Jaci Twiss

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Les Hommes de mes rêves
Ethan Reed est un jeune écrivain en difficulté. Il rencontre Jesse, serveuse dans le café où il s'est arrêté, et tombe sous son charme. Après le départ d'Ethan, Troy Parker entre dans le café et est à son tour séduit par Jesse. La jeune femme semble avoir trouvé l'homme idéal deux fois dans la même journée...
Turn Around

Turn Around

Oct 02, 2007
Based on the story of Alma the Younger. Sara is at the top of her game. She has the chance to be chosen for an elite summer tennis program, but her hopes are dashed unexpectedly by the one person no one likes - Colton. Colton is at the bottom of life, constantly leading others away, hurting people, giving no one respect, and making fun of other teens for going to church. But then his parents pray for some intervention in his life. When he's partying one night, Colton ends up in a car wreck with Sara, and goes through an experience that changes him. But facing life after you've done everything wrong can sometimes be the hardest step, and Colton must find a way to prove to everyone - especially to Sara - that he's changed.
One Shot

One Shot

Oct 07, 2014
Coincé derrière les lignes ennemies, un tireur d'élite combat une armée extraterrestre impitoyable... tout en tentant paradoxalement de protéger une envahisseuse.
Science Fiction


Apr 29, 2008
Megan Hughes and two of her coworkers' plane crashes on a business trip. They finds themselves stranded on an island. Now isolated from civilization, Magan embarks on a journey to discover what it means to be rescued.
Fusion obsessionnelle

Fusion obsessionnelle

Jun 04, 2016
Après quelques mois de vie commune avec Nicole, Mark décide de la demander en mariage devant tout un auditoire convié pour les trente ans de celle-ci. Elle accepte et rencontre par la même occasion, pour la première fois, la demi-soeur de son fiancé, Audrey. Très vite, celle-ci, qui entretient une relation fusionnelle avec son demi-frère, parvient à se montrer indispensable pour l'organisation du mariage, qui n'a lieu que trois semaines plus tard. Elle s'installe donc chez les futurs mariés et gagne rapidement la confiance de Nicole.
La petite fille aux miracles
Julie Taylor a une vie de famille très difficile. En effet, déjà mère d'une fille et d'un garçon, elle est désireuse d'avoir d'autres enfants. Hélàs, elle accouche pour la troisième fois d'un bébé mort-né... Cette nouvelle perte lui fait abandonner sa foi en Dieu et en son couple car elle décide de divorcer de son mari. Un jour, Riley, son ainée, découvre peu après la mort de son grand-père un passage vers le Paradis.
The Jerk Theory

The Jerk Theory

Feb 05, 2009
An aspiring recording artist, Adam, is burned by a bad relationship experience and decides that if women won't respond to the "nice guy" then he'll be "the jerk." This is wildly successful with meaningless relationships, but when Adam meets and falls for Molly, who doesn't fall for his jerk routine, Adam is forced to reconsider his dating philosophy.
Le Père Noël d'à côté
Alors que les fêtes de Noël approchent, une jeune femme au chômage devient l'assistante d'un homme dont le travail consiste à venir secrètement en aide aux autres.


Feb 19, 2011
When an esteemed scientist is kidnapped, a covert agent is sent out to retrieve him and must confront several obstacles before reaching her ultimate nemesis.
Island of Grace

Island of Grace

Aug 11, 2009
Between the so called restrictions of her faith and the so-called freedom of the world, Megan Hughes favors the world. Things change drastically, however, when her plane crashes on a business trip. Along with two of her co-workers -the arrogant office crush Mark Taylor, and the office nobody Chris Russell - she finds herself stranded on an island. Now isolated from civilization, Megan embarks on a journey to discover what it really means to be rescued.  That’s right: Island of Grace (Rescued 2008) has a twin! All they had to do was change some of the evangelical themes to Mormon themes. But also for some bizarre reason, they changed all the names of the cast members, even though they are the same people. Apparently they thought that by changing the names, you would never know this was the same movie.


Jun 01, 2008
In the Bible, Saul persecuted Christ's church and its followers. Overcome parallels this story. Set in modern day, a young man in high school mistreats anyone good around him, until he has a fateful accident which changes his life. Now he must make amends to all those around him, and try to become the person he knew he should have been the whole time. That’s right: Overcome (Turn Around 2007) has a twin! All they had to do was change some of the evangelical themes to Mormon themes. But also for some bizarre reason, they changed all the names of the cast members, even though they are the same people. Apparently they thought that by changing the names, you would never know this was the same movie.