Jin Bong-jin

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겨울여자 2부

겨울여자 2부

Mar 19, 1983
Li-hwa graduates college and becomes a reporter. On a rainy day, she remembers an old boyfriend, Suk-gi. She goes to Eroika to look for him. Instead, Li-hwa meets Suk-gi's friend, Su-hwan, and she falls in love with him. On the other hand, while on a story, Li-hwa meets Kwang-jun who is a night teacher. She is drawn to his sincere humanity. As time passes, Kwang-jun comes to know Li-hwa's feelings. Together, they help children and offer guidance to prostitutes. Kwang-jun and Li-hwa have true love for each other but they part when Kwang-jun's non-permitted building is demolished. Hyun-wu ended up as a mental patient from the shock he received from his mother's scandalous behavior. He meets Li-hwa and receives her devoted care. Finally, Hyun-wu recovers completely and the two confirm their love. And the next day, Hyun-wu returns to society as a healthy man.
Finger of Doom

Finger of Doom

Apr 14, 1972
La technique du "finger of doom" consiste à planter une petite pointe dans la nuque pour transformer une personne en zombie et pouvoir la contrôler. Deux soeurs ennemies ayant appris cette technique avec le même maître se combattent avec le concours de 3 frères qui vivaient cachés du monde des arts martiaux.


Sep 22, 1972
After the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, Iljimae, a master of the interlaced sword method, heads to Japan to find the national treasure, the Cheonryongsword, which was robbed by the Japanese pirate Kuroda. Around this time, there were two more men looking for Kuroda, one of them was Ma-cheol, a one-armed swordsman who lost his left arm due to Kuroda's trick, and the other was Kuroda's henchman Okamodo, who lost his newlywed wife and even lost his own eyes. This is Yoshiyama, the swordsman who lost his mind. At first, the three knights, who met by chance, were wary of each other for their own goals, but were captured by Kuroda's persistent pursuit. In the end, after a bloody fight, they succeed in revenge, and Iljimae returns home with the recovered Cheonryongsword.
당신만을 사랑해
Seung-Hye (female), who has her dream to become a good singer, comes to Seoul and becomes acquainted with Mr. Lee, a bandmaster. Mr. Lee gives her a recommendation letter to introduce her to SeonWoo Kang, a composer. At that time, he intends to retire from pop song world owing to his incurable disease. She is helped by him, and he is also attracted by her beautiful voice to let her become a top class singer. Both love each other. He expedites his death owing to overwork, and finally dies at a hospital in the evening when her recital is held.


Feb 23, 1973
Hwang Yong lost his father by Japanese army when he was a little boy. He is making a living by killing people as a hired killer when he is asked to find out a buddhist statue from Independence Army. He goes to a pub to kill Wang Pung, the statue is not there, though. Inevitably Hwang Yong has to live in that pub where he falls in love with a barmaid Wi-Rang. But Kaneda and his gang kill Wi-Rang when Hwang Yong is out of the pub. Hwang Yong happened to know that Kaneda is the very Japanese who killed his father when he goes to Kaneda's haunt to defeat them in anger. He takes a vengeance on him and gives Independence fund disguised as a buddhist statue back to the Independence Army. He quietly dies after disclosing he is Korean, too.
월녀의 한

월녀의 한

Jun 14, 1980
A woman is tricked into betraying her lover and her father is slain. She throws herself into a lake, but the legendary spirit inhabiting the lake takes possession of her body.
The Thunderbolt Fist

The Thunderbolt Fist

Dec 30, 1972
L'époque : quelques années après la révolution chinoise de 1911. Le lieu : la Chine du Nord, les envahisseurs japonais commencent à s'y infiltrer. La situation : un expert vicieux en judo, cherche à prouver que les Chinois sont les "malades de l'Asie" en tuant tous leurs meilleurs artistes martiaux grâce à des tournois dangereux. Pour sauver son fils, le maître de l'école de boxe chinoise Ping Pai envoie son fils dans la montagne auprès d'un ami aussi expert en kung fu.
미녀 공동묘지

미녀 공동묘지

Jul 13, 1985
At the end of Koryo dynastry, Hyang-seon, the daughter of Master Song, had been chosen to be the Crown Prince's wife. Under the orders of Master Kim, Mi-kwang attacks and violates Hyang-seon on her way back from praying to Buddha. Hyang-seon kills herself. Due to this incident, both of Hyang-seon's parents are bestowed the King's poison (the death penalty). A struggle breaks out between undertaker and grave robbers over the wealthy dowry. Meanwhile, Mi-kwang asks for the hand of Ie-hwa, daughter of Master Kim. However, Mi-kwang dies because of Master Kim. Master Kim's wife dies when a snake comes out of the wedding presents and bites her. Ie-hwa is chosen to be the Crown Prince's wife. The day before she is to meet the queen, Hyang-seon's ghost appears at the house of Master Kim and has her revenge. Master Kim is killed. Now aware of the full story, Ie-hwa stands before her parent's graves and Hyang-seon's grave where she asks for Hyang-seon's forgiveness.


