Sarah Sutton

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Jun 21, 2000
A 4-Part Educational drama for Essex County Council Road Safety Department, this video is aimed at Key stage 2 and 3 pupils. This soap-style drama raises the various and complex issues surrounding transport in the 21st century, dealing with issue like personal and road safety, pollution, costs, traffic, cycling, health, and the environment through two family's struggles and dilemmas.
Myth Makers 9: Sarah Sutton
This Myth Makers combines two interviews with Sarah Sutton; one filmed at Harrison’s Rocks, the main location for Castrovalva; the second recorded in a London studio eight years later and featuring some familiar monsters. Sarah chats to Nicholas Briggs about working with Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Janet Fielding and Matthew Waterhouse. There are also many behind-the-scenes stories about working on Doctor Who.
Lust in Space

Lust in Space

May 28, 1998
Doctor Who travelled with the most gorgeous girls in the Cosmos. But was there any Lust in Space? Doctor Who is on trial - and the charge is sexism! The scene is set, the witnesses called. We expose Doctor Who’s final taboo! It’s everything you wanted to know about sex (in Doctor Who) but were afraid to ask!
An Englishman On Gallifrey
Here, for the very first time, we reveal how a convention looks from the other side of the stage – from the ‘star’s’ point of view. Armed with his own home video camera (and trailed by the intrepid Reeltime crew) Mark Strickson sets off from deepest rural England on an odyssey of adventure across the Atlantic to the Airtel Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, the venue for ‘the twelfth regeneration of Gallifrey One’ … confusing name but nonetheless one of America’s leading Doctor Who conventions. Don’t miss this totally unique ‘up-front and personal’ video diary of the trials an tribulations of being an Englishman on Gallifrey!
Doctor Who: Jovanka Airlines
Jovanka Airlines was a short webcast made to coincide with the release of Doctor Who: The Collection — Season 19 Blu-ray boxset and released as part of The Season 19 Safety Video with Tegan Jovanka. As the name suggests, Tegan examined the special features of the release as if they were safety procedures on an aeroplane.
Science Fiction
The Doctors: The Peter Davison Years
This is the definitive set of interviews with the team who brought the Peter Davison era of Doctor Who to life! This documentary includes the best in-depth interviews with Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Mark Strickson (Turlough) and Anthony Ainley (The Third Master) ever undertaken! Plus two more special productions featuring Peter Davison and his assistants at 1980s DOCTOR WHO conventions!
Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani
Arriving on the barren world of Androzani Minor, the Doctor and Peri find themselves embroiled in a long running, literal underground war. At the heart of the conflict is a substance called Spectrox - both valuable and deadly! The Doctor & Peri wind up being poisoned by the material, which is killing them slowly and painfully unless they can find a cure. As the conflict heats up and the situation gets more desperate, the Doctor realises time is running out - both for Peri and himself...
Doctor Who: Castrovalva
The Doctor needs somewhere peaceful to recover from his traumatic regeneration. But the sanctuary of Castrovalva is not all it seems, as the Master will stop at nothing to gain his revenge over the Doctor...
Doctor Who: Time-Flight
While investigating a vanishing Concorde at Heathrow Airport, the Doctor and his companions are thrown millions of years back in time, when a mysterious alien called Kalid is trying to control the ancient powers of the Xeraphin.
Doctor Who: Arc of Infinity
Omega, an ancient Time Lord made of pure anti-matter, once defeated by the Doctor, is plotting to cross over into this dimension by bonding with the Doctor. Meanwhile, the disappearance of a man in Amsterdam piques the curiosity of his cousin, Tegan, who previously left the Doctor at Heathrow Airport and now finds herself at Omega's mercy. Fearing total destruction from the collision of matter and antimatter, the Time Lords recall the Doctor to Gallifrey to undertake the only viable solution: executing him!
Science Fiction
Doctor Who: Snakedance
Tegan falls once more under the influence of the Mara and directs the TARDIS to the planet Manussa. There, the Federator's son Lon and his mother Tanha are preparing for a ceremony to celebrate the banishment of the Mara five hundred years earlier. The Mara takes control of Lon and uses him and Tegan to obtain from Ambril, the Director of Historical Research, the 'Great Crystal' - the large blue stone that originally brought it into being by focusing energy from the minds of the planet's one-time inhabitants. The Mara now plans to use the crystal during the ceremony to bring about its return to corporeal existence.
Doctor Who: Black Orchid
The TARDIS arrives in 1925 England where the Doctor ends up playing in a local cricket match due to a case of mistaken identity. The travellers accept an invitation to a masked fancy dress ball, but events take on a more sinister tone as murders are perpetrated at the country home of their host, Lord Charles Cranleigh.
Science Fiction
Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead
A warp ellipse draws the TARDIS off course. The Fifth Doctor's companions are separated from him not in space, but in time, and he has to deal with a treacherous schoolboy named Turlough. But why does the Doctor's old friend, the Brigadier, not remember him at all?
Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday
The Doctor and his companions arrive on a spaceship headed for Earth, populated by natives of Earth from various different eras and commanded by the leaders of the Urbankan race. What are the Urbankans' intentions when they reach Earth?
Doctor Who: Terminus

