Алексей Войтюк

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Gare aux loups 2 : Tous à table!
Quand le grand méchant loup Gark apprend qu’il existe non loin du repère de sa meute un village où des membres de son espèce et des brebis vivent ensemble, dans la paix, il n’en croit pas ses grandes oreilles. Vérification faite, il découvre que c’est la pure vérité. Intolérable pour ce prédateur d’admettre que des carnivores puissent cohabiter avec des herbivores. À cette étrange situation, Gark entend mettre bon ordre en attaquant le village. Heureusement, Gris, son vieux rival, et ses amis se dressent contre lui, unis contre un ennemi qui a plus d’un tour dans son sac. Et, effectivement, il leur réserve une sacrée mauvaise surprise.
La princesse des glaces, le monde des miroirs magiques
Gerda mène une vie heureuse avec son frère Kai et leurs parents magiciens au sein d’un royaume prospère où règne le roi Harald, scientifique et inventeur de génie. Préférant les nouvelles technologies aux sortilèges, le Roi Harald, décide d’exiler tous les magiciens dans le Monde des Miroirs, un endroit dont on ne peut s’échapper. Gerda est la seule à pouvoir sauver sa famille, mais pour cela, elle doit unir ses forces avec son ancienne ennemie, la Reine des Neiges.
Pinocchio: A True Story
Un acrobate de cirque talentueux, mais fait en bois, rêve de devenir humain après être tombé amoureux de la fille du maître du cirque.


Dec 18, 1997
While playing a young kitten falls from the window of it's home and lands on a truck that drives it far across the city of Moscow. Helpless, afraid and clueless how to get home, it encounters many dangers but also lots of friendly people and animals helping the little cat. After many adventures in the big city, the kitten finally finds it's way home, thanks to it's new friends.
Сказ о Петре и Февронии
XIII century. The villain seized power in the Murom principality. Only the brave warrior Peter goes out to fight the villain and defeats him. But the poisonous blood of the sorcerer poisons the savior of the principality. Healer Fevronia is ready to use her gift to save Peter. A real pure feeling breaks out between the young people, which they have to preserve despite many obstacles.
Турбозавры, вперёд!
New adventures of Turbozaurs and their friends - Katya, Petya and Hippolyta. The team is waiting for bright events full of unusual inventions and incredible adventures, for example, the construction of a rope park and a skating rink in the summer.
Русский счёт
Dangerous repeat offenders Cabinet and Corkscrew arrive in Dagomys with the aim of abducting the president of the group, LJZh Zuev R.P. The head of the criminal investigation department, Major Sidorov Ivan, is preparing to meet the guest performers with dignity.
The story begins with the good, but poor Potter, who once finds Flint, a magical artifact that makes its owner rich, but instead sends a death curse. Potter can be saved only by the dedication of the main character - a girl named Twinkle. Without hesitation, she rushes to the rescue of a friend, helping him to understand that love and honest work are more important than money and power.
После дождичка в четверг
A palace steward conspires with bandits to kidnap an infant czar's son and an orphan adopted by the czar, replacing the prince with the steward's son. Two decades later the true prince and his foster brother are slaves in a quarry, the changeling grew up as a prince, and his mother has been elevated to the highest position in the state for "saving" the prince, but losing her own child. Then the brothers escape, the changeling prince departs to fight an immortal wizard and vanishes, and the brothers have to deal with the wizard. Which includes stealing a bird-woman from a Mid-Eastern khan and figuring where the wizard's death is.


Mar 03, 2022
Moscow. 60s. Young lawyer starts working in one of the most pow- erful legal services in USSR called Filial No 1. She needs to prove that her presence there is not accidental.