Jun 29, 1972
Plotting to obtain the Yen family's land, dastardly Japanese plutocrat Omura bribes Yen nephew Hsu Chien to steal the family seal and land deed. When Hsu Chien is caught in the act, he viciously beats elderly Master Yen to death to cover his actions. Determined to avenge the wrongs committed on his family and his country, young master Yen Tzu Fei blazes a knife-throwing path of revenge that leads him to his love Yue Hua's father, who has corrupt connections with the Japanese
Duo Mortel

Duo Mortel

Dec 22, 1971
Sous la dynastie des Sung, un prince est capturé par les ennemis Ching qui ont envahi le nord de la Chine et convoitent le royaume. De courageux chevaliers patriotes, menés par Ti Lung, vont tenter de le soustraire à ses ravisseurs avec l’aide d’un redoutable épéiste (David Chiang) rencontré en chemin.
Broken Oath

Broken Oath

Dec 03, 1977
Une jeune femme est violée par une bande dont le chef a été éborgné. Envoyée dans une île prison, elle donne naissance à une fille qui sera élevée par des moines. 20 ans plus tard, la belle quitte l'ordre religieux qui l'a initié aux arts martiaux et s'en va à la quête de la bande responsable de la déchéance de sa mère. Durant ses pérégrinations, elle rencontre d'autres personnes qui aimeraient bien faire la nique à l'odieux général.
Bruce Lee n'a pas de rival
Une organisation criminelle prévoit de dépenser 10 millions de dollars en armes pour étendre son pouvoir. Un homme, Dae Ho, va s'interposer et combattre le chef de cette organisation...


Mar 23, 1976
Returning to his home after serving a prison term, Ma-Ryong gets angry because his wife became a whore. But he forgives her past and hands $100,000 which he got as a bonus from a secret mission he was to take, telling her to go to a remote place with his mother. In the meantime, Ma-Dae, a boss of Hong-Kong operating criminal organization, is negotiating with Sasaki in Japan for purchase of some firearms. Ma-Ryong is to execute this secret mission. With the Interpol's intervention, Ma-Ryong is to break up the Sasaki gang with Dae-Ho.
All Men Are Brothers

All Men Are Brothers

May 10, 1975
All Men Are Brothers est la suite directe de The Water Margin. Les “108 Bandits” poursuivent leur lutte contre le pouvoir corrompu. Leurs aventures les conduiront notamment à infiltrer une ville fortifiée et à attaquer une forteresse à flanc de mer…


Sep 25, 1976
A man seeks revenge on his enemy who kidnapped and raised his child many years ago.
Six Assassins

Six Assassins

Mar 25, 1971
Mu Jin-jia (Ling Yun) sous la direction du ministre Ruan, rassemble une équipe d'assassins pour mettre fin aux méfaits du frère de l'empereur, l'ignoble Seigneur Li Ming.


May 18, 1974
An abusive man murders his wife and father-in-law then accuses Mok-ryeon, his sister-in-law's boyfriend, of the crime. Mok-ryeon escapes custody and with his girlfriend, flees the village pursued by the killer who in turn is chased by vengeful spirits.
속 여수 407호

속 여수 407호

Apr 17, 1976
Japan conquers China just before WW2 starts. Chinese women are captured and placed in concentration camps, where they are tortured and humiliated. Some try to escape incurring enormous risks, and death if they fail.
Le Règne par le sabre
927 après Jésus Christ. L'ancien Royaume de Corée est sur le point de tomber aux mains d'envahisseurs étrangers. Une farouche guerrière part en croisade afin de sauver le dernier membre de la famille royale encore en vie, le prince Dae Jung-hyun...


Feb 12, 1983
A young South Korean woman moves to an isolated mountain village, where all of the villagers are related except for a mysterious vagabond, to take up her first teaching post.


