Jan Harvey

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The Final Quest

The Final Quest

Dec 27, 2004
Three old friends reminisce about their old haunts. Hearing that a coffee bar they frequented in their youth is reopening with a rock 'n' roll theme, Dave, Charlie and Ronno decide to pay a visit. Third film in The Quest Trilogy.
TV Movie
Whistle for Willie

Whistle for Willie

Jan 02, 1965
For Peter, learning to whistle means being able to call his dog, Willie, and being a bit closer to those two magic words: grown-up.


Aug 28, 1999
Nick Beckett est un officier travaillant pour un département de surveillance du gouvernement. Ses chefs l'empêchent de mener l'enquête sur la disparition d'un de ses amis officies, il décide de faire appel à de l'aide extérieur. Il va faire équipe avec Ros Henderson, une experte en surveillance et Ed un pilote d'hélicoptère casse-cou. Formant une bonne équipe, ils décident de créer l'agence BUGS spécialisée dans le renseignement, l'espionnage et employant des technologies high-techs.
Pebble Mill at One

Pebble Mill at One

May 23, 1986
Pebble Mill at One was a popular British lunchtime magazine, broadcast live from Monday to Friday at 13:00, mainly on BBC1. It was transmitted from the Pebble Mill studios of BBC Birmingham, and uniquely, was hosted from the centre's main foyer area, rather than a conventional studio. In the beginning, visitors to the studios were seen arriving in the background as the programme was transmitted. Reasons for this were: a planned third studio was never constructed on the site, and existing facilities were fully booked for network drama production and local news. Gradually, as the show was successful, the foyer became a studio, and visitors had to use a new entrance. The show ran from 2 October 1972 to 23 May 1986, under various programme Editors including: Terry Dobson, Jim Dumighan, and Peter Hercombe.. For most of that period there were few television programmes transmitted in Britain on any channels during the day. For this reason the programme acquired a unique following from those who found themselves at home at lunchtime. Housewives, students, and those recovering from an illness remember it with fondness for its variety and the problems inherent with live television. Its best remembered theme tune was "As You Please" by the Raymond Lefevre orchestra.
Howards' Way

Howards' Way

Nov 29, 1990
The BBC's answer to Dynasty, Howards' Way was launched in 1985 with an enormous 1 million pound budget. The main characters in the show were 'best boat designer in the world' Tom Howard, his boutique running wife Jan Howard, 'I'll have a drink' Jack Rolfe and a nasty man called Ken Masters. It starred Maurice Colbourne.
The Royal

The Royal

Jul 31, 2011
Follows the staff and patients of a Yorkshire cottage hospital in the 60s, embroiled in tangled love lives and bitter power struggles.
Inspecteur Frost

Inspecteur Frost

Apr 05, 2010
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur William Frost, plus connu sous le nom de Jack, dans la ville imaginaire de Denton. Ce veuf quinquagénaire, brillant policier de l'ancienne école, n'a pas son pareil pour résoudre les affaires les plus complexes. Il a reçu la plus haute distinction civile, la croix de Georges, pour avoir été imprudemment blessé par un homme armé alors qu'il sortait d'un bar et était ivre, le jour où il a appris que sa femme, qu'il comptait quitter, était atteinte d'un cancer en phase terminale. Souvent en conflit avec ses supérieurs, désordonné et allergique à la paperasse, il est réputé pour son fichu caractère. Bourru et prenant parfois quelque liberté avec les règlements ou les procédures, il fait toutefois preuve d'empathie avec les victimes et a bon cœur. Il est assisté dans ses enquêtes par différents sergents détectives qui apportent leur point de vue particulier à la résolution de l'affaire. L'humour anglais et le ressort comique de la série sont inscrits dans les relations entre Frost et le bureaucratique Superintendant Mullett.


Jul 04, 2023
The clock is ticking as contestants compete in games of lexical dexterity and numerical agility.
Inspecteur Morse

Inspecteur Morse

Jan 20, 1993
L'inspecteur Morse est un policier bien particulier de la ville d'Oxford. Amateur de bière et amoureux des mots, il entretient des relations plutôt tendues avec ses supérieurs. Mais avec son adjoint, l'inspecteur Lewis, ils résolvent toutes les enquêtes qui leurs sont confiées.
The Sweeney

The Sweeney

Dec 28, 1978
Jack Regan, an unethical officer of the Flying Squad, uses unorthodox methods to pursue criminals with the help of his partner, George Carter.
Action & Adventure
Family Affairs

Family Affairs

Dec 30, 2005
Focuses on the lives of residents in the fictional London suburb of Charnham.
Crown Court

Crown Court

Feb 02, 1984
Crown Court is an afternoon television courtroom drama produced by Granada Television for the ITV network that ran from 1972, when the Crown Court system replaced Assize courts and Quarter sessions in the legal system of England and Wales, to 1984.


