Lou Criscuolo

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Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
This film is made up of three segments that share no plot but have a general thematic relationship. In the first segment, Virginia and her three children are left by her shiftless husband and she is courted by an old beau who is now divorced. In the second, a divorced woman reacts to some unexpected revelations from her aged father. In the third, a childless, middle-aged social worker is swept into an affair with a young cab driver and finds herself pregnant.
Family Enforcer

Family Enforcer

Oct 29, 1976
Un gamin du quartier part travailler pour la mafia en tant que collectionneur.


Jan 01, 2000
Single mother Tyree Battle struggles to keep her young son Thaniel away from the gang-plagued city streets that he is mixed up in. Under severe gang pressure, Thaniel accidentally shoots Jewish shopkeeper Eli Zeal in a botched robbery attempt. Tyree, protecting her son from the law, kidnaps Eli and flees to her hometown of Waterproof.
The Marc Pease Experience
Marc Pease a quitté le lycée depuis dix ans mais continue à vivre dans le passé, et à se souvenir continuellement de la période où il était la star du groupe de musique du lycée. Un jour il rencontre son ancien professeur et son mentor, Monsieur Gribble.
The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
C'est l'histoire amusante de deux gangs mafieux en guerre à New York. Le gang le plus faible utilise incroyablement un lion pour faire chanter les "clients" du gang opposé. La police réussit à arrêter l'un des gangs, tandis que l'autre reste sans le Boss.


Dec 01, 1971
La relation conflictuelle entre un fils tout juste sorti de l'adolescence et son père libéré de prison, incarcéré pour le meurtre de la mère du jeune garçon des années auparavant.
Radioland Murders

Radioland Murders

Oct 21, 1994
En 1939, une quatrième radio nationale est inaugurée outre-Atlantique. Un lancement qui se transforme vite en chaos quand une mystérieuse voix fait irruption sur les ondes, menaçant certains membres de l'équipe...
Liens secrets

Liens secrets

Jul 11, 1997
Journaliste peu scrupuleux, Marty est traqué par la police de Chicago et entretient des rapports érotiques avec sa soeur jumelle, Carol, une prostituée. Apprenant qu'elle est suivie par un détective, Marty élimine le gêneur. Mais les problèmes ne font que commencer lorsque l'un des clients de Carol meurt subitement entre ses bras.
Eat and Run

Eat and Run

Feb 20, 1987
Un policier se lance aux trousses d'un extra-terrestre dévoreur d'hommes qui a un faible pour la chair italienne.
Le grand saut

Le grand saut

Mar 11, 1994
Les membres du conseil d'administration d'un empire industriel décident de nommer un idiot à leur tête afin que les actions chutent et qu'ils puissent les racheter à bas prix. Ce leur sera moins facile qu'il y paraissait.
Ce cher intrus

Ce cher intrus

Jan 18, 1991
Renata appartient à une famille unie et sans histoire de Boston. Le jour des noces de sa soeur, Renata rompt avec son ami, Rob, qui refuse de se marier. Elle s'envole pour les Caraïbes, où elle rencontre un séduisant quadragénaire, riche homme d'affaires quelque peu hâbleur. Renata invite bientôt son nouveau fiancé à venir rencontrer ses parents. Sam a bien du mal à se faire accepter par sa future belle-famille. Entre la préparation du mariage et le baptême du premier enfant, les relations se tendent, jusqu'au jour où Renata décide de couper les ponts avec sa famille...


May 20, 1995
After a long search, lawyer Clarke MacGruder finally locates his long lost father Jack. At first, everything seems fine with his new extended family, until the two set off on a hunting trip, where Jack starts showing a rather violent streak to his nature.


