Miguel Hurst

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Un héros

Un héros

May 13, 2004
Recruté de force dans l'armée angolaise à l'âge de quinze ans, Vitorio est démobilisé après plus de vingt ans de combats. Au cours d'une de ses dernières missions, il a marché sur une mine antipersonnelle et a dû être amputé d'une jambe. Après des mois d'attente, il reçoit enfin une prothèse grâce à laquelle il espère pouvoir commencer une nouvelle vie. Seul et démuni, il erre dans les rues de Luanda à la recherche de travail et de sa famille dont il est sans nouvelles. Dans cette ville confrontée à l'afflux des réfugiés et aux pénuries en tout genre, Vitorio ne rencontre que pitié, moquerie ou indifférence. Une nuit, alors qu'il dort dans la rue, il se fait voler sa prothèse... et avec elle ses rêves de retour à une vie normale. Au fil des rencontres, il retrouve espoir...
Njinga, Rainha de Angola
In the 17th century a warrior woman fights for the independence of Angola. After witnessing the murder of her son and watching her people being humiliated by Portuguese colonizers, Njinga will become a Queen and struggle for their liberation embodying the motto: those who stay fight to win.
A Ilha dos Cães

A Ilha dos Cães

Apr 20, 2017
Two Angola, the colonial and the contemporary, spaced 60 years, share the curse of a mysterious island. In the past, the epicenter of the tragedy is an evil fortress, tomb of revolutionaries deported from the mainland. In the present, the building of a luxurious resort awakens the relentless jaw of justice. Soon after, workmen lacerated dead bodies, begin to appear. The horror spreads rapidly. Pedro Mbala is sent to the island to solve the problem. His target is a pack of stray dogs.
Longe da Vista

Longe da Vista

Apr 02, 1999
In order to make some much-needed cash for himself, 65-year-old Portuguese prison inmate Eugenio impersonates a young woman and begins a romantic correspondence with a lonely Portuguese truck-driver living in Boston, convincing him that her tragic life has culminated in financial dire straits so he will send money. At first Eugenio's sister Idalina assists him in creating the character of Maria da Luz. Touched by her sweetness and apparent loving nature, the trucker willingly sends her money. When Idalina starts fearing they will be caught, she backs out of her arrangement with Eugenio who then convinces his young cellmate Vasco to help write the letters and even sends a picture of himself at age seven to "prove" that Maria has a young son. As prison life exacts an increasingly heavy toll upon Eugenio's health, his feminine alter-ego helps sustain him.
Le Pacte du silence

Le Pacte du silence

Mar 05, 2003
Dans un dispensaire brésilien, Joachim, un père médecin, découvre Soeur Sarah, une jeune carmélite, dans un état de souffrance extrême. Il l'examine mais ne trouve rien. Intrigué, il décide de suivre ce cas jusqu'en France où elle est rapatriée en secret. La menace rôde, le père Joachim ignore que la vérité va bouleverser à jamais sa vie.
Terra Estrangeira

Terra Estrangeira

Sep 04, 1996
During a time of political upheaval in Brazil, two strangers meet by coincidence in a foreign land and end up caught in the middle of a gem smuggling ring.
Encontros Imperfeitos

Encontros Imperfeitos

Jun 25, 1993
Mário was involved in a terrorist attack in Africa. Everyone thinks it was an accident but Mário knows it wasn’t. Now, hiden in Alentejo, he knows that sooner or later " they" will find him, yet he does not want to flee with a new identity until he finds his lover Alice. "They" find him and he has to escape with the help of Matilde. A fascinating woman who will now give him shelter and pretends to help him find Alice. Time is running out for Mário and Alice.
Opération Angola

Opération Angola

Dec 05, 2015
En Juin 1961, une soixantaine d'étudiants des colonies portugaises se sont évadés clandestinement du Portugal, pour échapper à la répression de la police politique de la dictature portugaise.