Mario Granato

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Uomini e no

Uomini e no

Sep 08, 1980
In Milan, in the winter of 1944, the ruthless Cane Nero leads the fascists against the partisans. Enne 2, one of the leading figures of the C.N.L., meets Berta, whom he loved three years ago, but Berta refuses to leave her husband for him. Enne 2 is pursued by the fascists of Cane Nero and, instead of running away to Turin, waits for Berta to rejoin him
Gallo cedrone

Gallo cedrone

Oct 16, 1998
The life and times of Armando Feroci, a fortyish year old, who's been everything, a divorced husband, a careless father, an unreliable brother. The story is told in flashback by his friends while Armando has been mysteriously kidnapped in an Arab country by an integralist group and condemned to death.


Sep 07, 1978
Luigi, a middle-aged engineer who, getting increasingly worried about the rising crime rate in his surroundings, follows the advice and example of his sleazy drinking cronies to arm himself with the titular weapon; the problem is that he starts carrying – and, occasionally, brandishing – it with him everywhere.
Assaut sur la ville

Assaut sur la ville

Feb 22, 1977
Le commissaire Belli , nouveau à Naples, tente de mettre fin à la criminalité qui gangrène la ville. Il a quelqu'un dans sa cible : Santoro, gangster qui ne recule devant aucun cadavre pour se faire de l'argent.


Nov 10, 1978
Two friends grow up together in the Sicily of the '50s. Two different destiny, two different way of life. Could their friendship survive to the mafia shadow?


Dec 20, 1976
A handful of recruits prepares for a war that nobody knows about the purpose or the motive. The field commander is a general who plays with a Marx puppet and lives in a luxurious palace that looks like a cabin from the outside. His orderlies are a captain who lives in Arabic dress in a curtain and a sergeant in training who does not shine for intelligence. Continuing training between various and grotesque accidents until the order arrives for the front. And then?
Le braghe del padrone

Le braghe del padrone

Sep 07, 1978
The young Vittorio Pieroni throws himself from a railway overpass when a train is passing by; escaped suicide and rescued by an ambulance, remembers the circumstances that led him to commit that gesture
Poliziotto senza paura
A low-rent private investigator and former cop is sent to Austria on a job, and while there sees a number of seemingly unrelated coincidences that lead him into a strange web of corruption and decadence.
L'Affaire Mori

L'Affaire Mori

Sep 23, 1977
Sicile, Italie fasciste, 1925. Le dictateur Benito Mussolini nomme Cesare Mori, un homme aussi dur qu'honnête, nouveau préfet de police de Palerme et lui confie la tâche ardue de mettre fin à la Mafia, une sinistre organisation criminelle qui sème la terreur sur l'île depuis des siècles.
SOS Jaguar, Opération Casse Gueule
L’inspecteur Palma appartient à un corps d’élite, la squadra mobile de Rome. Une dangereuse course-poursuite, qui le voit pourchasser un chef de gang niçois, se termine par un crash meurtrier. Sa hiérarchie l’accuse d’avoir provoqué la mort de son coéquipier, par imprudence.
Comme Il Est Doux De Mourir Assassiné
Comme il est doux de mourir assassiné (Quanto è bello lu murire acciso) est un film historique italien écrit et réalisé par Ennio Lorenzini et sorti en 1975. Le titre original du film est celui d'une chanson populaire retravaillée par Roberto De Simone, qui est considéré comme le précurseur du renouveau folklorique napolitain des années 1970. Le film dépeint l'expédition ratée organisée par Carlo Pisacane en 1857 pour provoquer un soulèvement dans le royaume des Deux-Siciles.
Il Pentito

Il Pentito

Nov 15, 1985
A judge on crusade to take down the Italian Mafia uses a gangster turned state's witness (a so-called "repenter") and a New York banker to do it. But things aren't quite what they seem.
Vita di Antonio Gramsci
The life and times of Antonio Gramsci from the establishment of L'Ordine Nuovo newspaper in 1919 to his untimely death in 1937, encompassing the birth of the Italian Communist Party (PCd'I), Gramsci's visits to Moscow where he met his future spouse, his election to Parliament, anti-fascism, trial and conviction.
War & Politics