Robert Brown

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The Flame Barrier

The Flame Barrier

Apr 02, 1958
Carol Dahlmann enlists the Hollister brothers to help locate her missing husband. The husband was tracking a fallen satellite through the jungle. While tracking him down, the trio discover an unusually strong acid killing animals and people.
Science Fiction


Dec 13, 1969
J. T. Gamble, a shy, withdrawn Harlem youngster, shows compassion and responsibility when he takes on the care of an old, one-eyed, badly injured alley cat days before Christmas and secretly nurses it back to health.
The Last Hurrah

The Last Hurrah

Nov 16, 1977
The longtime head of a powerful political machine is determined to win a fourth election and stay in power, despite challenges to his regime by young, dissatisfied opponents, and his worries that his age and his ill health may have an effect on the election's outcome.
La Tour de Londres

La Tour de Londres

Oct 24, 1962
Richard, duc de Gloucester, n'accepte pas que son aîné, le roi Édouard IV, à l'agonie, choisisse l'un de ses neveux comme successeur. Il assassine donc son cadet, le duc de Clarence, que le roi mourant a désigné comme protecteur. Dès lors, Richard bascule dans un engrenage meurtrier afin d'asseoir sa position sur le trône mais est hanté par les fantômes de ses victimes qui prophétisent la mort brutale du prétendant à la couronne.
Les Révoltés de la Claire-Louise
En 1910, le navire La Claire-Louise vogue vers le Nicaragua. Un passager, Jim Corbett, demande à débarquer au Honduras. Le capitaine s'y refusant, Jim s'empare du navire, aidé par des prisonniers que mène Reyes, et prend en otage les Sheppard. Une fois débarqués, il leur cache sa véritable mission, apporter de l'argent au président du Honduras, et s'enfonce dans la jungle avec eux…


Jan 01, 1985
The Chief of Detectives of the New York Police Department, is a tough cop who has worked his way up the ladder from being on a beat.
TV Movie


Jan 30, 2003
Le lieutenant Columbo est le policier le plus célèbre de la police criminelle de Los Angeles. Dans Columbo, les assassins sont des citoyens aisés, voire fortunés. Ils ne sont pas à un assassinat près et n'ont que faire d'un petit fonctionnaire de la police locale qu'ils perçoivent sans grande estime. Un policier qui n' a rien en commun avec ces confrères, il est vêtu d'habits modestes et fatigués, d'un imperméable froissé, roulant dans une veille Peugeot 403 délabrée. Il ne porte pas d'arme, s'exprime toujours avec une grande courtoisie et prête un grand intérêt aux observations et analyses des moindres détails. Ces assassins se croient à l'abri, dégainant un alibi préparé et assurés d'avoir commis le crime parfait retournent à leur vie quotidienne. Mais Columbo n'a pas son pareil pour harceler d'une dernière question, les pousser à bout pour qu'ils commenttent une erreur. Un véritable jeu du chat et de la souris s'engage entre Columbo et les suspects.
Star Trek

Star Trek

Jun 03, 1969
Cette série raconte les aventures vécues, au XXIIIe siècle, par James T. Kirk, capitaine du vaisseau Enterprise NCC-1701 et son équipage. Leur mission quinquennale est d'explorer la galaxie afin d'y découvrir d'autres formes de vie et d'enrichir ainsi les connaissances humaines.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
Ma Sorcière Bien-Aimée
Quand la sorcière Samantha épouse l'humain Jean-Pierre, la vie quotidienne se transforme vite en une suite d'aventures loufoques et de quiproquos magiques.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
The Lawless Years

The Lawless Years

Sep 22, 1961
The Lawless Years is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from April 16 1959, to September 22, 1961. The series is the first of its kind set set during the Roaring 20s, having predated ABC's far more successful The Untouchables by six months. The series stars James Gregory and Robert Karnes.
Sauve qui peut

Sauve qui peut

Mar 27, 1968
Sauve qui peut est une série dramatique télévisée américaine mettant en vedette Ben Gazzara dans le rôle d'un homme qui ne lui reste que 2 ans à vivre. Il décide de faire toutes les choses pour lesquelles il n'a jamais eu le temps. Chaque épisode raconte les endroits où il va et les gens qu'il rencontre. La série a été diffusé sur NBC de 1965 à 1968 et a été créée par Roy Huggins, qui avait précédemment exploré le concept 'd'homme en mouvement' avec la série Le Fugitif.
Police Story

