Lars Hanson

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Le vent

Le vent

Sep 15, 1928
Letty, une jeune fille désargentée, se rend au Texas chez son cousin Bev. Dans le train elle rencontre un bellâtre qui lui ferme galamment sa fenêtre pour empêcher le vent qui souffle méchamment de s'engouffrer, puis s'empresse de s'asseoir à côté d'elle. A son arrivée, dans une tempête de sable, elle est accueillie par Lige et son copain Sourdough, qui l'emmènent chez son cousin Bev, qu'elle considère comme son frère car ils ont été élevés ensemble. Cora, la femme de Bev, voit d'un mauvais oeil son arrivée dans la famille, d'autant plus que tout le monde semble apprécier la présence de Letty. Au bal populaire, Lige et Sourdough font leur cour, mais c'est Roddy, promesse de sortir de cet endroit dans lequel souffle sans discontinuer un vent de sable tempétueux, qui emporte le suffrage. A bout de patience et jalouse, Cora lui demande de se trouver un mari, mais lorsque Letty se rend chez Roddy, celui-ci lui apprend qu'il est déjà marié...
Minns ni?

Minns ni?

Oct 24, 1993
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
La Chair et le Diable

La Chair et le Diable

Dec 25, 1926
Leo et Ulrich, rejetons de la grande aristocratie de l'Europe centrale de la fin du XIXe siècle, sont amis d'enfance, et même frères de sang. Ils mènent une carrière militaire ensemble. Leo tombe amoureux d'une comtesse, l'irrésistible Felicitas, puis il est confronté au fait qu'elle est mariée. Le mari de celle-ci le défie en duel, lequel tourne à l'avantage de Leo qui tue son rival. Afin d'éviter tout scandale, l'armée envoie Leo en Afrique pendant quelques années. Pendant ce temps, Ulrich, qui n'est pas au courant de la liaison passée entre Leo et Felicitas, épouse celle-ci. Au retour d'Afrique, Leo apprend que son meilleur ami est marié avec la femme qu'il aime et est ainsi bouleversé par la trahison de celle-ci: elle ne l'a pas attendu. Felicitas apprend rapidement à Leo qu'elle l'aime encore. Celui-ci est tiraillé entre son amitié indéfectible et son amour éternel: il choisit de rester à distance de Felicitas...
La Nuit de la Saint-Jean
Lena Bergström est la fille d'un journaliste vieillissant, obsédé par la baisse de la natalité. Elle est aussi la secrétaire d'un chef d'entreprise, Johan Borg, dont elle est désespérément éprise. Désireux de sauver son mariage raté, Borg souhaiterait que sa femme lui donne un enfant, ce à quoi Clary s'oppose obstinément. Lorsque cette dernière découvre qu'elle est enceinte, elle décide de se faire avorter et fait appel aux services d'un charlatan. Tandis qu'un maître chanteur fait pression sur les Borg, le père de Lena s'imagine que sa fille a subi un avortement...
La Lettre écarlate

La Lettre écarlate

Jan 08, 1927
Un village de la Nouvelle-Angleterre en 1645. Ses très puritains habitants se plaignent du comportement "choquant" d'Hester Prynne auprès du révérend Dimmesdale. Celui-ci est attiré par la jeune femme et ils ont une liaison passionnée, vite frappée du sceau de l'infamie, d'autant plus qu'un enfant naît de cette union...
Första divisionen

Första divisionen

Sep 23, 1941
The year is 1941 and Nazi Germany is at its peak. Hitler's army is storming into Russia. Sweden stands lonely and isolated while the air force is training intensely due to a coming attack. The squadron leader pushes his men at its hardest. It's a constant game with death where death unfortunately often wins.
På solsidan

På solsidan

Feb 03, 1936
Eva Bergh works as a bank clerk, but dreams of becoming an artist. At a party she meets the rich Harald Ribe and he instantly falls in love with her. When he proposes to marry her she has no work or place to live and she accepts. At Harald's estate she can live comfortably, but she misses her old friends.
Ett farligt frieri

Ett farligt frieri

Dec 26, 1919
The farmer Knut Husaby has a daughter, Aslaug, who is the most beautiful girl in the village. Many boys are after her, but Knut and his two sons drive them away, if they come too close to the farm. Aslaug is secretly in love with Tore Naesset. But he is only a smallholder's son, and when he asks for Aslaug's hand, her father just laughs at him. Instead her father wants Aslaug to marry Ola Thormundson, a gawky boy, who is the son of the wealthiest farmer in the village. Aslaug brings her family's cattle to the Husaby summer farm up in the mountain. Only one road leads to the summer farm, and it passes right by the main farm. When Tore returns from a visit to Aslaug in the mountains, Knut and his sons beat him black and blue. As it's impossible for him to use the road anymore, Tore has to figure out another way to go to Aslaug. Next Saturday he crosses the fiord in a rowing-boat. He stops at a fifty meter high wall of rock, and starts climbing it, hoping to reach Aslaug at the top.
Le Dénonciateur

Le Dénonciateur

Oct 16, 1929
Un homme trahit son meilleur ami, membre d’une organisation terroriste et est ensuite poursuivi par les autres membres de l’organisation.
Tösen från Stormyrtorpet
A 1917 Swedish drama film directed by Victor Sjöström, based on a 1913 novel by Selma Lagerlöf. It was the first in a series of successful Lagerlöf adaptions by Sjöström, made possible by a deal between Lagerlöf and A-B Svenska Biografteatern (later AB Svensk Filmindustri) to adapt at least one Lagerlöf novel each year. Lagerlöf had for many years denied any proposal to let her novels be adapted for film, but after seeing Sjöström's Terje Vigen she finally decided to give her allowance.


