Dainius Kazlauskas

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Sekmadienis toks, koks yra
A young convict is faithful to his code of action. He is not going to betray his friends and keeps silence. The investigators are powerless. But one day he is visited by his mother whom he has never seen before.
Une si ravissante voleuse
Un avocat est en voyage d'affaires à Saint-Pétersbourg. Lorsqu'une belle femme en fuite le croise et lui demande de l'aide, il est projeté dans un monde dangereux de voleurs de bijoux et de gangsters.
TV Movie


Nov 03, 2023
A large mansion with centuries of history is home to a wealthy but very conservative family that still chooses the grooms for brides-to-be. One day Milda, trembling with fear, decides to present her next groom to the household.
Laikinai Jūsų

Laikinai Jūsų

Nov 24, 2023
A screen adaptation of the bestselling novel by Lithuanian-Canadian Antanas Šileika, based on true facts.
Atsisveikinimas (laimingo žmogaus istorija)
The sailor Audrius comes ashore for the last time in his life. The story unfolds through Audrius’ journey and his many encounters over the weekend as autumn turns to winter. He is driven by a severe lack of time. Inadequate actions and reactions make sense when we find out his secret: he’s dying of Leukemia. During his grandmother’s birthday in her countryside village, surrounded by his family and after reassuring his son, he makes a final attempt to find resolve and peace. Farewell is a moving universal tale, uplifting and heart warming, verbally laconic and visually rich. It is a clear-cut story of the human spirit, which is both relentless and immortal.
Fireheart : La Légende de Tadas Blinda
Au 19ème siècle, Tadas Blinda se rebelle contre la brutalité de l'armée russe en Lituanie. Issu d'un milieu modeste, il devient héros grâce à son courage et au mouvement qu'il a réussi à créer. Mais pendant cette révolte, le paysan s'éprend d'une femme de la noblesse...
Isaketas krantas

Isaketas krantas

Feb 14, 1992
The Lithuanian coast which belonged to the Soviet Union was harrowed night after night. Intrusive soldiers and negligent passers-by left their footprints on the harrowed beach.
Have No Fear: The Life of Pope John Paul II
The eventful life of a humble Polish priest who once decried the pomp of the Catholic Church "a circus" and labeled the Pope a "prisoner of the Vatican" before ascending to the papal throne to usher Catholicism into the 21st century. Born in Poland and forced to carry on following the untimely death of his family, Karol Wojtyla endured both personal hardships and the rape of his homeland by the Third Reich to spread the word of God through the Catholic Church. Later, as Pope John Paul II, Wojtyla was beloved by millions of Catholics worldwide. From the sexual-abuse scandal that shook the American Catholic Church in the later-20th century to the murder of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero and the near-fatal assassination attempt made on his own life, Pope John Paul II endured to bridge the gap between various faiths until his death resulting from Parkinson's disease in April of 2005.
Холодное танго
By miracle he avoided death and returns to the house where he was born. In the house now lives the love of his life. But the hope for happiness turns sour with a terrible discovery: his beloved is the daughter of his enemy.
Le violon de Rothschild
Un jeune etudiant du conservatoire, Benjamin Fleischmann, choisit un recit de Tchekhov pour en tirer un opera en un acte qu'il compose sous la houlette de son professeur, Dimitri Chostakovitch qui, critique par les commissaires culturels, cherche refuge dans l'enseignement. Le jeune homme est tue pendant la guerre. Chostakovitch decide alors d'orchestrer l'opera inacheve de son eleve, afin d'honorer sa memoire.


May 03, 2018
1943, Opération Reinhard, Gouvernement Général de Pologne, Sobibor. Au coeur de l’enfer, un groupe de prisonniers tente l’impensable : s’évader de leur camp… Sobibor relate l’histoire vraie de l’une des trois opérations commando d’évasion des camps de la mort, portées par des hommes et des femmes au courage inébranlable.


Jan 01, 1992
Lithuania, 1968. After serving in the Soviet Army, Lukas comes back from Prague to his friends: Andrius, a state prosecutor's son, Julius, an unsuccessful artist, and Beatrice, who is attractive to all of her friends in her purity.
Šokantis Kirminas

Šokantis Kirminas

Oct 19, 2006
An opera singer, who is a substitute for the primo uomo, has to spend the time of a performance routinely behind the scenes. He has yet no knowing that it will be his turn on that particular day to appear on the stage and replace an Italian singer who had fallen ill.


Sep 21, 2019
Jonas ( Dainius Kazlauskas ) fait semblant d'être aveugle et participe à un concours de danse télévisé, où il rencontre sa séduisante partenaire de danse Saule ( Paulina Taujanskaite ). Bientôt, ils deviennent les concurrents les plus populaires de l'émission. Alors que toute la nation pense que Jonas est aveugle, Vytas (Darius Bagdziunas), une vieille connaissance de Jonas, est libéré de prison. Alors que des rappels du passé continuent de leur venir à l'esprit, Vytas supprime les sentiments contradictoires - chercher vengeance ou pardon dans un monde aussi manipulateur - pour les péchés qui ont été et pour les péchés à commettre.
The Hit

The Hit

Feb 05, 2001
Desperate to get custody of his son, a divorcing man hires a hit man to kill his wife but quickly regrets this decision.


Nov 27, 2019
Kaunas, Lithuania, 1941, Lithuanian activist Andrius Gluosnis kills a Jew Isaac in Lietukio garage massacre. Years after the incident Gluosnis is haunted by the guilt.
Чайка 73458

Чайка 73458

Apr 22, 2017
What if Konstantin Gavrilovich, from Anton Chekkov's famous play, did not commit suicide and was murdered instead? And who did it? Boris Akunin's take on The Seagull unfolds as a comedic murder mystery.
Чайка 73458

Чайка 73458

Apr 22, 2017
What if Konstantin Gavrilovich, from Anton Chekkov's famous play, did not commit suicide and was murdered instead? And who did it? Boris Akunin's take on The Seagull unfolds as a comedic murder mystery.
Moterys meluoja geriau
Moterys meluoja geriau is a Lithuanian TV series produced by TV3. It is the most watched Lithuanian drama of all time. It is based on a novel by Daiva Vaitkevičiūtė. The series follows four young women and their love interests.
Matrioshki : Le trafic de la honte
Chaque année, des centaines de femmes sont enlevées et forcées à se prostituer. Matrioshki est l'histoire de dix d'entre elles. De jeunes lituaniennes rêvent de quitter leur pays pour rejoindre les pays prospères de l'Ouest. Ayant lu une annonce, elles décident de se rendre à une audition organisée par des producteurs cherchant des danseuses pour une tournée dans toute l'Europe. Séduites par les promesses de richesse, les filles retenues signent les yeux fermés. Débute alors une lente descente dans l'enfer de la prostitution et de l'esclavage.
Attila le Hun

Attila le Hun

Jan 31, 2001
En l'An 451 après JC, deux hommes entrent en conflit : deux hommes incarnant les valeurs essentielles de leur royaume vont alors s'affronter. L'un, Attila, roi des Huns, est un visionnaire qui croit plus en son peuple que son peuple ne croit en lui même. L'autre, le Général Romain Flavius Aetius, représente ce qu'il y a de pire et de meilleur au sein de cette Rome au crépuscule de son règne...