The authorities in favor of the Nazis are trying to restore order in a small town in Silesia. Their actions are fiercely resisted by a small group of residents.
The crusty hero, Habryka, is an old miner who has won many worker medals and is now retired with his youngest son and latter's family living with him. To build new apartment buildings, the old houses are being bought out, the residents given apartments in the new houses, and being cleared away. But Habryka refuses to sell.
Avec l'occupation nazie de la Pologne, plusieurs enfants d'un village deviennent très malheureux et se retrouvent dans de graves problèmes pour un dessin du Führer nazi pendu à un arbre.
Children from the orphanage hijack a tram on New Year's Eve. They drive it between Silesian cities on long journeys, meeting different people. During this night, moments are difficult, fun and scary, but unforgettable. In the morning, the children are picked up by a police patrol.