Ayuub Kasasa Mago

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Finding Hillywood

Finding Hillywood

May 29, 2013
“Finding Hillywood” is an inspirational film about the making of the Rwandan film industry and the power of film to change and heal individuals and communities. It tells the story of how a nation, still healing from the 1994 genocide, creates a film industry as both an outlet for the pain and a way to bring entertainment and a new industry to the population. Hillywood, which is named for Rwanda’s hilly terrain, is a traveling film festival that screens films made by, about, and for Rwandans. The festival goes from town to town, setting up public, outdoor screenings, on inflatable screens, to showcase Rwandan films.
Africa United

Africa United

Oct 22, 2010
"Africa United" raconte l’histoire extraordinaire de trois enfants rwandais qui tentent de réaliser le rêve de leur vie : assister à la cérémonie d’ouverture de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2010 à Johannesburg. Mais les problèmes commencent quand Fabrice, Dudu et Béatrice montent dans le mauvais bus et se retrouvent au Congo. Sans papiers, sans argent, ils sont amenés dans un camp d’enfants réfugiés. Mais avec une incroyable ingéniosité, un peu de culot et une affiche de la Coupe du Monde comme carte, nos héros s’échappent du camp et repartent à la poursuite de leur rêve, en embarquant avec eux une «dream team» d’enfants réfugiés qui les aideront à traverser une série d’aventures palpitantes. Au cours de ce périple de 5000 km à travers sept pays, le film fait découvrir une Afrique méconnue.


Jan 01, 2009
Set in the urban area of Kimisagara in Kigali, Rwanda, Africa, a family sets out for a usual day. Dad & Kids walk to work and school, mom tends to her shop connected to the house while taking care of the pre-school child. But the stuff of life happens in the everyday! This is 'simple' story about repentance and forgiveness. It is simple only in the face of the tremendous atrocities of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi. It portrays the relationship between 2 brothers, one oppressive, the other forgiving. The effect of forgiveness and thoughtfulness of the one younger brother on the oppressor, his older brother, can only be realized when the older brother allows his conscience to speak! It is as old as the story of Cain and Abel.


Jan 01, 2009
Set in the urban area of Kimisagara in Kigali, Rwanda, Africa, a family sets out for a usual day. Dad & Kids walk to work and school, mom tends to her shop connected to the house while taking care of the pre-school child. But the stuff of life happens in the everyday! This is 'simple' story about repentance and forgiveness. It is simple only in the face of the tremendous atrocities of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi. It portrays the relationship between 2 brothers, one oppressive, the other forgiving. The effect of forgiveness and thoughtfulness of the one younger brother on the oppressor, his older brother, can only be realized when the older brother allows his conscience to speak! It is as old as the story of Cain and Abel.