Владимир Чуприков

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Apr 28, 2011
Gopnik Vasya from a provincial town by chance becomes Robin Hood, fighting against parochial corruption, as is known, the main enemy of our vast homeland.


Oct 15, 2009
Michal Michalych who almost felt like "had it all" suddenly meets a young girl who never ate "crawfishlike"...


Jun 06, 2008
Alexandre Koltchak (1874 -1920) était officier de marine et océanographe, il a participé à plusieurs expéditions polaires pour l'Académie des Sciences de Russie, une île porte son nom. Après ses exploits militaires pendant la guerre russo-japonaise de 1904-1905, il participe à la rénovation de la flotte russe et est nommé vice-amiral en 1916. Après la Révolution d'octobre il devient ministre de la guerre du gouvernement anti-bolchevique créé à Omsk. En décembre 1918 (et donc après l'exécution de Nicolas II), il est nommé Commandant suprême de la Russie. En janvier 1920 il est livré aux bolcheviks et fusillé. Sa maîtresse, Anna Vassilievna Timiriova, qui avait 19 ans de moins que lui, lui a survécu 55 ans.
The Snow Queen: La reine des neiges 2
Après leur victoire sur la Reine des Neiges, les trolls ont pris goût à la liberté. Le troll Orm, qui a joué un rôle crucial dans cette victoire, est depuis devenu un héros. Mais cela ne lui suffit pas ! Il embellit toujours plus les récits de ses exploits, quitte à s’éloigner sérieusement de la vérité. Il va même jusqu’à prétendre qu’il a lui‐même vaincu la Reine des Neiges et qu’il est donc destiné à épouser la princesse et à hériter de ses richesses et de son pouvoir… Jusqu’où ses histoires le mèneront‐elles ? C’est au cours d’une aventure animée et périlleuse qu’Orm va comprendre que les amis, le bonheur, et le grand amour ne s’obtiennent jamais par la tromperie…
Трасса М8

Трасса М8

Dec 18, 2008
Young and talented programmers Andrey and Marina have created a unique computer program of great commercial value. By a tragic coincidence, Marina dies. To complete the program, Andrey needs an access key for Marinin. Andrey is faced with the task of unraveling the secret of Marina's key. Only one photo serves as a clue - a photo of Jose, an old friend of Andrei and uncle Marina. In search of a clue, Andrei sets off on the road along the M-8 Highway, which leads to Vologda, where Jose lives. Lena, the lover of an oligarch who wants to take over the program, becomes Andrey's fellow traveler. On their trail are several more interested persons: a former "super agent", a gangster music lover, a distraught politician, stoned bikers and many others.
Обратный отсчет
There will be an explosion exactly in 48 hours in Moscow. The information was provided by an agent who was killed this very second. All departments of special ops work on it, but the only hope is for recently organized independent team. They are a hacker girl who once broke thru Pentagon servers, a former special ops officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight... And the Chief who got them all together and learned how to control them. Only this team is able to figure it out WHO, and most importantly WHERE, by knowing just WHEN...
Gagarine : First in space
Le mercredi 12 avril 1961, pour la première fois, un homme voyage dans l’espace. C’est un citoyen soviétique ; son nom : Youri Gagarine.Découvrez pour la première fois la véritable histoire de l’une des plus grandes légendes du XXème siècle !
Холодное танго
By miracle he avoided death and returns to the house where he was born. In the house now lives the love of his life. But the hope for happiness turns sour with a terrible discovery: his beloved is the daughter of his enemy.
L'Araignée Noire

L'Araignée Noire

Nov 28, 2019
L’histoire vraie de l'emblématique gardien de but russe Lev Yachine. Largement considéré aujourd'hui comme le plus grand gardien de but de l'histoire du football, les aspirations de Yachine ont été considérées comme insensées, et comme rien de plus qu'un passe-temps chronophage. Malgré la pression de ses parents pour obtenir un emploi stable en tant qu'ouvrier d'usine, Yachine est accepté comme réserve pour l'équipe nationale russe, les Dynamos.


May 20, 2006
A few summer days of three ordinary Moscow girls on the threshold of adulthood. Farewell to childhood in schoolyards and entrances of sleeping areas, where everything is for the first time and the world is just beginning - from secretly purchased cigarettes and cans with gin and tonic to an adult passport, first love and almost real tragedies.


