While browsing the bookstore 19-year-old Gwen is unexpectedly drawn to a volume of kinky erotica, earning her disapproving glares from the other customers. Will Gwen follow her deepest desires or will she let her embarrassment restrain her?
The relationship between Wolfs and Eva will be put to the test. Wolfs is imprisoned for stealing money from the government and Eva tries to forget about him.
When Wolfs regains his freedom due to a technicality, he associates himself with a bunch of criminals. Wolfs and Eva meet again in a world where where not everything is what it seems...
Une jeune policière rêvant de trouver l'amour et un propriétaire de bar entre dans un jeu romantique du chat et de la souris alors qu'ils voulaient orienter leurs vies amoureuses dans d'autres directions.