Doctor Who: Terminus

Feb 23, 1983
The TARDIS attaches itself to a space liner after Turlough, still under the Black Guardian's influence, damages its controls. The Doctor and Nyssa meet two space pirates, Kari and Olvir, who have come on board the liner in search of plunder, while Tegan and Turlough get lost in the infrastructure. The liner docks with what appears to be a hulk floating in space. This is Terminus, which claims to offer a cure for Lazar's disease. It is crewed by armoured slave workers, the Vanir. The cure is administered by a huge, dog-like creature known as the Garm. Nyssa, who has contracted the disease from sufferers transported aboard the liner, discovers that the cure - involving exposure to radiation - does actually work.
Doctor Who: Kinda

Doctor Who: Kinda

Feb 09, 1982
The TARDIS lands on the idyllic jungle world of Deva Loka, which is being surveyed for possible Earth colonisation. Deva Loka is already home to a race of apparent savages, however: a mysterious people with strange powers which have mentally unbalanced the members of the expedition. To make matters worse, an ancient enemy of the natives known as the Mara is intent upon revenge, and latches onto Tegan's mind as its bridgehead to victory.
Doctor Who: Logopolis

Doctor Who: Logopolis

Mar 21, 1981
After an encounter with the Master, an airline stewardess named Tegan Jovanka becomes an unwitting stowaway aboard the TARDIS as it travels to the planet Logopolis. There, the Doctor discovers that the Master's interference with the Logopolitans' advanced mathematics has unleashed a wave of entropy which threatens to consume the entire universe.
Science Fiction
Doctor Who: Earthshock
The Doctor and his companions must prevent the Cybermen from bombing the Earth in the 26th century. It is a battle not everyone will survive...
Science Fiction
The Crucible

The Crucible

Jan 01, 1980
An adaptation of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, concerning the Salem witch trials.
TV Movie
Doctor Who: The Keeper of Traken
The Doctor and Adric learn from the wizened Keeper of Traken that a great evil has come to his planet in the form of a Melkur - a calcified statue. The Keeper of Traken is nearing the end of his reign and seeks the Doctor's help in preventing the evil from taking control of the bioelectronic source that is the keystone of the Traken Union's civilisation.
TV Movie
Baby Blues

Baby Blues

Dec 06, 1973
Lavinia has been yearning and trying for ten years to conceive, and finally gives birth to a live baby. However, she finds that things are not as she dreamed and envisaged, and she suffers from depression after the birth,beginning to have dangerous feelings of love towards her child.
Who's Who

