J. Robert Oppenheimer

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Oct 10, 2014
Le film retrace la vie de Paramahansa Yogananda qui a fait connaître dans les années 1920 des techniques du yoga et de la méditation en Occident. Son livre « Autobiographie d'un Yogi », best seller mondial, a été une source d'inspiration pour d'innombrables yogis et des personnalités comme George Harrison, Russell Simmons ou encore Steve Jobs. En évoquant le voyage de l'âme comme une oppression de l'égo et de l'illusion de monde matériel, le film créé une immersion dans l'irréel. Ce film raconte finalement l'histoire de l'humanité elle- même : les épreuves auxquelles tous les êtres sont confrontés pour se libérer des souffrances et rechercher un bonheur durable.
The Day After Trinity

The Day After Trinity

Jan 20, 1981
Ce film documentaire a été réalisé et produit par John Else en association avec la chaîne de télévision publique KTEH de San José (Californie). Le film raconte l'histoire de Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967), le physicien qui joua un rôle prépondérant dans le développement de la première bombe atomique, testée en juillet 1945 au centre d'essai nucléaire de Trinity au Nouveau-Mexique. Comportant des interviews de plusieurs scientifiques ayant participé au Projet Manhattan, ainsi que des documents d'archive déclassifiés, The Day After Trinity a été nominé pour l'Oscar du meilleur film documentaire en 1981, et a remporté le Peabody Award en 1981.
Oppenheimer After Trinity
This captivating documentary on J. Robert Oppenheimer, the architect of the atomic bomb, explores his journey before the historic test and reveals the burden he carried after. De-classified documents, rare film footage and exclusive interviews, including Oppenheimer's grandson, show an intimate exploration of the burden Oppenheimer carried and the profound global impact still being debated today.
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie
"Trinity and Beyond" est un documentaire présentant l'histoire du développement des armes nucléaires et de leurs essais couvrant la période 1945-1963. Le film, accompagné de la voix de William Shatner et d'une musique originale exécutée par l'Orchestre Symphonique de Moscou, révèle des images appartenant au gouvernement.
Oppenheimer, l'homme et la bombe
J. Robert Oppenheimer a dirigé l'équipe de scientifiques qui a mis au point la bombe atomique. Le parcours de ce physicien de génie, tiraillé entre la nécessité de mettre au point cette arme et ses interrogations éthiques, est raconté notamment à travers des interviews d'experts et du réalisateur Christopher Nolan.
Oppenheimer: The Real Story
J. Robert Oppenheimer, a physics professor known for creating the atomic bomb during WWII. He witnessed the first atomic bomb detonation in New Mexico in 1945. This film examines Oppenheimer's life, from his early years to his involvement with nuclear physics and his later advocacy for nuclear weapons controls, with interviews and insights from those who knew him and impacted by his legacy.
Hugh Bradner Films (Los Alamos)
Physicist Hugh Bradner took these remarkable color home movies at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project with informal permission from the U.S. Army. The films include images from inside the top-secret laboratory, and depict scientists leaving for the Trinity test. Bradner's movies also capture recreational activities scientists enjoyed during the Manhattan Project, including hiking, skiing, swimming, and horseback riding, as well as Bradner's wedding at the home of Dorothy McKibbin in Santa Fe.
The Decision to Drop the Bomb
J. Robert Oppenheimer and other key figures involved in the decision to drop the first atomic bomb discuss their motivations in this NBC News documentary. Originally produced and televised in 1965, two decades after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was re-released in 2023 with an epilogue by Michael Beschloss, NBC News Presidential Historian.
Los Alamos: The Beginning
A documentary composed of historical footage and contemporary interviews from the men and women of Los Alamos, recalling their experiences of the community and the creation of the atomic bomb from the inception of the program in 1943.
Bellum - krigets demon
In Bellum, modern warfare and the development of AI are connecting three seemingly disparate locations and lives; a scientist in Sweden, a private military contractor in the Nevada desert in the USA and a world renowned war photographer in Afghanistan. Through their actions and decisions, the film delves into the jargons and logics that pushes warfare forward. It’s often said that war is inhumane. But in this film, this assumption is turned upside down. Because in fact it seems there is nothing more human than war. Humanity has always been at war, often over abstract ideas such as nationality, borders, religion, money or freedom and this is something that in fact distinguishes us from all other animals on this planet. Perhaps the Greco-Roman world was right that war was a demon; Bellum. And, that the war actually feeds itself: “Bellum se ipsum alet”.
Nuclear Armageddon: How Close Are We?
With the Doomsday Clock the closest it's ever been to midnight, Jane Corbin investigates the proliferation of nuclear weapons across the globe. She visits Los Alamos, home to the United States’ nuclear weapons development facility and the historic home of Oppenheimer’s Manhattan Project. In Scotland, she reveals the strategy behind Britain’s nuclear deterrent, and speaks to campaigners in Suffolk fighting against US weapons they fear will be based on UK soil. Jane also discovers how many of the global agreements and safeguards that have constrained the spread of nuclear weapons since the 1970s are breaking down. This is a story told by the scientists, investigators and diplomats who set the clock and have fought to ensure that the ultimate deterrent has not been used in over 70 years.
A Compassionate Spy

A Compassionate Spy

Aug 31, 2022
Physicist Ted Hall is recruited to join the Manhattan Project as a teenager and goes to Los Alamos with no idea what he'll be working on. When he learns the true nature of the weapon being designed, he fears the post-war risk of a nuclear holocaust and begins to pass significant information to the Soviet Union.
The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a national hero, the brilliant scientist who during WWII led the scientific team that created the atomic bomb. But after the bomb brought the war to an end, in spite of his renown and his enormous achievement, America turned on him - humiliated and cast him aside. The question the film asks is, "Why?"
Le syndrome du Titanic
" Ce film est davantage un appel à la raison et un acte politique qu'un documentaire sur la crise écologique. D'ailleurs, la "belle nature sauvage" est la grande absente..." (Nicolas Hulot)
L'Homme a mangé la Terre
De la révolution industrielle à aujourd’hui, un décryptage minutieux de la course au développement qui a marqué le point de départ de l’ère de l'anthropocène (ou l'ère de l'Homme) et de la détérioration continue de la planète.
Deux bombes pour une espionne
Le 29 août 1949, l'URSS procède au tir de sa première bombe atomique, quatre ans à peine après la mise au point de la bombe américaine. Staline le doit notamment à une espionne hors du commun, Elizabeth Zaroubina, qui a su entrer dans l'intimité de grands chercheurs comme Einstein
Hiroshima Nagasaki August, 1945
This documentary is a compilation of silent black-and-white film footage shot by the Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki shortly after the atomic bomb blasts in early August 1945. English-language voice-over narration has been added, along with a few scenes from American sources. The film shows the destruction and injury caused by the atomic bombs in graphic detail.