Dec 26, 1925
Lorsque ses ancêtres semblent apparaître dans les nuages lors d’une tempête aux proportions bibliques, le jeune Ingmar décide d’abandonner sa carrière d’enseignant du village et de récupérer les terres et la ferme de ses pères. La même nuit d’orage, le charismatique prédicateur Helgum arrive dans le village pour faire connaître les promesses de la Terre Sainte, qui montent les parents et les enfants, les hommes et les femmes, les frères et les sœurs, les uns contre les autres. Ingmar est déchiré entre son amour pour Gertrud, la fille du directeur, qui est sous le charme du prédicateur, et la perspective d’épouser Barbro, la fille du juge, afin de garder la ferme.


Sep 16, 1928
A married writer's luck turns when he gets a play produced at Théâtre de Paris. He meets the femme fatale who should play the lead in his play. Passion and conflict occurs.
The Divine Woman

The Divine Woman

Jan 13, 1928
[For 9 minute surviving fragment] Lucian, a soldier in Paris, is to ship out for Algiers at 9 that evening. He stops by for a last meal with his love, Marianne. He may be worried that when he leaves she will find another soldier to love. They argue then embrace and, when the clock strikes midnight, he is still in her arms. Is desertion in the cards? Can the relationship survive the military demands and a soldier's obligations? A lost film.
Les Ailes

Les Ailes

Sep 04, 1916
Un sculpteur rencontre un jeune peintre, en fait son modèle et devient son ami. Leur amitié est menacée quand ils tombent tous les deux amoureux de la même femme, une comtesse manipulatrice.


Aug 28, 1928
Following World War I, after a long imprisonment, two German prisoner-of-war soldiers escape from a Siberian lead-mine. Karl manages to reach Germany before Richard, and is sheltered by Anna, wife of Richard. While Richard is still on his homeward trek, Karl and Anna fall in love. And then Richard comes home.
Captain Salvation

Captain Salvation

May 14, 1927
A young divinity student helps and protects a down and out prostitute, at the cost of his own standing in the community.
Minns du?

Minns du?

Jan 01, 1935
Compilation film with scenes from different Swedish silent films, many of the films have since been lost and the only surviving fragments can be found in this film.


Sep 10, 1995
A tribute to Swedish film, which was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of film in 1995 and consists of about a hundred clips from Swedish film history with many of its stars.
Chevauchée nocturne

Chevauchée nocturne

Nov 24, 1942
Un fermier refuse de payer des taxes, déclenchant l'insurrection de paysans opprimés par les propriétaires terriens dans cette adaptation du roman de Vilhelm Moberg.
Dårskapens hus

Dårskapens hus

Sep 21, 1951
In Stockholm in the year 2248 an excavation leads to the discovery of 45,000 meters of film from the 1940's master director Hasse Ekman . The material is in a disarray but the Society for Ancient Film Research compiles the material after what is believed to have been the master's artistic intentions


Mar 03, 1944
Celebrated elderly Austrian poet opposes nazism, while his daughter admires and falls in love with leading nazi activist, who eventually becomes concentration camp commander with his father-in-law as prisoner.


Nov 20, 1916
Une danseuse gitane est repérée par un violoniste et admise au sein d'une académie de danse classique.
Vingar kring fyren

Vingar kring fyren

Oct 10, 1938
Just before the young Anna is getting married to the lighthouse keeper Holmstrand, she meets the Norwegian sailor John. He falls in love with her, but leaves her when he is told she is engaged.


Jan 15, 1937
"Conflict" - Shipbuilder Edvard Banck is busy building new ships, but forgets that his wife Birgit wants his attention and tenderness. A new engineer, Reidar Hagen, begins at the shipyard, and Birgit is immediately attracted to him. They fall in love, and Birgit decides to leave her husband. But is it possible and what will Edvard do?


Mar 15, 1920
The widower Jakob Vindås lives with his daughter and his mother in a small west coast fishing community.
De landsflyktige

De landsflyktige

Nov 07, 1921
A wealthy Russian family is faced with change and challenges as events unfold during the First World War.


Oct 02, 1916
Therèse is a young woman who has married an older man to be able to live a wealthier life.


Jan 02, 1915
Mr Bernhard has financial difficulties. He has fallen into the hands of broker Mr Pouzer. In desperation, Bernhard's daughter Julia visit Pouzer to ask for mercy for her father. Yes, Pouzer replies, if I get you in return.
Synnöve Solbakken

Synnöve Solbakken

Oct 20, 1919
Synnöve lives with her parents at the farm Solbakken on a sunny hill. Thorbjörn, who lives at Granliden in the shadow of a big mountain, often looks wistfully up to Solbakken. As teenagers they meet and fall in love. Another boy, Knud Nordhaug, is also yearning for Synnöve.
Till Österland

Till Österland

Feb 01, 1926
When Ingmar Ingmarsson marries Barbro Svensdotter there's a big party with many guests. But the bride and groom are unhappy.
Stiller, Garbo & jag

Stiller, Garbo & jag

Mar 08, 1988
One day when Ruben Stiller is playing in a bath, he gets an alien talking to Nadja, who asks him to find out the fate of Charly's dog. Ruben agrees because Charly's host was Mauritz Stiller, and Ruben is the grandson of Mauritz's brother.
Intill helvetets portar
Professor Barring is awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. According to Barring the scientist's sole duty is to seek the truth, even if this leads to the "gates of hell".


Dec 24, 1927
Working as a pageboy on an ocean liner, a street orphan and his friend Slugger end up on the wrong side of the ship's captain when they try to tell him that his wife is cheating on him with other members of the crew. The boys end up in deeper trouble, after they are thrown in the brig and the ship starts sinking...