Nunzia Fumo

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Perfide.... ma belle

Perfide.... ma belle

Dec 12, 1958
Michele est amoureux d"Angelantonia, une fille au caractère léger: habitué à la voir satisfaite à chaque caprice, elle n'a pas appris à se comporter sérieusement. Le père de la fille étant opposé au mariage entre les deux jeunes gens, Michele est contrainte de quitter le pays et se rend à Naples à la recherche de travail.
Voyage avec Anita

Voyage avec Anita

Jan 05, 1979
En se rendant au chevet de son père mourant, un homme rencontre une actrice américaine avec qui il a une relation.
La Maison du sourire

La Maison du sourire

Mar 01, 1991
Un couple de septuagénaires est attiré l'un par l'autre dans une maison de retraite, mais l'institution et leurs compagnons de route désapprouvent leur relation.
Se lo scopre Gargiulo

Se lo scopre Gargiulo

May 15, 1988
Mariée à l'héritier d'une famille huppée de Naples, une infirmière plonge soudain dans le milieu de la pègre locale pour sauver son père d'une dette de jeu.
Uno strano tipo

Uno strano tipo

Feb 28, 1963
Peppino, a slow-witted local villager of the Italian resort town of Amalfi, is bribed to impersonate famed rock and roll star Adriano Celentano for autographs and personal appearances. While Celentano tries to romance Emanuela Mazzolani, the daughter of a well-to-do resident who dissaproves of the union between his daughter and the man he thinks of as a "punk", Peppino, unaware of the true nature of his job to impersonate Celentano, tries to deal with his girlfriend's newborn baby which gets switched around between him and Celentano.
Parigi o cara

Parigi o cara

Dec 05, 1962
Parigi O Cara is probably the most camp in the history of Italian cinema, certainly a favourite with the GLBT community who quote its lines by heart. Unique as it's the only film where Franca Valeri (now 90) is the unquestioned star, in the role of Delia, a snobbish, stingy prostitute who is moving to Paris looking for greener and more lucrative pastures. An anti-neorealist, amoral, almost abstract comedy, which anticipates Almodóvar, a ferocious, though gentle, non-moralistic portrayal of the 60's boom and its broken dreams. The dialogue between Delia and her brother (played by Fiorenzo Fiorentini), when he does (or does not) tell her he is a homosexual, is memorable, a primordial coming-out, a masterpiece of allusions. But what makes it one of the first examples of a film with a "gay point of view" is the approach: perceptive, non-conformist, caustically witty. A film ahead of its times, still unbeaten.


Apr 06, 1990
Misery money-lender Arpagone is looking to arrange three weddings simultaneously - to cut down on costs. One for himself and the others for his two children. Of course he doesn't approve of the choices his son and daughter have made and conspires to arrange more well to do spouses against their will. However, fate will prove itself to be on the side of true love, not of the greedy.
Così parlò Bellavista
In Naples, Professor Bellavista is a retired man, passionate about the philosophy and thought of Ancient Greece. Every day, in his luxurious apartment, he teaches his lessons of life to the poor-nothing (his friends), who are dazzled by his reasoning. One day, however, the quiet life of the building of Bellavista will be disturbed by the arrival of a director of Milan. Between Naples and Milan there contrast, because the Neapolitans are accustomed to enjoy a quiet life, always based on the "philosophy of pleasure and delay", while the northern Italians are very strict and punctual.
Il Mistero di Bellavista
A doorman and a street cleaner, intrigued by the passage of Halley's Comet, ask Professor Bellavista if they can observe the sky through his telescope. The two, instead of observing the comet, end up framing a window of the apartment opposite and believe they have discovered a crime. So they set out in search of the body.
La Peau

La Peau

Aug 27, 1981
Naples libérée est offerte sans coup férir aux soldats américains. La guerre a opéré son œuvre et la bassesse des uns spécule sur la misère des autres, la faim pousse beaucoup de napolitains à la prostitution.