Who's Who

Aug 13, 1986
Produced for American Public Television, this documentary on the long-running Doctor Who television series features interviews with actors and actresses who played the traveling companions of the Time Lord hero and with three actors, Jon Pertwee, Peter Davison, and Colin Baker, who portrayed the title character, as well as footage of a U.S. fan convention where Tom Baker, appeared and answered questions. The fan backlash against the 1985-6 hiatus for the series and the finding of some previously lost Jon Pertwee era episodes are addressed, and this documentary closes with some on-the-street interviews with British viewers, who tell who their favorite Doctor is.
Myth Runner

Myth Runner

Jan 01, 1987
A spoof of Blade Runner, built around bloopers and outtakes from the Myth Makers series of videos, featuring interviews with actors from the Doctor Who TV series.
Doctor Who : The Ultimate Companion
Peter Davison is on a new journey to discover everything he can about the Doctor's Companion. What exactly is a companion's role, how do you actually become a companion, what do they have in common and how have the companions changed over the years?
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.
Doctor Who Confidential
Doctor Who Confidential était un spin-off de Doctor Who. Il s'agit en fait du making of de la série. Depuis 2005, soit depuis la nouvelle série, un épisode de Doctor Who Confidential correspond à un épisode de Doctor Who, expliquant l'envers du décor, la création des effets spéciaux, etc. On y voit très souvent des interviews des acteurs. Diffusés juste après Doctor Who sur la BBC Three, ils n'ont pas été diffusés en France. Cependant des versions abrégées sont disponibles en tant que suppléments sur les DVD des saisons de la série publiés par France Télévisions. La série a été annulée, dans un souci d'économie, par la BBC en septembre 2011. Le dernier épisode a été diffusé le 1er octobre 2011 après le final de la Saison 6 de Doctor Who.
Oil Strike North

Oil Strike North

Nov 18, 1975
Oil Strike North is a BBC television drama series produced in 1975. The series was created and produced by Gerard Glaister and dealt with life on Nelson One, a North Sea oil rig owned by the fictional company Triumph Oil. Eschewing the corporate power struggles of Mogul / The Troubleshooters and concentrating on more personal storylines, Oil Strike North was essentially a character study of how workers faced life on the rig and the impact it had on the lives of their families and loved ones. The scenario was later revived by the BBC for the mid-1990s drama Roughnecks. Oil Strike North lasted for one series of thirteen episodes. The leading cast members included Nigel Davenport, Glyn Owen, Barbara Shelley, Angela Douglas, Andrew Robertson, Richard Hurndall, Sean Caffrey and Maurice Roëves. Gerard Glaister later moved onto to produce the Second World War resistance drama Secret Army, the air freight series Buccaneer and then onto the boating soap serial Howards' Way. Two of the leading actors in Oil Strike North, Nigel Davenport and Glyn Owen, also later appeared in Howards' Way.
Play for Today

Play for Today

Aug 28, 1984
Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 from 1970 to 1984. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. The individual episodes were between fifty and a hundred minutes in duration.
Late Call

Late Call

Mar 22, 1975
Elderly couple Sylvia and Arthur Calvert are forced to move in with their widowed son and his children in Carshall New Town.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 06, 1989
Les aventures du Docteur, un extraterrestre, un Seigneur du Temps originaire de la planète Gallifrey, qui voyage à bord d'un TARDIS (Temps À Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter-Spatiale), une machine pouvant voyager dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le TARDIS a l'apparence d'une cabine de police (construction typiquement britannique ressemblant à une cabine téléphonique), le système de camouflage étant resté bloqué. Comme tous les Seigneur du Temps, le Docteur possède treize vies, ce qui explique sa capacité à changer de corps lorsqu'il est proche de la mort.


Sep 07, 2024
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...
Tales of the Tardis

Tales of the Tardis

Jun 20, 2024
Classic Doctor Who duos are reunited as they board a very special TARDIS on a nostalgic voyage through space and time.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The Moon Stallion

The Moon Stallion

Oct 15, 1978
The Moon Stallion is a British children's television serial made by the BBC in 1978 and written by Brian Hayles, who also authored its novelization. The series stars Sarah Sutton as Diana Purwell, a young blind girl who becomes embroiled in mystical intrigue set around the Wiltshire countryside.