Jason Barbeck

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Don't Say My Name

Don't Say My Name

Aug 18, 2022
Inspired by true events, Don't Say My Name tells the story of human trafficking survivor Adriana, after she bravely escape her captors. We'll follow her harrowing journey of survival as she navigates the road to recovery.
Mémoire du Passé

Mémoire du Passé

Jan 06, 2007
Michael, une jeune femme âgée de trente ans, standardiste à Police Secours, perd son bébé à la naissance. Depuis, elle ne cesse de faire des cauchemars, entend des voix et souffre d'hallucinations. Un jour, elle reçoit un appel d'urgence d'une petite fille prisonnière d'un incendie, mais l'adresse qui s'affiche sur l'écran est inconnue et l'on ne trouve aucune trace de l'appel dans la base de données. Michael, convaincue que cette petite fille existe et court un grand danger, part à sa recherche.
Saving Grace

Saving Grace

Jul 01, 2010
Grace is a beautiful young nurse who lives a life of pain and anguish. Her addiction to heroin has forced the authorities to take away her beloved daughter Jessica, and put her on the verge of losing her job at the hospital. Grace finds sickly solace at the end of a junkie's needle as she burns the days away, lost in the darkness of despair. A near fatal overdose lands her in the very hospital that she works-but also into the hands of one of the hospital's janitors, Clayton. He's an odd survivalist who hunts rabbits on the weekends from an abandoned school deep in the desolate countryside. When Grace wakes up in the bowels of Clayton's make-shift bunker, he tells her a bizarre story. One in which he has not only saved her from a life of drugs, but also from the horrors of the world itself.
A history of violence

A history of violence

Sep 23, 2005
Père de famille dans une petite ville tranquille, Tom Stall est un jour contraint de tuer deux malfrats qui menaçaient la vie des employés et des clients de son restaurant. Proclamé héros par la presse locale, Tom essaie peu à peu de revenir à une vie normale. Mais un certain Carl Fogarty débarque, convaincu de reconnaître en Tom celui avec qui il a autrefois eu de violents démêlés.
Adam's Testament

Adam's Testament

Apr 08, 2017
Adam a young musician had the perfect life until one day everything changed. His father, detective Joseph Gable continues on a relentless path to save Adam's soul as angels and demons are disguised as humans. This ancient spiritual war between good and evil will test their faith as a dark stranger descends on modern day Toronto.
Adam's Testament

Adam's Testament

Apr 08, 2017
Adam a young musician had the perfect life until one day everything changed. His father, detective Joseph Gable continues on a relentless path to save Adam's soul as angels and demons are disguised as humans. This ancient spiritual war between good and evil will test their faith as a dark stranger descends on modern day Toronto.
Adam's Testament

Adam's Testament

Apr 08, 2017
Adam a young musician had the perfect life until one day everything changed. His father, detective Joseph Gable continues on a relentless path to save Adam's soul as angels and demons are disguised as humans. This ancient spiritual war between good and evil will test their faith as a dark stranger descends on modern day Toronto.
Frankie Drake Mysteries
Le quotidien de l'unique femme détective privé dans les années 1920. Intrépide, elle s'occupe des cas dont la police ne veut pas, ou ne peut pas gérer.
Mayday : Dangers dans le ciel
Cette série revient sur les grandes catastrophes aériennes. Ces films, mélange de reconstitutions et de témoignages, nous plongent dans une atmosphère angoissante et un suspense haletant. Interventions des survivants et des parents de victimes, explications d’experts, étude de la boîte noire de l'avion, rapports des autorités… Un important travail d'enquête a été mené afin de tenter de comprendre les raisons de ces crashes.