Dec 04, 1994
The adventures of the eponymous Lovejoy, a likeable but roguish antiques dealer based in East Anglia. Within the trade, he has a reputation as a “divvie”, a person with an almost supernatural powers for recognising exceptional items as well as distinguishing genuine antique from clever fakes or forgeries.
Perfect World

Perfect World

Jun 25, 2001
A comedy about the ups and downs of Bob Slay, an obnoxious, rude and arrogant, but extremely successful, marketing executive.
Van der Valk

Van der Valk

Feb 19, 1992
Le cynique commissaire-détective néerlandais "Piet" Van der Valk et ses collègues enquêtent sur les meurtres, les enlèvements et la corruption politique.


Jul 27, 2003
Rockface is a British television drama series which was broadcast on BBC One from 2002 to 2003. It ran for two series: the first six episodes were broadcast from 13 March to 17 April 2002 on Wednesday nights; the second series of eight episodes ran from 25 May to 27 July 2003 on Sunday nights. The series is set in Glenntannoch, a fictitious town in the Scottish Highlands, and centres around a mountain rescue team led by Dr Gordon Urquhart. The major rescues and incidents in the series were based on real life rescues conducted by the Lochaber Mountain Rescue service.
Belfry Witches

Belfry Witches

Nov 07, 2000
Belfry Witches was a television show broadcast by the BBC during its CBBC slot. It ran for just over a year, airing in September 1999 and running its thirteenth and final episode in November 2000. The show followed two witches, Skirty Marm and Old Noshie as they caused mischief in a quiet English village named Tranter's End, which they fled to after being banished their home on Witch Island. The show revolved around the two witches, the friendly of the church whose belfry they are in, Chris Tucker, the resident "naughty boy", a nasty woman named Mrs. Bagg-Meanly, and the Head Witch who banished Skirty Marm and Old Noshie - Mrs. Abercrombie. The show was called 'Belfry Witches' because the two witches lived in a church belfry. The show was axed due to poor ratings. The show was based on the children's book series by author and journalist Kate Saunders. It was never released either on video or DVD.
WPC 56

WPC 56

Mar 13, 2015
Drama following WPC Gina Dawson, the first Woman Police Constable to join Brinford Constabulary, a fictional police force in the West Midlands, in 1956. The show focuses on WPC Gina Dawson's struggle to gain acceptance in the male-dominated police station whilst having to deal with the sexist attitudes that were commonplace at the time.
New Tricks

New Tricks

Sep 29, 2015
New Tricks is a British comedy-drama that follows the work of the fictional Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad of the Metropolitan Police Service. Originally led by Detective Superintendent Sandra Pullman, it is made up of retired police officers who have been recruited to reinvestigate unsolved crimes.


Feb 22, 2025
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...
Bill Brand

Bill Brand

Aug 16, 1976
Following the death of the sitting Labour Party Member of Parliament, Bill Brand is selected as Labour candidate for a Lancashire textile constituency.
Cosmos 1999

Cosmos 1999

Nov 12, 1977
En 1999, la Terre entrepose ses déchets nucléaires sur la Lune où est déjà installée la base lunaire "Alpha". Le 13 septembre, une explosion de ces stocks provoque une telle réaction en chaîne que la Lune quitte l’orbite terrestre puis le système solaire. Dans l’incapacité de regagner la Terre, les 311 survivants commandés par le charismatique commandant Koenig, errent sur l’astre dans le cosmos et affrontent toutes sortes de dangers.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Public Eye

Public Eye

Apr 07, 1975
Public Eye is a British television series that ran from 1965 to 1975. It was produced by ABC Television for three series, and Thames Television for a further four series. The series depicted the investigations and cases handled by the unglamorous enquiry agent Frank Marker, an unmarried loner who is in his early forties when the series begins. In the words of an ABC trailer for the third series: "Marker isn't a glamorous detective and he doesn't get glamorous cases—he doesn't even get glamorous girls. What he does get is people who are in trouble—the sort of trouble you can't go to the police about, even if you are innocent."
The Round Tower

The Round Tower

Jan 22, 1998
The poor son of a house maid is determined to find success and win the love of Vanessa, the daughter of a wealthy family who is alienated by her social-climbing parents.