Morgan Ayres

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Aug 26, 2013
John w­ilde is a happi­ly married man ­who is about to­ face the bigge­st challenge of­ his life. Late­ one night, joh­n logs into a s­ocial networkin­g site and re-c­onnects with hi­s old high scho­ol flame, adria­nna. What begin­s as a harmless­ hello rapidly ­escalates into ­a rekindling of­ their past rom­ance. Torn betw­een the life he­ once envisione­d with adrianna­ and the life h­e's now buildin­g with his wife­, mary, john so­on discovers th­at there are se­rious consequen­ces to the deci­sions he has ma­de. Now john mu­st try to find ­his way back to­ god and get on­ a path to forg­iveness from ma­ry, god and him­self.
Rumors of Wars

Rumors of Wars

May 02, 2014
A suspenseful, genre-bending film with two converging storylines. An aspiring college journalist records events in a diary about the turmoil of a society due to the insertion of a RFID chip mandated by the government. ? Years later in the rubble of a post apocalyptic society filled with decay and violence, the diary finds its way into to the hands of an officer in the New World Army who uncovers the truth about the past and discovers everything he stood for was a lie. But what will he do now?
The 12 Lives of Sissy Carlyle
Seven years ago, Sissy Carlyle's parents were killed in an icy car crash. While her charming irresponsible brother continued his questionable pursuits, Sissy stepped in to take care of their parents' antique shop, their home and the family cat Horatio. With her own life at a screeching halt, Sissy begins to fill 11 secret journals with the exciting adventures of daring, bold women she imagines she could be. Now her 27th birthday is just days away and Sissy decides to fill her 12th journal with the adventures of her real life - but much to her dismay, she has absolutely nothing to write about. Then one afternoon, an intriguing young performance artist walks into Sissy's shop and their chance encounter leads Sissy to face a tough choice - to remain safely cocooned in her fantasy lives or to take a chance and discover what her real life might become
Tick Tock

Tick Tock

Mar 01, 2011
What would you do if you had only five minutes to live? Trace a young man's few minutes of trying to fulfill his life's highest potential.
Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow

Mar 31, 2017
Mort en 1781, Ichabod Crane se réveille en 2013 à Sleepy Hollow où il reprend son combat contre un cavalier sans tête lui aussi de retour. Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, Ichabod passe pour un fou, mais trouve en Abbie Mills, du bureau du shérif, une nouvelle alliée.
Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf

Sep 24, 2017
Scott McCall est un adolescent tout ce qu'il y a de plus ordinaire. Il n'est pas le plus populaire de son lycée, il n'en est pas la risée non plus... Un soir, son meilleur ami Stiles le convainc de suivre en cachette les recherches de la police pour retrouver un corps dans les bois alentours. Au cours de cette expédition, il se retrouve nez à nez avec une bête étrange et particulièrement féroce. Il réchappe de peu à cette attaque et, chanceux, avec une seule blessure : une vilaine morsure. Le lendemain, Scott se sent bizarre. Sans qu'il le sache encore, sa vie vient de changer. Il est devenu un loup-garou...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Hawaii 5-0

Hawaii 5-0

Apr 03, 2020
Le détective Steve McGarrett se rend à Oahu pour enquêter sur l'assassinat de son père. Une fois sur place, le gouverneur le persuade de rester et rejoindre l'unité des forces spéciales, qui combat le crime à Hawaii...