Алексей Огурцов

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Самый лучший фильм
Vadik Volnov (Garik Kharlamov) dies on his own wedding of cannabis overdose and has to prove to God that he is worthy to enter Heaven. During his conversation with God's secretary, Vadik recalls numerous memorable moments of his earthly existence, such as getting drunk on cognac on his 8th birthday, service in the Soviet Army in Afghanistan, bandit showdowns in crime-ridden 1990s Russia, and, finally, meeting the love of his life.
Day Watch

Day Watch

Jan 01, 2006
Moscou, de nos jours. Dans une cage d'escalier d'un immeuble ordinaire, une jeune femme est assassinée de sang-froid, mais on ne relève aucune trace de violence sur son corps. On découvre assez rapidement que cette femme était une "Autre de l'Ombre" et qu'elle était membre de Day Watch, une organisation secrète dirigée par un sombre et puissant sorcier dénommé Zavoulon. La trêve fragile, qu'avaient conclue la Lumière et l'Ombre et qui s'est maintenue pendant des siècles, est brisée - les "Autres de la Lumière" étant les principaux suspects...
Velvet Revolution

Velvet Revolution

Sep 15, 2005
La Russie, de nos jours. Les mafias ont pris le pouvoir. Deux enquêteurs vont devoir s'unir contre le plus redoutable cartel. Le premier, Vershinin, est un franc-tireur. Le second, Suvorotsev, est un incorruptible, à cheval sur le règlement. Leur adversaire : Sors, trafiquant, protégé par l'immunité diplomatique. Au fil de leur enquête, les deux policiers découvrent une gigantesque organisation, aux ramifications mondiales. De Russie en Allemagne, du Kenya en Californie, ils vont affronter des chefs d'États, des membres des services secrets et des barons de la drogue...


Feb 21, 2007
Dans un futur proche en Russie, un groupe de mercenaires est formé pour intervenir dans une base de missiles, mais leur mission prend rapidement un tour inquiétant.
Зови меня Джинн
The students go on wild adventure when a modern Genie appears suddenly from a can of soda. He has a mission to fulfill, as a result the three students are transported instantly to the Indian state of Goa, where one of he students named Guch (Sergey Chirkov) gets a date with the lovely classmate of his Lena (Anastasia Tsvetaeva).
Пьяная фирма
Comedy mini-series about doctor who cures hangoversIn the center of the plot is the story of the former doctor Grigory Mikhailovich Shtuchny, who drinks heavily and works as a security guard in an outpatient clinic. Piece - the inventor of the prescription drug, removing the cruel hangover and removing from the binge. The situation is such that the individual needs the money and he begins to earn, removing the hangover from wealthy clients. His young companion, Ilya, is looking for clients, and Piece with various degrees of success treats them.
Captivity Le Prisonnier de Mars
Lors d’une mission scientifique sur Mars, le vaisseau du cosmonaute Chapaev doit atterrir d’urgence sur la planète rouge suite à une série d’incidents techniques. Il est dès lors livré à lui-même. Seul dans l’espace, il va alors rencontrer quelque chose d’inexplicable qui va changer sa vie à jamais, et devenir une légende vivante vu de la Terre.
Реальный папа
Roman Shilo, a known criminal, suddenly must deal with his fourteen years old daughter and not only with her but with her little stepbrother and stepsister as well.
Hitler est kaput

Hitler est kaput

Sep 18, 2008
Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, l'espion Choura Ossetchkine a réussi à s'infiltrer dans le quartier général de Hitler, sous le nom de «Schurenberg». La ravissante Zina est là pour l'aider et crée des ravages dans les coeurs de l'armée allemande déjà bien désorganisée. Fous d'amour l'un pour l'autre, ils pourraient bien oublier leur mission, mais Zina est arrêtée par la Gestapo. Pour lui porter secours, Choura sera aidé de façon inattendue par Borman, lui aussi éperdument amoureux... de lui !


Jan 10, 2013
Funny comedy about a life of super-famous mega-star Igor Uspensky and his fight for "Man of a Year" title.


Jun 07, 2010
A new version of "Romeo and Juliet", only the events of the film are developing in modern Moscow, and the main characters are a carefree motorcyclist named Flame and the daughter of a billionaire Lena.
Легок на помине
Witty comedy about the cunning estate agent Pasha, who randomly receives a strange feature. The unfortunate realtor has to wander literally all over the world and constantly find himself next to people who remember him with an unkind word.
La Légende de Viy

La Légende de Viy

Jan 30, 2014
Londres, 1713. Le cartographe anglais Jonathan Green part en repérage des endroits inexplorés de la Transylvanie. Au-delà des montagnes des Carpates, il découvre un village isolé du reste du monde, dont les habitants terrorisés se cachent des démons et autres créatures qui en ont pris possession. Seul le téméraire cartographe semble alors pouvoir percer les mystères qui entourent ces créatures impitoyables qu’il lui revient d’exterminer…
Золушка 4х4. Всё начинается с желаний...
Dasha is in the eighth grade. She is a very ordinary girl, she has no mother, she lives with her father and younger sister Ulyana. Her father works as a car mechanic and communicates with eccentric clients, and Dasha has to take care of her sister, in which her elderly neighbor Pavel sometimes helps her. Dasha loves to dream. She imagines that she lives in a fairy tale, and the people around her are her fairy tale characters. Once, lost in her dreams and telling her sister a fairy tale at night, she imagined everything so clearly that the fairy tale "came to life": Dasha became Cinderella, and Ulyana became Thumbelina.


Mar 01, 2012
Every year on the International Women’s Day telephone networks transfer millions of phone calls and SMS messages. The vast majority of phone calls are addressed to the most important women in lives of everyone - to our mothers. But what would it be if because of enormous number of calls telephone network breaks down? What would we do? Someone would wait until network is rebuilt and would congratulate his mom in the evening or even the next day. But others, like the heroes of our movie, would change their plans to congratulate their moms just today ... personally ... as a kid!..


Jun 08, 2006
Pavel and Natalya did not know each other, although they had been successfully working in the same field for a long time. They worked only with the richest clients and served them in the first place. Both were top class frauds. And while their paths did not cross, they lived quite happily. But everything changed when their next clients turned out to be husband and wife, and the unlucky thief Marina took away the million at stake right from under the noses of the professionals, without realizing what she had gotten herself into.
Умножающий печаль
A faithful Horse, a Cunning Dog, a Lively Cat — that's what they called each other since childhood. They are Interpol officer Sergei Ordyntsev, the "oligarch" Alexander Serebrovsky and Konstantin Boyko, the Olympic biathlon champion. Once upon a time, three classmates played Indians and thought that their friendship would last a lifetime.
Action & Adventure