John Hemphill

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Nuit de folie

Nuit de folie

Jul 01, 1987
Chris Parker accepte de garder des enfants après que son rencard lui a posé un lapin. Elle s'attend à passer une soirée ennuyeuse et s'installe devant la télé avec les enfants. Mais quand son amie Brenda l'appelle pour qu'elle lui vienne en aide à la gare routière de Chicago, la soirée se transforme en une aventure trépidante. Chris et les enfants partent en ville pour une expédition.
Hostage for a Day

Hostage for a Day

Apr 25, 1994
Warren Kooey is a man who's tired of his current life; a witch of a wife, a boss who complains about everything he does and looses his lifesavings (stolen by the wife). He has only one thing on his mind: Alaska
Amour et compagnie

Amour et compagnie

Feb 14, 1993
David et Maxime, un couple divorcé, sont resté connectés l'un avec l'autre, raisons professionnelles obligent : ils sont tous les deux partenaires de l'entreprise Mr et Mrs Swimwear. Quand ils découvrent que leur divorce est invalidé pour cette raison, ils sont obligés de reconsidérer leur relation, à la plus grande joie de tous : une comédie hilarante et pleine de romantisme...
Une Journée à New York
24 heures de délire attendent deux sœurs jumelles que tout oppose. Farouches adversaires, Jane et Roxanne Ryan, 17 ans, sont contraintes de se rendre ensemble à New York pour des raisons toutes différentes. Mais un quiproquo bouleverse leurs plans, les associant malgré elles à une transaction louche...


Jan 01, 1994
A group of homesteaders in 1875 are harassed by an evil, land-grabbing, gunslinging cattleman until a stranger with a mysterious past comes to their aid.
The Pink Chiquitas

The Pink Chiquitas

Jan 23, 1987
A pink meteor controlled by aliens lands near a small town and turns the local women into nymphos. A deputy sheriff and a local private eye investigate.


Jan 01, 1987
Another entry in the Canadian "Balls" comedy era, this time set in a golf resort.
Le Boss

Le Boss

Sep 08, 2005
Sale temps pour l'agent fédéral Derrick Vann... Son coéquipier, mouillé dans un gigantesque vol d'armes, vient d'être retrouvé assassiné. Soupçonné à son tour, Vann n'a que quelques heures pour coincer le gang et retrouver l'arsenal, qui va être revendu et dispersé... Cette mission s'annonçait déjà assez compliquée sans que Vann soit en plus obligé de faire équipe avec un malheureux représentant en matériel dentaire, Andy Fiddler, que les trafiquants ont pris par erreur pour l'acheteur du butin... Vann n'a pas le choix : pour piéger les redoutables criminels, lui, le pro, va devoir s'associer avec un civil gaffeur et trop bavard. Prendre des risques était son métier, mais rien ne l'avait préparé à en prendre autant avec un boulet pareil...


Jan 01, 1994
A group of homesteaders in 1875 are harassed by an evil, land-grabbing, gunslinging cattleman until a stranger with a mysterious past comes to their aid.
Maniac Mansion

Maniac Mansion

Apr 04, 1993
Maniac Mansion was a Canadian sitcom created by Eugene Levy, which aired concurrently on YTV in Canada and The Family Channel in the United States for three seasons from September 17, 1990 to April 4, 1993. The series is very loosely based on the popular 1987 LucasArts video game of the same name. While LucasFilm served as co-producers on the series, the show thematically shares little in common with its source material. The series followed the adventures of the Edison family, who lived in a large mansion in an upper-class suburban neighborhood. Fred, the father of the family, was an eccentric scientist, and many of the plots revolved around his wacky experiments. One of these experiments caused his toddler son, Turner, to transform into a large adult man and his brother-in-law, Harry, to be turned into a fly with a human head! They both remained this way for the entire run of the series.
Chair de poule

Chair de poule

Nov 16, 1998
Chaque histoire est basée sur la vie d'un enfant ou adolescent auquel il arrive un évènement inhabituel sur lequel va se baser le reste de l'intrigue.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Les repentis

Les repentis

May 02, 1998
Mac Ramsey et Li Ann Tsei ont été élevés ensemble aux côtés d'un parrain du crime organisé. Mais un jour, ils décident de quitter le milieu. Leur tentative ayant échoué, Li Ann est arrêté, et Mac laissé pour mort... Pourtant bel et bien vivant, Mac atterrit dans une obscure agence gouvernementale qui lutte contre la mafia. Il y retrouve Li Ann, devenue l'amante de son co-équipier Victor, un ex-flic. Chacun devra oublier ses rancoeurs quand la Directrice de l'agence les oblige à former un trio de choc...
Action & Adventure
SCTV Network 90

