Phyllis Barry

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Le Prince et le Pauvre
À Londres, vers le milieu du XVIe siècle, le jeune Edouard, Prince de Galles et fils d'Henry VIII, aimerait échapper à l'étiquette de la Cour et s'amuser au-dehors avec des enfants de son âge. Dans le même temps, Tom Canty, gamin pauvre des rues, rêve d'échapper à sa condition. Le destin fera se rencontrer les deux enfants qui s'échangeront leurs "rôles" respectifs, non sans risques, car le Comte d'Hertford complote contre le Trône : il tente de faire assassiner le Prince à la faveur de son escapade et de prendre Tom, devenu Edward, sous sa coupe. L'intervention d'un mercenaire, Miles Hendon, permettra de faire échouer cette conspiration.
Reckless Decision

Reckless Decision

Jan 01, 1933
The teenage daughter of a puritanical Reverend promises him she will not marry until she is older, but after a night of heavy drinking she wakes up to find she has a husband.
Le Roi de la bière

Le Roi de la bière

Feb 10, 1933
Elmer et Jimmy sont dans le commerce de la bière, une activité honnête, bien que la Prohibition sévisse aux États-Unis. Malgré l'interdiction de l'alcool, celui-ci coule à flots dans les tripots et bars plus ou moins clandestins, et s'il n'est guère difficile de s'en procurer, les bénéfices pour les trafiquants sont énormes. Elmer et Jimmy vont être mêlés, contre leur gré, à la guerre des gangs qui fait rage...
Love Past Thirty

Love Past Thirty

Feb 14, 1934
When a woman's boyfriend dumps her for a younger girl, she hatches a scheme to get revenge by going after the girl's former boyfriend.
The Case of the Black Parrot
Sandy Vantine and her uncle, Paul Vantine, return from Europe with an antique cabinet purchased during their trip. Jim Moore, a reporter who had met Sandy and fallen for her during the voyage, suspects something odd about the cabinet. His suspicions are confirmed when people who have touched the cabinet mysteriously die. Jim and Sandy set out to solve the mystery before anyone else can become a victim.
Three Little Sew and Sews
The stooges are sailors working in a ships' tailor shop. When they can't get passes to go ashore, they steal officers uniforms and go to a party with Curly passing himself off as Admiral Taylor and Moe and Larry as his aides. Two spies, one of them a beautiful woman, trick the stooges into stealing a new submarine. The boys turn the table on the spies and capture them. When the real Admiral shows up, Curly's reenacts the capture and accidentally detonates a bomb, blowing them all to kingdom come.
Good-bye Love

Good-bye Love

Nov 09, 1933
Un Golddigger sexy débarque qui, selon elle, est un riche chasseur de gros gibier issu d'une famille royale. Ce qu'elle ne sait pas, c'est que non seulement il n'est ni riche, ni chasseur de gros gibier, ni issu d'une famille royale, mais il n'est qu'un majordome. Des complications s'ensuivent alors qu'il essaie de garder le semblant.
The Moonstone

The Moonstone

Aug 20, 1934
Un bijou précieux d'Inde est volé dans un vieux manoir sombre et c'est à l'inspecteur de Scotland Yard, Charles Irwin, de découvrir qui l'a fait parmi tous les suspects qui se trouvaient dans la maison.


Dec 24, 1932
A London barrister's marriage is under strain after his affair with a shopgirl who is out to have him. The story is told in flashback.


Apr 28, 1933
Barbers Willy Nilly and Hercules Glub have opened a barbershop in an Indian reservation, where they have no customers. When suddenly a white man asks for a shave, several Indians of the Oopadoop nation also enter, hearing the usual barbershop banter about foreign debts, they force them to be ambassadors of their nation at the Peace conference in Geneva. Ammunition industry executive Winkelreid is scheming to prevent their mission becoming an success, but the vamp Dolores aboard the ship fails, falling in love with Nilly, and so does Fifi, the toughest person of the world in Paris, falling for Glub. Although Winkelreid is able to steal their secret papers, Nilly and Glub don't give up after being reminded by constant observation of their Indians and enter the Peace conference, which turns out to be a battlefield...
Long Lost Father

Long Lost Father

Jan 19, 1934
A long-absent father is reunited with his daughter, who still holds a grudge that he had deserted his family years earlier.
The Invisible Menace

The Invisible Menace

Jan 11, 1938
Army Private Eddie Pratt smuggles his new bride into camp in hopes of having a happy wedding night. Instead they discover a murder. Colonel Rogers of Army Intelligence arrives to take over the case. The prime suspect, Jevries, is well-known to Rogers, who sets out to get a confession from Jevries even though there are plenty of other suspects.
Trade Winds

Trade Winds

Dec 28, 1938
After committing a murder, Kay assumes a new identity and boards a ship. But, Kay is unaware that Sam, a skirt chasing detective, is following her and must outwit him to escape imprisonment.
Damaged Goods

Damaged Goods

May 22, 1937
A groom-to-be contracts syphilis and wrestles with the consequences of his diagnosis.
We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone

Nov 25, 1939
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Where Sinners Meet

Where Sinners Meet

May 17, 1934
A pair of lovers are secreting away to Paris for a quick divorce and marriage when they find themselves trapped in a "hotel" where they are forced to get to know each other better and reconsider their plans. They learn a lot about each other, and themselves.
Forbidden Heaven

Forbidden Heaven

Oct 04, 1935
Charles Farrell stars as a British working stiff named Niba, who hopes one day to attain a Parliamentary seat. Niba's life is permanently altered when he rescues forlorn American girl Ann (Charlotte Henry). Though forced to give up his political dreams, Niba contentedly sets up house with Ann, eventually falling in love with her.
The Witness Vanishes

