Ellie Beaven

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The Laughter of God

The Laughter of God

Nov 10, 1991
Amanda Donohoe and Peter Firth star in Tony Bicât’s unnerving thriller about a poisoned marriage in which both people are locked in passionate affairs and fantasizing about murder
La Revanche de la Reine des neiges
La Reine des neiges tient Ellie pour responsable d'avoir ruiné ses plans pour geler le monde et cherche à se venger. Elle kidnappe Dimly le renne volant et une fois de plus Ellie et son ami Peeps le moineau sont obligés de voyager, cette fois au pôle Sud, où la reine des neiges et ses trolls ont élu domicile pour l'été.
Arthur's Dyke

Arthur's Dyke

Oct 19, 2001
Twenty years ago, three men set out on the longest walk of their lives. They vowed to repeat the walk, but this time they are joined by a forty year old wife and mother who is in the midst of a mid-life crisis.


Sep 16, 1988
Un petit arnaqueur s'attaque à un gros coup. Recherché par la police, il se réfugie avec les siens au Mexique. Mais bientôt il doit choisir entre sa liberté et sa famille.
La Reine des Neiges

La Reine des Neiges

Jan 01, 1995
Tom et sa sœur Ellie mènent une vie ordinaire dans une petite ville. Mais loin d'ici, dans un immense palais de glace, la Reine des Neiges complote pour dominer le monde, en déviant les rayons du soleil grâce à un énorme miroir, gelant ainsi la terre. Mais le miroir vole en éclat et une des pièces tombe dans l'œil de Tom et l'autre dans son cœur. Afin de les récupérer, la Reine des Neiges kidnappe le petit Tom. Pour sauver son frère, Ellie, aidée de son ami Peeps le Moineau, entreprend un sensationnel et dangereux voyage. Une véritable course contre-la-montre commence.
The Dreamstone

The Dreamstone

Mar 28, 1995
The Dreamstone is a British animated television series that ran for 4 series of 13 episodes each between 1990 and 1995. The original concept and artwork were created by Michael Jupp who would later create another cartoon show Bimble's Bucket. The series was produced by FilmFair as a Central production for ITV. In 1996 Filmfair was bought from the Caspian Group by the Canadian company Cinar, then it became Cookie Jar Entertainment, but then it became part of DHX Media. This resulted in DHX's ownership of the first two series, while a company called Dreamstone Productions Ltd. retain the ownership of the third and fourth series. The Dreamstone is set in an alternative world called the 'Sleeping World,' and concerns itself principally with the struggle between good, and evil.


Mar 03, 2025
La vie quotidienne des habitants de la classe ouvrière de la place Albert, une traditionnelle place victorienne de maisons mitoyennes entourant un parc dans le quartier de Walford, à l'est de Londres.


Nov 14, 2024
Set in the fictional Midlands town of Letherbridge, defined as being close to the city of Birmingham, this soap opera follows the staff and families of a doctor's surgery.
The Wild House

The Wild House

Mar 31, 1999
The Wild House was a serialised children's programme produced between 1997 and 1999 broadcast by the BBC. The idea was created by Jean Buchanan, and later series were written partially by Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. It follows the life of Natalie Wild and the other members of the Wild family.
Down to Earth

Down to Earth

Mar 06, 2005
Down to Earth was a BBC One television series first broadcast in 2000 about a couple who start a new life on a Devon farm. The early episodes of the series were based on a series of books written by Faith Addis about their real-life move from London to Devon. The music in the series was composed by Sheridan Tongue, and had the song "After All this Time" as its opening and closing credits in series 2 and 3.
Down to Earth

Down to Earth

Mar 06, 2005
Down to Earth was a BBC One television series first broadcast in 2000 about a couple who start a new life on a Devon farm. The early episodes of the series were based on a series of books written by Faith Addis about their real-life move from London to Devon. The music in the series was composed by Sheridan Tongue, and had the song "After All this Time" as its opening and closing credits in series 2 and 3.


Feb 22, 2025
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...


Feb 22, 2025
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...
To Me... To You...

To Me... To You...

Jul 15, 1998
To Me... To You... is a children's game show presented by Paul and Barry Elliott, better known as the Chuckle Brothers. It ran for 3 series including 2 Christmas specials, from 21 June 1996 to 25 December 1998, and was shown on BBC1. The show was set on a desert island. The contestants were children and were in teams of two. The contestants won prizes and coconuts and whoever had the most coconuts at the end of the show won the game. There were tasks such as the Chuckle Challenge and the Chuckle Chuck, where contestants would throw custard pies at Paul and Barry and if they failed to hit both of them three times in a minute, then the contestants would have custard pies put in their faces. Each episode would also have a celebrity guest, someone who was famous for being on TV at the time, such as Richard McCourt, Dave Benson-Phillips, Michaela Strachan and Mr. Blobby.
ma tribu

ma tribu

Sep 02, 2011
Le quotidien d'une famille anglaise, excentrique et drôle. Le père, Ben Harper, est un dentiste misanthrope, et son épouse, Susan, travaille comme guide touristique. Étourdie et optimiste, elle aimerait bien contrôler la vie de ses enfants. L'aîné, Nick, 19 ans, a pris une année sabbatique pour... se vautrer sur le canapé du salon ; sa soeur Janey ne pense qu'aux garçons et au shopping ; surdoué, Michael, le petit dernier, enchaîne les relations amoureuses. Sans oublier Brigitte, l'assistante plutôt fofolle de Ben...
Les Petits Fantômes

Les Petits Fantômes

Mar 28, 2002
Basée sur les livres à succès du même nom, cette série explore le monde magique de quatre jeunes fantômes qui vivent et s'amusent dans un immense château.