SCTV Network 90

Mar 18, 1983
After a successful Canadian run as Second City TV on Global and SCTV on CBC, the cast packed up and moved to America (theoretically) when NBC offered them a timeslot under the title SCTV Network 90. With them, they brought their unique, quirky characters, their personalities, and the shows they had appeared on. Dick Blasucci had begun writing for the cast in their second series, SCTV, and joined them here, serving as a recurring straight man for the characters. Tony Rosato and Robin Duke wrote scripts at the beginning of the show as they had before, until quickly leaving to write and perform for Saturday Night Live. The appeal of SCTV Network 90, however, doesn't only come from the writing, but from the sheer wit of its legendary stars.
SCTV Channel

SCTV Channel

Sep 05, 1988
This show was spun off from "SCTV Network 90" which was cancelled after two seasons on NBC. The same cast from 1982-83, with the exception of John Candy, appears on this 45-minute sketch comedy series. It all starts when "SCTV" mastermind Guy Cabellaro announces that he's turning his station into a pay cable channel. The results are amusing, as the same manic humor and wacky characters that made the old SCTV Network so great continued to thrive. Unfortunately, the show was too expensive to produce for Cinemax's tastes and it was cancelled after one year.
Bienvenue à Schitt's Creek
Quand Johnny Rose, riche propiétaire de vidéo-clubs, sa femmme Moira, ancienne star de feuilleton télévisuel, et leurs deux enfants, David et Alexis, se retrouvent soudainement fauchés, ils sont obligés de quitter leur vie confortable pour s'installer à Schitt's Creek, un véritable trou paumé.
Sydney Fox, l'aventurière
La ravissante professeur d'archéologie Sydney Fox fait le tour du monde à la recherche d'antiquités et de trésors perdus. Avec l'aide de son assistant Nigel et de sa Claudia, la secrétaire, elle affronte de dangereuses aventures à chaque nouveau voyage. Maîtrisant parfaitement les arts martiaux, cette version féminine de Indiana Jones ne recule devant rien.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The Jane Show

The Jane Show

Mar 20, 2007
Aspiring novelist Jane Black suddenly winds up unemployed. Hoping for a more conventional lifestyle, she goes in search of a job, hoping to find something with a 40-hour work week and maybe even dental insurance. Her adventures in the corporate world are not so ordinary, however, and she learns that a normal life may not be so normal after all.
The Jane Show

The Jane Show

Mar 18, 1983
After a successful Canadian run as Second City TV on Global and SCTV on CBC, the cast packed up and moved to America (theoretically) when NBC offered them a timeslot under the title SCTV Network 90. With them, they brought their unique, quirky characters, their personalities, and the shows they had appeared on. Dick Blasucci had begun writing for the cast in their second series, SCTV, and joined them here, serving as a recurring straight man for the characters. Tony Rosato and Robin Duke wrote scripts at the beginning of the show as they had before, until quickly leaving to write and perform for Saturday Night Live. The appeal of SCTV Network 90, however, doesn't only come from the writing, but from the sheer wit of its legendary stars.
The Jane Show

The Jane Show

Apr 04, 1993
Maniac Mansion was a Canadian sitcom created by Eugene Levy, which aired concurrently on YTV in Canada and The Family Channel in the United States for three seasons from September 17, 1990 to April 4, 1993. The series is very loosely based on the popular 1987 LucasArts video game of the same name. While LucasFilm served as co-producers on the series, the show thematically shares little in common with its source material. The series followed the adventures of the Edison family, who lived in a large mansion in an upper-class suburban neighborhood. Fred, the father of the family, was an eccentric scientist, and many of the plots revolved around his wacky experiments. One of these experiments caused his toddler son, Turner, to transform into a large adult man and his brother-in-law, Harry, to be turned into a fly with a human head! They both remained this way for the entire run of the series.
The Jane Show

The Jane Show

Apr 04, 1993
Maniac Mansion was a Canadian sitcom created by Eugene Levy, which aired concurrently on YTV in Canada and The Family Channel in the United States for three seasons from September 17, 1990 to April 4, 1993. The series is very loosely based on the popular 1987 LucasArts video game of the same name. While LucasFilm served as co-producers on the series, the show thematically shares little in common with its source material. The series followed the adventures of the Edison family, who lived in a large mansion in an upper-class suburban neighborhood. Fred, the father of the family, was an eccentric scientist, and many of the plots revolved around his wacky experiments. One of these experiments caused his toddler son, Turner, to transform into a large adult man and his brother-in-law, Harry, to be turned into a fly with a human head! They both remained this way for the entire run of the series.