May 01, 1998
A man has all the answers when it comes to giving advice to friends, but when it comes to his own life, he is lost.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Mystery of the Blues
In the twentieth film in the series, in 1950's Wyoming, middle-aged Indiana Jones and his friend Grey Cloud have obtained a sacred ceremonial pipe and end up in a snow-logged cabin. When Jones uncovers a soprano sax, he is reminded of his college days in 1920's Chicago, waiting tables at Colosimo's restaurant and becoming obsessed with Jazz music. When Colosimo was murdered, young Indy got caught up in the investigation together with his roommate Eliot Ness and young reporter Ernest Hemingway.
The Crow

The Crow

May 11, 1994
Eric Draven et sa fiancée sont brutalement assassinés chez eux par un gang de criminels notoires. Un an plus tard, un mystérieux corbeau sort Eric de sa tombe et le ramène sur les lieux de l'assassinat. Désormais doté d'une vision exceptionnelle et de pouvoirs surnaturels, Eric va se venger de ses agresseurs qui mettent la ville à feu et à sang.
From the Hip

From the Hip

Feb 06, 1987
L'apprenti avocat Robin Weathers transforme une poursuite civile en une mascarade qui fait la une des journaux. Il doit réexaminer ses scrupules après que ses manigances lui aient valu une promotion dans son entreprise, et il doit maintenant défendre un professeur d'université apparemment coupable de meurtre.
Horror Story

Horror Story

Apr 15, 1997
Moved to another town, Jamin is now in eleventh grade, living with his alcoholic mother, and the beneficiary of court-ordered protection from his abusive father. A few more negative experiences and Jamin snaps.
29th Street

29th Street

Nov 01, 1991
After winning $6.2 million in the 1976 New York State Lottery, he is arrested for throwing rocks at a church. He then tells his story at the police station.


Sep 17, 1988
Traxx has battled his way through El Salvador, the Middle East and Nicaragua, spitting lead with two-handed good grace. He decides to retire to a life of baking designer cookies. Running out of dough to buy more dough, he hires himself as a "Town Tamer" and begins cleaning up Hadleyville, Texas, telling the lowlife street scum, "You got three choices. Be good, be gone, or be dead." Like all bacteria, the scum are resistant: crime boss Aldo Palucci (Robert Davi) brings in the dreaded Guzik brothers to rid the town of the town tamer, setting the stage for a showdown in the streets.


Apr 12, 2013


Un biopic sur Jackie Robinson, premier joueur de baseball afro-américain à avoir évolué en Ligue Majeure, et sur son contrat avec les Brooklyn Dodgers qui marqua l'histoire.
Les frères Scott

Les frères Scott

Apr 04, 2012
Lucas et Nathan, deux demi-frères que tout sépare, se retrouvent rivaux non seulement sur le terrain de leur équipe de basket mais aussi dans le cœur d'une fille.


May 14, 2003
A Capeside, Dawson découvre les aléas de l'adolescence et voit ses relations avec Joey et Pacey, ses amis de toujours, mises à rude épreuve.
On Our Own

On Our Own

Apr 30, 1978
On Our Own is an American television series broadcast on CBS as part of their 1977-78 schedule. It featured Lynnie Greene as Maria Bonino and Bess Armstrong as Julia Peters, two employees in the Bedford Advertising Agency in New York who also share an apartment. Toni McBain was their boss, while April Baxter and Phil Goldstein were their coworkers. On Our Own was shot at CBS studios in Manhattan and edited at Unitel. The editor was Frank Herold. The show was filmed on location in New York in front of a live audience, which was somewhat unique for a show of its genre during the late 1970s, as most sitcoms were typically taped in Hollywood. The show aired from 9 October 1977 until 27 August 1978.
Park Street Under

Park Street Under

May 26, 1980
Park Street Under is a sitcom set in a fictional bar in the Park Street subway station in Boston, Massachusetts. It was produced starting in 1979 by Boston television station WCVB-TV. This was a rare example in the United States of a half-hour sitcom produced by a local station during the 1970s. Park Street Under was an inspiration for the NBC sitcom Cheers, which was also set in a fictional Boston bar. The cast included James Spruill, father of filmmaker Robert Patton-Spruill. The scripts were by Jonathan Stathakis and Stu Taylor. Park Street Under is also the original name for the Red Line subway platform at Park Street, which is literally under the streetcar lines that became the Green Line.
Going to California

Going to California

Feb 14, 2002
ThIS action/adventure series follows Space and Ungalow on their adventurous journey from the East to the West coast of America in search of their lost friend Cassidy.