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Apr 15, 1983
22-year-old Hyodo Kiriko has never had non-monetary sex except for her first time, and now works as an escort girl, with dates arranged by phone. One day, a customer invites her to appear in a real behind-the-scenes video, after she starts appearing in an underground video. Then, by chance, she auditions for a movie and makes her debut as a new actress, but the underground video is also leaked, and she becomes a scandalous actress...
白衣物語 淫す!
A trainee has dream is to become a nurse and live a comfortable life. But that dream turns into a nightmare when she becomes the object of obsession for the sex crazed son of a major shareholder at the hospital where she works. When he is admitted to the hospital with alcohol poisoning, no nurse is safe! Will she escape his clutches or will she finally succumb to his amorous appetite?
女囚 檻

女囚 檻

Sep 16, 1983
A young woman who escaped from prison is eventually captured and brought back. The evil warden decides to make her a pet project and tries to break her down with torture, gang rape and by turning her friends against her.


Jun 24, 1983
A river crossing is blocked and various traveling couples are stranded at an inn. Everybody has their secrets and the police are looking for a suspect in their midst.


Jun 14, 1986
A new shogun is appointed to the throne when his brother dies. He find out that the former Shogun one of the women from his brothers harem became pregnant, but she escaped. The new Shogun would loose the throne if the child is a boy. Genshiro is doctor who, among other things, performs abortions, and is sheltering his love, another women who escaped from the harem. The new Shogun threatens to arrest the girl unless Genshiro hunts down the woman and aborts her child. Genshiro learns that the woman releases a "musky scent from her special area" when in ecstasy. Both Genshiro and his friend set out to find all the women of the former harem and have sex with them, by force if necessary.
L'Homme des passions

L'Homme des passions

Apr 12, 1986
Dans les années 50, l'histoire mouvementée d'un écrivain dispersé entre sa vie familiale, son travail et ses rendez-vous avec les nombreuses maîtresses qu'il entretient.
A woman frustrated by her fiancé reluctance for premarital sex sends her on a round of boozing and remembrances of bad sexual encounters. Meanwhile someone is drugging young men late at night and doing unspeakable things to them.
Bioman 2- Le Film

Bioman 2- Le Film

Jul 18, 1987
Le prince Igam rend visite à Léla, une sirène à la voix douce et mélodieuse… La douceur apparente d’Igam n’est que supercherie et c’est aidé du monstre Hon Dracula qu’elle réussi à provoquer un terrible tremblement de terre grâce au jumelage des ondes de Leila et du monstre. Les Maskman devront relever un double défi, celui de sauver Léla au coeur d’or ainsi que renvoyer les troupes de Zehba au fin fond des ténèbres!


Oct 06, 1979
In 1979 Toei president Shigeru Okada saw the future. More precisely, he saw Walter Hill's The Warriors in the US prior to its Japanese opening. Okada rushed back to make his own version. "Towards the 80! Our era! Now filming!" the trailer exclaimed. The plot is roughly the same as in The Warriors except this time the chased gang has to make it from Kobe to Tokyo and the leader's got the enemy's sister handcuffed to him. Hardly great cinema, but undeniably entertaining with frantic pacing, loads of music and even a massive roller blade street chase! As a vision of future, it wasn't too far off if the future was defined as 80s rock, bad fashion and comic book films.
Bioman 2 : Maskman

Bioman 2 : Maskman

Feb 20, 1988
L'empire souterrain Tublar envoie la princesse Laru dans le monde extérieur pour espionner le projet Maskman. Mais sa mission échoue et elle tombe amoureuse de Red Mask. À la suite de cette amourette, elle est capturée par l'empire souterrain qui la juge pour trahison et est enfermée dans un cercueil de glace par l'empereur Zēba. Désormais, les Maskmen utiliseront tout leur savoir pour vaincre le Tublar et délivrer Laru.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Supernova Flashman

Supernova Flashman

Feb 21, 1987
Cinq jeunes Terriens enlevés par des extra-terrestres nommés Xéno-captors sont secourus par les Flashors, natifs du système de l'étoile Flash. Élevés chacun sur une planète différente du système, ils développent des aptitudes surhumaines. Vingt ans plus tard, lorsqu'ils apprennent que l'empire de Reconstruction expérimentale Mess se prépare à envahir la Terre, et contre l'avis des Flashors, ils volent un vaisseau et regagnent leur planète natale afin de la défendre en tant que Flashmen.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy