example.


Mar 08, 2024
By sending in their best “Selfie”, 12 Lucky winners are chosen to spend the weekend with TV star Adele on the cruise of a lifetime. Up-for-grabs is a retirement unit with a value of R7 million! The women compete in survivor-like games and quizzes to win the exclusive prize.


Dec 05, 2024
Paul Taylor, a middle-aged man, is devastated after losing something that meant the world to him. He decides to give up everything and to go and teach at a reform school for young teens in the hope he would come to understand the criminal mind of a child.
The Umbrella Men

The Umbrella Men

Sep 10, 2022
A ragtag bunch of musicians are forced to rob a bank during the Cape Town Minstrel Carnival in the hope they will save their iconic, but in-debt nightclub in the Bo Kaap.
The Fix

The Fix

Jun 23, 2024
When a troubled model takes a new drug at a party, she suffers a shocking transformation. Pursued by authorities and a dangerous gang, she hunts for a fix to reverse these effects, only to discover her mutations could save the human race.
Science Fiction
Herb & Moon

Herb & Moon

Dec 12, 2020
When a rebellious grandfather finds out he won’t spend Christmas with his granddaughter, he ‘breaks out’ of his old age home to see her.
Twee Grade van Moord

Twee Grade van Moord

Jul 22, 2016
An Afrikaans film. Two women, two murders. One homicide reflects the ultimate act of self-centredness, the other the greatest selfless act of them all.


Dec 01, 2017
Un groupe d'adolescents subit un terrible accident lors d'une balade et se retrouve piégé au fond d'un ravin.
Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider

Mar 05, 2018
Lara Croft, 21 ans, n'a ni projet, ni ambition : fille d'un explorateur excentrique porté disparu depuis sept ans, cette jeune femme rebelle et indépendante refuse de reprendre l'empire de son père. Convaincue qu'il n'est pas mort, elle met le cap sur la destination où son père a été vu pour la dernière fois : la tombe légendaire d'une île mythique au large du Japon. Mais le voyage se révèle des plus périlleux et il lui faudra affronter d'innombrables ennemis et repousser ses propres limites pour devenir "Tomb Raider"…
Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

Apr 27, 2021
The world's first feature to be created under lockdown, Cabin Fever had no crew and used no specialist movie equipment. A family flung to the far corners of the globe, reaching out across the void to find understanding and forgiveness.


Aug 05, 2021
When tomboy taxi-driver Ra'ida's rebellious younger brother Marid goes missing, she turns to her powerful family for help. She is determined to find out who killed her brother and ensure justice, above all, prevails.


Dec 11, 2021
Ra'ida est taxi régulière entre Atlantis et Cape Town. Lorsque son jeune frère Marid disparaît après un vol de drogue raté et que le corps de Marid est découvert par Ray, elle décide de découvrir ce qui lui est arrivé et cherche à se venger.
The Heart Is a Muscle

The Heart Is a Muscle

Feb 17, 2025
At a barbecue, Ryan’s five-year-old son briefly goes missing. Ryan’s violent reaction to this scare sets off a chain of events and unearths secrets from the past. A journey of self-discovery and forgiveness begins.
Fatal Seduction

Fatal Seduction

Aug 04, 2023
Une professeure mariée succombe à la tentation d'une relation passionnée avec un homme plus jeune, ce qui aura des conséquences tragiques et perverses sur son entourage.
Die Byl

Die Byl

Feb 18, 2025
The unit specializes in the investigation of serial murders and is led by Van der Bijl, a former murder and robbery detective who gained fame for his handling of several high-profile cases. Each episode focuses on a serial killer. The main character, Colonel Piet van der Bijl, also known as Die Byl, is loosely modeled on the famous ex-detective Piet Byleveld.
The Crown

The Crown

Dec 14, 2023
Cette série dramatique retrace les rivalités politiques, intrigues et événements qui ont marqué le règne de la reine Élisabeth II et la seconde moitié du XXe siècle.
Getroud Met Rugby

Getroud Met Rugby

Oct 09, 2012
Getroud met Rugby is a drama revolving around four stars of a Johannesburg rugby team and their wives as they become involved in various interconnected scandals.
The Wild

The Wild

Mar 28, 2013
THE WILD est un extraordinaire soap opéra Sud Africain alliant glamour, intrigues et passions dans l’extraordinaire beauté sauvage du Krufer park. Il a pour principal décor une vaste réserve abritant un luxueux hotel ; Le Dinaledi Lodge. C’est l'histoire de trois familles que tout oppose à priori : les Lebones, les Van Reenens et les Tladis. Ces différentes familles ont pourtant en commun un morceau de terre. En raison de nombreux conflits antérieurs, les familles ont du mal à instaurer cohésion et confiances entre elles, mais elles restent liées par: le « DINALEDI LODGE ». En effet, depuis des décennies les trois familles se disputent un lopin de terre très convoité pour sa beauté et sa richesse naturelle. Sur ce terrain un splendide lodge a été construit et les trois familles en assurent la gestion. Ce lodge, unique en son genre est réputé pour sa cuisine gastronomique, son champagne de qualité, son spa, ses safaris au coucher du soleil et ses chalets privés. Face à autant de succès, le lodge attire la convoitise des membres des différentes familles, qui veulent en faire une affaire familiale, excluant ainsi les autres.
Siende Blind

Siende Blind

Dec 15, 2020
A psychological profiler with the South African Police Service spends the lockdown with her family, and uses the time to revisit some cold cases. Startling new information leads her down a twisted trail through the history of her new in-laws. Soon she finds herself trapped between suspicion and doubt, with only her instincts to save the lives of her loved ones.


Jul 13, 2021
After experiencing an unspeakable tragedy, a young suburban couples move to the small coastal town of Swartwater. They soon become embroiled with the local population and their intrigues and realize that all is not as it seems.
Mince Jou Hare

Mince Jou Hare

Aug 12, 2024
Inspired by Worcester in the Western Cape, Mince Jou Hare follows Frieda as she quits her factory job to set up a hair salon in her home.