The Witness Vanishes

Sep 22, 1939
In this mystery, a newspaper executive and three of his colleagues conspire to have the owner of the highly-respected London Sun committed to an insane asylum. The hapless publisher manages to escape. Soon after, the four collaborators begin dying one-by-one. Oddly their obituaries appear in a rival publication before they are actually killed.
To Mary - with Love

To Mary - with Love

Aug 01, 1936
Mary stands by Jack after the Depression of 1929 but considers divorce when he again becomes successful by 1935. Bill, who loves Mary, works at keeping them together.
La Valse dans l'ombre

La Valse dans l'ombre

May 17, 1940
Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, un officier aristocrate et une jeune fille de condition modeste se rencontrent et s'aiment.
Étais-je une aventurière
Se faisant passer la comtesse fabuleusement glamour Tanya Vronsky, une pauvre jeune danseuse de ballet (Vera Zorina) et ses deux complices (Peter Lorre, Erich von Stroheim) sont vraiment une équipe d'artistes qualifiés con! Ils se mêlent à la haute société de l'Europe, toujours à la recherche de la prochaine victime riche d'escroquer leur escroquerie de faux bijoux ... Alors Tanya rencontre le jeune Paul Vernay fringant (Richard Greene). Au début, elle veut le voler. Puis elle décide qu'elle veut l'épouser et de laisser son passé criminel derrière elle. Ses complices sont d'accord, mais seulement si elle va les rejoindre dans une dernière grande supercherie ...
Gentleman from Dixie

Gentleman from Dixie

Sep 02, 1941
A man is released from prison after serving time for a murder he didn't commit. He goes to live with his brother and his family on their Louisiana ranch, where they're raising horses to compete in an important race.
Laurel et Hardy - Bons pour le service
Laurel et Hardy se rendent en Ecosse où Laurel doit toucher l'héritage de son grand-père. A leur grand dam, Laurel ne reçoit rien. La principale bénéficiaire est la jeune Lorna, dont le tuteur est le colonel McGregor, qui se trouve aux Indes avec son régiment. Le coeur lourd, Lorna quitte son fiancé Alan pour rejoindre McGregor en compagnie de lady Violet, soeur du colonel. Peu après, Laurel et Hardy s'engagent, sans le vouloir vraiment, dans le régiment de McGregor. Arrivés en Inde, ils se retrouvent mêlés à la troupe et chargés de mater des rebelles qui menacent l'autorité de la Couronne. Les deux compères combattent avec des moyens peu orthodoxes...
The Mysterious Doctor

The Mysterious Doctor

Mar 03, 1943
The citizens of a tiny Cornish village are tormented during World War II by a headless ghost which is haunting the local tin mine.
Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business

Aug 27, 1941
Starting with a cruel joke – a couple of callow men make a bet that one of them can seduce the woman sharing their train compartment – the film charts the relationship that develops between a small-town girl in the big city, and the brother of the man who has heartlessly seduced and abandoned her.
Hollywood Premiere

Hollywood Premiere

Feb 04, 1933
Two strip Technicolor short film. While the film is considered lost, the Library of Congress has acquired a musical sequence from the film.
Hips, Hips, Hooray!

Hips, Hips, Hooray!

Feb 02, 1934
Hips, Hips, Hooray! is a 1934 slapstick comedy film starring Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Ruth Etting, Thelma Todd, and Dorothy Lee.
L'aventure vient de la mer
L'élégante Dona St Columb s'ennuie à mourir dans sa vie londonienne trop balisée. Elle cherche surtout à échapper aux propositions inconvenantes du meilleur ami de son mari, lord Rockingham. Elle prend ses cliques et ses claques et s'en va s'installer dans son château de Cornouaille. Elle y fait la connaissance d'un corsaire français, Jean Benoit Aubrey. Rien ne semble pouvoir rapprocher ces deux êtres que tout, patrie, origines et formation, sépare. Pourtant, l'amour les unit bientôt, au point de placer Dona St Columb devant un choix difficile...
One Rainy Afternoon

One Rainy Afternoon

May 13, 1936
Suave French actor Philippe Martin provokes a scandal when, in a darkened theater, he mistakes young Monique for his mistress, Yvonne, and tries to kiss her. Charged with assault, the quick-thinking Philippe claims it's French tradition to do as he did, and is let go. To his surprise, Philippe learns that Monique has paid his fine. As the tabloids exploit the situation, Monique dates Philippe, until a photo appears of him kissing Yvonne.


Oct 16, 1945
Kitty, une jeune fille des rues est éduquée par Sir Marcy. Elle épouse ensuite Jonathan Selly, qui meurt peu après. Enceinte, elle se remarie avec le duc de Malmunster, qui décède à son tour. Avec son titre de duchesse, elle peut enfin se lier avec l'homme de sa vie, Sir Hugh Marcy...
The Nightshirt Bandit

The Nightshirt Bandit

Oct 27, 1938
A criminology professor sets out to find the "sleepwalking bandit", but when he finally catches up with the somnambulistic thief, it's not quite who he thought it would be.
Le Roman de Marguerite Gautier
1847, en France. La courtisane Marguerite Gautier fait la connaissance d'Armand Duval, dont elle ne tarde pas à s'éprendre. Le jeune homme est aussi beau que riche, mais contre toute attente, la jeune femme, que ronge en secret la tuberculose, devient peu de temps après la maîtresse du riche baron de Varville, capable de lui assurer une existence luxueuse. Malgré tous ses efforts, Marguerite ne parvient pas à oublier le séduisant Armand. Et leurs rencontres clandestines et enflammées ne font qu'amplifier leur dévorante passion. Lorsque Marguerite refuse de l'accompagner en Russie, le baron comprend alors qu'il n'est pas le seul à bénéficier des faveurs de la dame...