Aug 18, 2018
The Last Days of the Soviet Union. A half-empty plane leaves for the night flight. The commander of the ship learns that his wife, flight attendants Tatiana, have an affair with the co-pilot. At this time, Tatiana discovers that one of the passengers of the ship is preparing to detonate a bomb in order to send a message to Gorbachev.
Невеста на заказ
Oleg has long understood that it is impossible to meet the girl of his dreams in this crazy world, but the hope for a miracle still glows in his heart. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to arrange his personal life, the young man turns to a marriage agency
Без вины виноватые
In a small provincial town, a famous actress comes on tour, who once fled from here from the shame of unhappy love. Many years ago, she was forced to leave her illegitimate son to raise strangers. Therefore, when a talented and reckless young actor appears on the way of a now rich and famous woman, she certainly wants to help him. The actress begins to take an active part in the fate of the young man.
Russian Raid

Russian Raid

Oct 01, 2020
Nikita, ancien agent des forces spéciales russes, est missionné pour trouver une faille dans la sécurité d’une usine sur laquelle l’organisation secrète qui l’emploie veut mettre la main. Avec son groupe de combattants surentraînés, il va devoir affronter le propriétaire du site, un chef de guerre lié à l’armée russe et à la Nomenklatura.


Jun 23, 2014
The movie tells about the young woman in modern Moscow which is compelled to survive in the conditions of the rigid competition not only at work, but also in private life. The heroine doesn't manage to hear the desires in continuous vanity and diligence to keep in the megalopolis. Hurrying on protection of the project on which its future career depends, it nearly doesn't force down the small child who oddly has appeared on the carriageway. In attempt to find his parents, the heroine encounters a number of mystical coincidence, which lead to irreparable consequences. She gets up before a choice to live further or to lose everything and to remain the human.
Экипаж 3,14

Экипаж 3,14

Jan 24, 2020
Misadventures of a police crew in the snowy Russian province. There is a folk superstition - "if a chill runs over the body then the death passed by....". Will the policemen deceive the destiny? Is it worth believing in superstitions?
Un espion ordinaire

Un espion ordinaire

Jan 24, 2020
1960. Modeste représentant de commerce anglais, Greville Wynne se retrouve plongé au cœur de la guerre froide. À la demande du MI-6 et de la CIA, il noue une alliance aussi secrète que périlleuse avec le colonel soviétique Oleg Penkovsky. Objectif : fournir les renseignements nécessaires aux Occidentaux pour éviter un affrontement nucléaire et désamorcer la crise des missiles de Cuba. Il entame alors une série d'allers-retours entre Londres et Moscou en prenant de plus en plus de risques…
Гости из прошлого
Moscow, year 1982. Scientist Matvey Pyotrovsky creates a time machine and conducts a scientific experiment, which divides the apartment in two parts. It's first part is left in the 80-s with the professor, while the second one is transported to year 2020 to a modern family: businessman Sergey, his wife Svetlana and daughter Kristina. This kind of coliving creates a lot of trouble for everybody, since layering of two times means each of the families has lost access to the other part of the apartment. But problems don't end there: inventor's grandson Pavel, after waiting for 38 years, tries to prevent one tragic incident.
Как извести любовницу за семь дней
Anya is a mother of many children. Yana is a convinced childfree. They have diametrically different ideas about happiness, but the same - about friendship. Together with kindergarten, they cannot imagine life without one another and have long resigned themselves to the fact that they will never understand each other in family matters. The status quo lasts thirty years... until this story begins.


Dec 12, 2024
Victor Gromov, once a legend of Moscow’s criminal underworld known under the nickname “Butcher”, has since retired and now spends his days enjoying life on his farm. One day, Victor’s former “colleagues” show up and tell him that he must store the mafia’s common fund in his offshore bank account. Victor has no choice but to help them. Several months later, on the day when he is supposed to give the money back, Victor gets hit on the head by a falling billboard. As a result, he forgets the password to his bank account. Fleeing for his life from his former cronies, Victor decides to hide in a freight train’s boxcar but ends up getting locked inside. The train departs, and several days later he finds himself thousands of kilometers away from Moscow, in a small northern town called Polyarny, which, as it turns out, is not so easy to get out of...