Super Hero Central unleashes the Superhero Crime Fighting team of Ace X and Kid Velvet who disguise their identities as members of a Hollywood Rock n' Roll band.
HITMAN CITY follows the exploits of Jericho Ryder AKA Big Action, (Scott Shaw) an assassin with a mystic twist on his need for the extermination of those who have wronged society.
BLOOD ON THE GUITAR is a visual Rock n' Roll thriller. It finds former Rock Star, Nick Cross (Scott Shaw) being lured back into the world of Rock n' Roll by his onetime band mate, Christian (Kenneth H. Kim), only to find that heroin has taken control over the lives of all of his friends and the woman he once loved.
The Hard Edge of Hollywood peers into the dark, emotional underworld of Hollywood film production and how it effects the lives of the actors and actresses who dive into it. This film is a Cutting Edge Melodrama/Docudrama Thriller.
Vampire Abstracta is a docudrama thriller set on the dark side of Hollywood, California. It follows two undercover police detectives as they track down a cult of vampire killers.
Vampire Sunrise is a docudrama thriller set on the dark side of Hollywood, California. It follows two undercover police detectives as they track down a cult of killer vampires. Or not? Vampire Sunrise is the PG version of the Scott Shaw Zen Film Cult Film Classic, Vampire Abstracta. Removed is the nudity that some viewers may find offensive. Replacing it are unused scenes seen in no other version of the film.
The crime fighting team of Ace X and Kid Velvet, who disguise their superhero identities as members of a Hollywood rock n' roll band, must battle the evil Rinaldi, who has the ability to transform into a monster, and has taken control over the streets of Hollywood. The Adventures of Ace X and Kid Velvet is the English language, Hong Kong release of the film. It is a different version of the movie Super Hero Central (2004).
A country western musician turned vampire hunter. A pimp turned psycho killer. A beautiful streetwalker turned bloodsucker. Vampire Black: Trail of the Dead takes a new look at the characters first presented in Scott Shaw's Vampire Noir.
Vampire hunter Jedediah Diesel saves his friend, a pimp named Diamond, from the grasp of a seductive vampire only to find out that Diamond is a cold-blooded psycho killer.
Super Hero Central unleashes the Superhero Crime Fighting team of Ace X and Kid Velvet who disguise their identities as members of a Hollywood Rock n' Roll band.
Vampire Abstracta is a docudrama thriller set on the dark side of Hollywood, California. It follows two undercover police detectives as they track down a cult of vampire killers.
A country western musician turned vampire hunter. A pimp turned psycho killer. A beautiful streetwalker turned bloodsucker. Vampire Black: Trail of the Dead takes a new look at the characters first presented in Scott Shaw's Vampire Noir.
Vampire Sunrise is a docudrama thriller set on the dark side of Hollywood, California. It follows two undercover police detectives as they track down a cult of killer vampires. Or not? Vampire Sunrise is the PG version of the Scott Shaw Zen Film Cult Film Classic, Vampire Abstracta. Removed is the nudity that some viewers may find offensive. Replacing it are unused scenes seen in no other version of the film.
Vampire hunter Jedediah Diesel saves his friend, a pimp named Diamond, from the grasp of a seductive vampire only to find out that Diamond is a cold-blooded psycho killer.