Grisha Pasternak

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The Pin

The Pin

Sep 19, 2013
Lithuania―circa 1941: An embittered elderly Shomer, a religious watchman responsible for guarding the souls of the dead before their burial, comes face-to-face with his long lost first love Leah when her dead body is wheeled into the morgue one fateful night. Time melts as he relives their days and nights spent hiding in a barn in Lithuania, fighting for survival as World War Two rages around them. Brought together in these extreme circumstances, what starts as mistrust develops into love, marriage and ultimately murder. In the end, the Shomer is able to find peace after a lifetime of regret by fulfilling a promise he made to the young Leah on their last night together. ~ Naomi Jaye. THE PIN is the first Yiddish film to be made in Canada, and was partly inspired by the writer/director’s late grandmother, Leah, whose personal phobia formed the core of this moving story.
The Man from Toronto

The Man from Toronto

Dec 23, 2022
La rencontre dans une location de vacances entre un conseiller commercial raté et l'assassin le plus dangereux du monde, alias "l'homme de Toronto", engendre un cas d'erreur sur la personne.


Sep 24, 2015
Natasha takes place over the course of one summer. It is the story of Mark Berman, 16, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants living in the suburbs north of Toronto. When his uncle enters into an arranged marriage with woman from Moscow, the woman arrives in Canada with her fourteen year-old daughter, Natasha. Mark, a slacker, is conscripted by his parents to take responsibility for the strange girl. He learns that, in Moscow, she’d led a troubled and promiscuous life. A secret and forbidden romance begins between the two of them that has bizarre and tragic consequences for everyone involved.
Boys On Film 16: Possession
Golden boys, teen lust, self-conscious dolls, chance encounters, a vengeful creature, holiday romance, hidden sexuality — Boys On Film celebrates it's (not so) sweet sixteen with an astonishing selection of the latest international gay short films. Volume 16: Possession features ten complete films: Kai Stänicke's "Golden" with Christian Tesch and Maximilian Gehrlinger; Christopher Manning's "Jamie" starring Sebastian Christophers and Raphael Verrion; Kai Stänicke's "B." starring Susanne Bormann and Andreas Jähnert; Blake Mawson's "PYOTR495" starring Alex Ozerov; Charlie Francis's "When A Man Loves A Woman" starring Tommy Jay Brennan, Jemima Spence, and Diane Brooks Webster; Anthony Schatteman's "Follow Me" starring Ezra Fieremans and Maarten Ketels; Jake Graf's "Chance" starring 'ABS' and Clifford Hume; Andrew Keenan-Bolger's "Sign" starring John McGinty and Preston Sadleir; Oliver Mason's "Away With Me" starring Chris Polick and Lee Knight; and "We Could Be Parents" by Björn Elgerd.


Jul 18, 2016
Set one evening in present-day Moscow, 16-year-old Pyotr is baited by an ultra-nationalist group known for their violent abductions and attacks bolstered by Russia's LGBT Propaganda Law, but Pyotr has a dangerous secret.


Jun 30, 2018
Après une tragédie personnelle, Bryan Mills est engagé par la CIA pour mener une opération mortelle. Un travail qui va lui apprendre un ensemble de compétences très particulier et très dangereux.
Action & Adventure
Rookie Blue

Rookie Blue

Jul 29, 2015
Cinq jeunes bleus inexpérimentés qui sortent à peine de l'académie de police sont affectés dans le même commissariat de la 15e division de la ville de Toronto. Ces jeunes font des gaffes, comme griller un policier sous couverture, ou actionner une arme de service dans les vestiaires. La moindre petite erreur pour les cinq bleus peut avoir des conséquences fatales...
Degrassi : Nouvelle génération
Dans les années 80, les ados se passionnaient pour les trépidantes Années collèges de Joey, Spike, Snake et Lucy. Aujourd'hui, Spike a une fille, Emma, 12 ans. Avec ses copains Tobby, JT, Liberty, Sean, Ashley, Paige, Terri, Spinner et Jimmy, ils forment la bande de Degrassi : Nouvelle Génération, s'assoient sur les mêmes bancs d'école que leurs parents. Pour eux tous, comme pour leurs aînés, l'amitié est la valeur sûre pour affronter tous les problèmes, chagrin d'amour ou violence familiale, pertes de repères ou maladie grave...