Police Story

Dec 03, 1988
Police Story is an anthology television crime drama. The show was the brainchild of author and former policeman Joseph Wambaugh and represented a major step forward in the realistic depiction of police work and violence on network TV. Although it was an anthology, there were certain things that all episodes had in common; for instance, the main character in each episode was a police officer. The setting was always Los Angeles and the characters always worked for some branch of the LAPD. Notwithstanding the anthology format, there were recurring characters. Scott Brady appeared in more than a dozen episodes as "Vinnie," a former cop who, upon retirement, had opened a bar catering to police officers, and who acted as a sort of Greek chorus during the run of the series, commenting on the characters and plots.
Action & Adventure
Here Come the Brides

Here Come the Brides

Apr 03, 1970
Here Come the Brides is an American comedy Western series from Screen Gems that aired on the ABC television network from September 25, 1968 to April 3, 1970. The series was loosely based upon the Mercer Girls, Asa Mercer's efforts to bring civilization to old Seattle by importing marriageable women from the east coast of the United States in the 1860s, where the ravages of the American Civil War left towns short of men.
Matinee Theater

Matinee Theater

Jun 13, 1958
Matinee Theater is an American anthology series that aired on NBC during the Golden Age of Television, from 1955 to 1958. The series, which ran daily in the afternoon, was frequently live. It was produced by Albert McCleery, Darrell Ross, George Cahan and Frank Price with executive producer George Lowther. McCleery had previously produced the live series Cameo Theatre which introduced to television the concept of theater-in-the-round, TV plays staged with minimal sets. Jim Buckley of the Pewter Plough Playhouse recalled: When Al McCleery got back to the States, he originated a most ambitious theatrical TV series for NBC called Matinee Theater: to televise five different stage plays per week live, airing around noon in order to promote color TV to the American housewife as she labored over her ironing. Al was the producer. He hired five directors and five art directors. Richard Bennett, one of our first early presidents of the Pewter Plough Corporation, was one of the directors and I was one of the art directors and, as soon as we were through televising one play, we had lunch and then met to plan next week’s show. That was over 50 years ago, and I’m trying to think; I believe the TV art director is his own set decorator —yes, of course! It had to be, since one of McCleery’s chief claims to favor with the producers was his elimination of the setting per se and simply decorating the scene with a minimum of props. It took a bit of ingenuity.


Dec 31, 1966
Shane works for the Starett family, a young widow, her son, and her aging father-in-law, protecting them against the anti-sodbuster rancher Ryker and other perils plaguing the Old West.


Nov 24, 1974
Primus is a syndicated sea adventure series which aired in 1971–1972. It told the adventures of Carter Primus. The series was produced by Ivan Tors and one season was shot.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.
Perry Mason

Perry Mason

May 22, 1966
La série met en scène les affaires traitées par Perry Mason, célèbre avocat de Los Angeles.


Apr 13, 1975
Joe Mannix est un enquêteur au service de la société Intersect. Dirigée par Lew Wickersham, cette agence peut toujours compter sur ses ordinateurs super puissants pour gérer les crises et obtenir des informations. Pourtant, Mannix, son meilleur agent, privilégie le terrain. Retrouver des personnes disparues, rechercher des objets volés ou démêler des affaires de corruption sont dans ses cordes. En raison de ses méthodes de vraie tête brûlée trop solitaire, le justicier au brushing impeccable entre très souvent en conflit avec son supérieur, dont la vision d’une affaire n’est jamais la même.
Action & Adventure
12 O'Clock High

12 O'Clock High

Jan 13, 1967
This series chronicles the adventures--in the air and on the ground--of the men of the 918th Bombardment Group of the U.S. Eighth Air Force. First commanded by irascible General Frank Savage--and later by Colonel Joe Gallagher, the son of a Pentagon General--the Group is stationed in England, and flies long-range bombing missions into German-held Europe.