Kimke Desart

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Old Born

Old Born

Dec 10, 2020
Dawa is born into a primitive society of creatures who, unlike her, don't have identities or emotions. After she grows up in apathy, she ventures out to explore the limits of her world where she comes across a mysterious barrier accompanied by a colourful stranger.
I'm the Same, I'm an Other
A man in his 30s is on the run with a nine-year-old girl. As they take a ferry to the United Kingdom, traces of a common past come to light — a past filled with loss and sorrow. Fleeing in secret, they end up hiding in a small apartment on the seafront, where they live day-to-day, exploring each other’s emotional territories. Mourning will bind them, but is this alliance of dependence appropriate for them and for the outside world?
Lost Persons Area

Lost Persons Area

May 16, 2009
Bettina et Marcus vivent un amour passionné et charnel dans une baraque de chantier au milieu d'une plaine traversée d'immenses pylônes haute tension. Tandis que Bettina aspire à une vie plus conventionnelle, loin des fourneaux de la cantine des ouvriers, leur fillette de 9 ans, Tessa, solitaire, s'occupe en ramassant des objets inattendus, petits bouts de rien qu'elle collecte à l'école buissonnière. Un jour, afin de compléter son équipe de techniciens, Marcus engage un ingénieur hongrois, Szabolcs. Contre toute attente, sa venue providentielle amène un nouvel équilibre à leur existence. Mais un tragique accident vient bouleverser les rêves de bonheur de cette famille en quête d'idéal.
Vincent ou la fin du monde
Un jeune garçon, Vincent, activiste écologiste, est prêt à mettre sa vie en péril pour lutter pour la bonne cause. Mais sur sa route, et le hasard faisant bien les choses, il croise sa tante, une parisienne farfelue et névrosée qui va tout faire pour lui redonner un peu de joie de vivre.
Superette Anna

Superette Anna

Mar 06, 2020
March 6, 1987. A masked guy robs a local superette, but finds out there's hardly any money there. As the cops are on their way, he takes the owner and his family hostage. Meanwhile, the Herald of Free Enterprise is quickly sinking - but what's the connection and how will it affect the robbery in place?
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Feb 28, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.