Michael Cook

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Frère Noël

Frère Noël

Nov 09, 2007
Un beau jour, Nick reçoit un appel de détresse de son frère, perdu de vue depuis des années. Sévèrement endetté, Fred doit d'urgence se refaire une santé. Nick, magnanime, accepte de le dépanner... à condition que Fred vienne l'aider dans sa super fabrique de jouets du Pôle Nord. Problème : l'incorrigible garnement n'a vraiment pas l'étoffe d'un elfe, et serait plutôt du genre à causer des ennuis...
Terror from Beneath the Earth
After years of underground atomic testing, one of the animals living within the Wisawa caves (a system that stretches from Phantom Lake to the Deadlands) has undergone a radical and unimaginably horrible transformation! While exploring the caves, Dr. Vincent Edwards and colleague Rosemary Bennett stumble across evidence in the disappearance of local children. After reporting the find to the local sheriff, Dr. Edwards and Rosemary are tapped to lead a rescue attempt. Along with the sheriff and small-town farmer Stan Johnson (the children's father), the rescue party quickly comes to the realization that if the caves don't get them, whatever unseen terror lurking in the shadows just might!
Science Fiction
Destination: Outer Space
During a test flight of Earth's first faster-than-light-speed rocket, an incident occurs that throws test pilot Captain Mike Jackson halfway across the galaxy! Lost in deep space, Captain Jackson must use all his wits and derring-do to find a way back to his beloved home world. A film unlike any other, "Destination: Outer Space" is full of excitement and otherworldly adventure that includes mysterious, alien planets, robotic lifeforms, beautiful space pirates, alien creatures hell-bent on galactic domination and much, much more!
Science Fiction
Attack of the Moon Zombies
A mysterious plant found on the surface of the moon wreaks havoc on the Jackson Lunar Base when its spores change the base's crew into leafy, undead creatures.
Science Fiction
The Giant Spider

The Giant Spider

May 22, 2013
When radiation left behind by atomic weapons testing creates a gigantic killer mutant arachnid, it's up to a trio of scientists, an Army general, and a newspaper reporter and his fiancée to figure out how to stop the hungry beast from devouring the entire county.
Science Fiction
House of Ghosts

House of Ghosts

May 23, 2012
Writer/Director Christopher R. Mihm pays tribute to the works of William Castle, the master of classic horror. Rich socialites have a tradition of throwing exclusive dinner parties. This time, they've booked a spiritual medium who promises to open a portal to the great beyond. Can the group survive the night or will ignoring the medium's warning be the last thing they ever do?
Danny Johnson Saves the World
Young Danny Johnson must use his smarts and adventurous spirit to stop devious, pint-sized aliens and their unstoppable robot from brainwashing the children of Earth as a precursor to worldwide domination.
L'Incroyable Destin de Harold Crick
Un beau matin, Harold Crick, un obscur fonctionnaire du fisc, entend soudain une voix de femme qui se met à commenter tout ce qu'il vit, y compris ses pensées les plus intimes. Pour Harold, c'est un cauchemar qui dérègle sa vie parfaitement agencée, mais cela devient encore plus grave lorsque la voix annonce qu'il va bientôt mourir...Harold découvre que cette voix est celle d'une romancière, Karen Eiffel, qui s'efforce désespérément d'écrire la fin de ce qui pourrait être son meilleur livre. Il ne lui reste plus qu'à trouver comment tuer son personnage principal : Harold ! Elle ignore que celui-ci existe, qu'il entend ses mots et connaît le sort qu'elle lui réserve...Pour s'en sortir vivant, Harold doit changer son destin. Sa seule chance est de devenir un personnage de comédie, puisque ceux-ci ne sont jamais tués...
Far Cry Warrior

Far Cry Warrior

Oct 02, 2008
L'adaptation sur grand écran du jeu vidéo "Far cry" : Jack Carver, ex-officier des forces spéciales est engagé par Valérie, une journaliste sexy afin d'enquêter sur la présence d'un complexe militaire top secret situé dans une île du pacifique. À peine débarqués, ils sont attaqués par un groupe de mercenaires à la force surhumaine commandé par le Dr Krieger. Ils vont devoir survivre en échappant à des soldats devenus incontrôlables.
Weresquito: Nazi Hunter
Horrific Nazi experiments have left a surviving WWII soldier with a terrifying condition: at the sight of fresh blood, he transforms into a man-sized, blood-sucking killer insect. Refusing to let his affliction destroy him and all he loves, he instead commits himself to using his "powers" for good-by finding the people responsible and bringing them to justice.
The Phantom Lake Kids in: The Beast Walks Among Us
When a local man is suspected of having been transformed into a hideous monster, it's up to a scrappy gang of local kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson, Butch, Chip, and their friend Billy Blue) to uncover the truth and save Phantom Lake County—and everyone in it—from certain doom in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's tribute to the creature-features of the 1950s, the history of the Mihmiverse, and "Scooby Doo!"


Nov 09, 2009
This is a story of tragic loss and blessed gain. This is the story of John Turnipseed, who spent his youth fighting disadvantages and hardship, learning life by making the greatest mistakes. Mistakes that cost him a life he created and 10 years in prison, after which he came into The Fathering Center at Urban Ventures and now has built a program that reaches 600 men and 200 women. This is a story of truth.