Albert Boadella

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La portentosa vida del pare Vicent
The action takes place in the 14th century, in times of the reconquest, in the Kingdom of Valencia. Father Vicente is a chaste monk who fights against all kinds of vices and sins, against superstition and against the beliefs of Muslims and Jews. Carles Mira's first feature film was inspired by the great amount of popular imagery that has provoked the supposed miracles of Saint Vicente Ferrer. The repertoire includes anecdotes of grotesque and eschatological character with an eminently esperpento touch.
Le mystère Jérôme Bosch
500 ans après sa disparition, Jérôme Bosch, l’un des plus grands peintres flamands, continue à intriguer avec une œuvre aussi fascinante qu’énigmatique, aux interprétations multiples. À travers « Le Jardin des Délices », historiens de l’art, philosophes, psychanalystes en cherchent le sens et rendent un hommage vibrant à un artiste qui défie le temps.
Yo soy Arturo Fernández
A gentle portrait of the mythical Spanish actor Arturo Fernández (1929-2019) in the hour of his passing, in his own words, through his latest interviews, not previously broadcast, and the words of those who knew him thorough decades of charming and good performance on stage, his true home, as well as in cinema and television.