Michael Leavy

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The Pitchfork Retreat

The Pitchfork Retreat

Jan 01, 1970
Three writers arrive by boat on a private island for a horror writer retreat where they are told they will compete for a life changing writing competition. They're in for a hell of a surprise.
Terrifier 2

Terrifier 2

Oct 06, 2022
Art le Clown est ressuscité à la morgue par une entité mystérieuse et sinistre. Un an plus tard, le soir d'Halloween, le psychopathe déguisé revient dans le comté de Miles. Une fois sur place il décide d'attaquer Sienna Shaw, une adolescente, et Jonathan, son jeune frère. Le défunt père des deux cibles leur avait en effet légué un livre de croquis plein d'images prémonitoires sur l'avenir d'Art le Clown.
Nick and Nicky

Nick and Nicky

Jan 01, 1970
A modern-day comedy and murder mystery inspired by the many classic Hollywood comedies of the 1930s. Essentially, the movie invokes the sparkling, witty spirit of these films and recreates it in an upscale, modern-day, gay setting. The two primary characters are a very wealthy, attractive, gay couple, one older, the other younger who have returned to New York City in order to get married. However, they end up embarking on a crime-solving adventure.


Aug 21, 2024
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.


Jan 25, 2018
C'est la nuit d'Halloween dans une petite ville américaine. Un grand clown dégingandé et mutique, tout habillé de blanc et de noir, s'installe à une table dans une pizzeria, portant un gros sac poubelle. Il s'attaque alors à plusieurs jeunes femmes qui tentent tant bien que mal de lui échapper. Ce meurtrier psychopathe déguisé en clown prend un plaisir sadique à mutiler atrocement toutes ses victimes.
Howl of a Good Time

Howl of a Good Time

Oct 01, 2015
A youngster sneaks into a movie theater during a private showing of a long lost classic horror film. She is unaware that the theatergoers aren't what they appear to be.
Abnormal Attraction

Abnormal Attraction

Mar 01, 2018
Dans un monde où les créatures mythiques sont réelles, les monstres et les humains sont contraints de coexister ; et comme les préjugés et l'insécurité séparent tout le monde, trois histoires distinctes parviennent à se rejoindre.
One Stop Away

One Stop Away

Dec 01, 2017
A high school teacher has his faith tested as he reconnects with his dying friend. Faced with losing his job, he must find a way to get through to his students, reconnect with his past, and remember what really matters in life.
Penance Lane

Penance Lane

Apr 21, 2020
Un criminel fraîchement sorti de prison accepte un job d'ouvrier pour retaper une vieille baraque dans la rue de Penance Lane. Mais ce qu'il va y découvrir aurait fait fuir n'importe qui. Du coup, pourquoi reste-t-il ? Et pourquoi tant de gens semblent disparaître dans cette rue ?
The Dark Offerings

The Dark Offerings

Sep 25, 2021
Sophia Hapgood is thrust into a horrifying world after her brother James brings her into a fatal situation. He passes a demon to her that she must spread to others within 6 days or else they both die. Sophia must make a choice to save her brother or find a way to end the curse.
Getting Grace

Getting Grace

Mar 23, 2018
Grace, a teenage girl dying of cancer crashes a funeral home to find out what will happen to her after she dies but ends up teaching the awkward funeral director, Bill Jankowski how to celebrate life.


Aug 21, 2024
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.


Aug 21, 2024
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.
Terrifier 2

Terrifier 2

Oct 06, 2022
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.
Brod strave

Brod strave

Mar 20, 2025
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.
Terrifier 3

Terrifier 3

Oct 09, 2024
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.


Aug 21, 2024
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.


Aug 21, 2024
As the Keenans try to bring their family closer together, they unwittingly enter themselves into a game of life or death. With four deranged killers patrolling the halls of their hotel and competing for the most creative kills, the odds are definitely stacked against them.


Mar 22, 2019
Near the intersection of Witcham and Jackson, Georgie Denbrough’s young life came to an abrupt and tragic end. His paper boat, assembled from a Derry News newspaper with care by his older brother Bill, had careened down a sewer drain on its doomed maiden voyage and into the hands of what—not who—would be Georgie's killer. But what if Pennywise the Dancing Clown hadn’t killed Georgie after all? What if Georgie had somehow escaped death and managed to live some semblance of a normal life in the not-so-normal town of Derry? What might his world look like? Or that of the Denbrough family? Would this horrific experience color their view of the universe?
Abnormal Attraction

Abnormal Attraction

Mar 01, 2018
Near the intersection of Witcham and Jackson, Georgie Denbrough’s young life came to an abrupt and tragic end. His paper boat, assembled from a Derry News newspaper with care by his older brother Bill, had careened down a sewer drain on its doomed maiden voyage and into the hands of what—not who—would be Georgie's killer. But what if Pennywise the Dancing Clown hadn’t killed Georgie after all? What if Georgie had somehow escaped death and managed to live some semblance of a normal life in the not-so-normal town of Derry? What might his world look like? Or that of the Denbrough family? Would this horrific experience color their view of the universe?
Abnormal Attraction

Abnormal Attraction

Mar 01, 2018
Near the intersection of Witcham and Jackson, Georgie Denbrough’s young life came to an abrupt and tragic end. His paper boat, assembled from a Derry News newspaper with care by his older brother Bill, had careened down a sewer drain on its doomed maiden voyage and into the hands of what—not who—would be Georgie's killer. But what if Pennywise the Dancing Clown hadn’t killed Georgie after all? What if Georgie had somehow escaped death and managed to live some semblance of a normal life in the not-so-normal town of Derry? What might his world look like? Or that of the Denbrough family? Would this horrific experience color their view of the universe?
Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day

Jan 01, 1970
Within a small country town, people are disappearing without a trace. It's up to one big city detective to discover if they're simply runaways or if there's something much more sinister at work.
Penance Lane

Penance Lane

Apr 21, 2020
Within a small country town, people are disappearing without a trace. It's up to one big city detective to discover if they're simply runaways or if there's something much more sinister at work.
Terrifier 2

Terrifier 2

Oct 06, 2022
Within a small country town, people are disappearing without a trace. It's up to one big city detective to discover if they're simply runaways or if there's something much more sinister at work.
Terrifier 3

Terrifier 3

Oct 09, 2024
Robert Englund has become one of the most revolutionary horror icons of our generation. This intimate portrait captures the man behind the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise and features interviews with Englund, Lin Shaye, Eli Roth, Tony Todd and more.