Jun 09, 1990
Two North Korean terrorists posing as Japanese tourists under the names of Shin Icho and Ma Yumi, blow up a Korean Airline flight enroute to Baghdad. When investigators catch up with the two in Bahrain, they take suicide pills but Ma Yumi is revived and forced to stand trial for her crimes.
흡혈귀 야녀

흡혈귀 야녀

May 09, 1981
Won Sa-yong kills his friend to take the latter's girlfriend, Seol-hie. Seol-hie is not happy with this situation and bites her own tongue off and bleeds to death. Ten years later, she reappears as a vampire and attempts to destroy Sa-yong and his family.
공포의 이중인간
On a rainy and windy day, an experiment to bring a dead man back to life in a laboratory of a mental hospital. Dr. Jeong was not hesitant about killing innocent people for the experiment, and his helpers, Junsu and Ilsu, were going to hoard the data secretly. The experiment was performed successfully at last, and Dr. Jeong went to Mountain Odae with Ilsu and dug up the grave of Ono to retrieve the corpse. Ono had blackmailed a large amount of diamonds in China during wartime, and Dr. Jeong wanted to bring Ono, who was the only person who knew where the diamonds were, back to life. However, his method of restoring life, which was putting the soul of a man near death into the body of the dead man, made a double-faced man, who had separated body and soul. And Dr. Jeong was killed by the double-faced man he made.
김마리라는 부인
When viewed in public, the Kim's seem to have the perfect marriage. In private, however, their married life is filled with turbulence, fighting, cheating, and accusations.
바람 바람 바람

바람 바람 바람

Jun 11, 1983
Disgusted with the behavior of his young step-mother, Sang-tae does a little digging into her past and discovers, among other things, that she may have killed her former lover.
Shing le fantastique Mandchou
Yuan, disciple de Shaolin, part a la poursuite de Su, un ancien élève de Shaolin vendu aux Manchoues et qui vient de détruire le temple avec son armée. Sur son chemin, il rencontre Ping, un aventurier a la recherche de l'assassin de son frère, et Chang See, un lettré qui possède un moyen de mettre en déroute l’armée manchoue.


Oct 14, 1971
After a trio of rogues murder her sister and leave her nephew for dead, a skilled swordswoman seeks revenge upon them and soon discovers she has a dismaying connection to the main culprit.


Dec 30, 1976
A misguided youth falls into the bad company of an underground brothel syndicate but redeems himself on discovering that his mother was murdered by the syndicate's female boss.
La Main de fer

La Main de fer

Apr 28, 1972
Le jeune Chi-hao est envoyé en ville pour s'entraîner sous la direction d'un maître d'arts martiaux réputé. Affecté dans un premier temps aux tâches domestiques, il acquiert progressivement les bases d'un style de combat qui pourrait faire de lui le vainqueur potentiel d'un tournoi très attendu. Mais un chef de clan sans scrupules, accompagné de son fils, met tout en oeuvre pour supprimer ce rival et les autres membres de son école, allant même jusqu'à engager une bande de mercenaires japonais pour les provoquer régulièrement. Chia-hao est victime d'une embuscade et se fait briser les deux mains. Infirme, il perd tout espoir de pouvoir pratiquer à nouveau les arts martiaux, jusqu'au jour où son maître consent à lui enseigner la redoutable technique de "La Main de fer"...


Aug 15, 1980
Mrs. Han who argues with her husband about living expenses. She unexpectedly earns 5 million won over an apartment she sold and becomes a speculator. She teams up with some slanderers and makes big money then soon dissolved into pleasure with men around her. Finally, slanderers trick her and she is broke and nearly mad. The police catches the speculators and they show no regrets. When the verdict is announced, they finally see their wrong doings.


Apr 09, 1988
As the tragic war of fratricide is drawing to a close, a special agent nicknamed Dokbul, Kang Cheol-gu, is given an intelligence mission to identify and confirm the enemy's unusual movements. While on a mission, Cheol-gu infiltrates the enemy's camp alone and accidentally witnesses a bloody scene of massacre of civilians. He saves the only survivor, Hwang No-in, and is hinted that the enemy's plot is very dangerous. Cheol-gu approaches Mi-young, a People's Army nurse, to extract information, but is exposed to the enemy and escapes a crisis after a fierce battle. In the end, thanks to Cheol-gu's persistence, Mi-young realizes the illusion of the liberation struggle they are calling for, and transforms into Cheol-gu's collaborator to stop their horrific plot, germ warfare, and carries out the mission. However, the result of this tragic war is only futility. A war of illusions where more is lost than gained, and in the end, even the nickname Dokbul sheds hot tears.
테러리스트 2

테러리스트 2

Aug 30, 1997
The quintet, including Lee Do-sik and Ahn Ki-woong, the drug suppliers of the Triad, a black organization that was supplying drugs to Southeast Asia based in Hong Kong, are caught in a clever trick and have heroin worth 50 billion stolen. However, one of the five members secretly tries to sell some of the heroin and is caught by Detective Minwan Do-hoon, and the incident comes to light...

Oct 26, 1991
