Don Kennedy

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Hell's Outpost

Hell's Outpost

Dec 15, 1954
A returning Korean War vet becomes embroiled in a fight over possession of a tungsten mine.
Coups de feu dans la Sierra
Steve Judd, un shérif à la retraite, doit aller chercher l'or d'une communauté de chercheurs et le ramener à la banque qui l'emploie. Il se fait accompagner par son vieil ami Gil Westrum et son jeune protégé Heck. Ceux-ci n'ont accepté le travail que pour s'emparer de l'or. En route, ils sont les hôtes d'un paysan quaker dont la fille Elsa, malgré le refus de son père, se joint à eux pour aller épouser son fiancé Billy au camp de mineurs.
An Annapolis Story

An Annapolis Story

Apr 10, 1955
Deux frères aux caractères opposés entrent à l'Académie navale. Alors que le pays est sur le point d'intervenir militairement en Corée, ils tombent amoureux de la même femme.
Jerry la grande gueule
Gerald Clamson va pêcher : un homme-grenouille qui lui ressemble comme deux gouttes d'eau. Celui-ci lui remet alors une carte au trésor. Les choses se compliquent lorsqu'une bande de gangsters débarque.
Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?
When the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965 hit, millions of people were left in the dark, including Waldo Zane, a New York executive in the process of stealing a fortune from his company, and two people whose paths he's destined to cross, Broadway actress Margaret Garrison and her husband, Peter.
La Loi du Seigneur

La Loi du Seigneur

Nov 25, 1956
La famille Birdwell vit dans l'Indiana en 1862, alors que la guerre de Sécession fait rage. Jess, son épouse Eliza et leurs trois enfants (Mathilde, Josh et Nicolas), sont quakers. En tant que quakers, ils ont interdiction de recourir à toute forme de violence (physique ou verbale) alors qu'ils sont en pleine guerre de Sécession. Il se doivent d'aimer leur prochain, de le tutoyer et s'opposent à l'esclavage. Leur religion leur interdit également la musique, la danse et les jeux d'argent. La foire de la ville est le lieu des choix et des tentations : Jess converse avec un musicien, tandis que Mathilde danse avec Gard, un soldat méthodiste. Quant à leur fils Josh, il est provoqué par des adolescents mais refuse de se battre. Nicolas le plus jeune prend part à un jeu d'argent. Très séduisant, Josh a beaucoup de succès auprès des trois filles de la veuve Hudspeth. Quand l'arrivée des sudistes est annoncée, Gard doit partir combattre mais promet à Mathilde de l'épouser à son retour...
Le Plus Sauvage d'entre tous
Hud est un jeune homme sans complexe et sans principes, que son père Homer ne tient pas en haute estime. Dans leur foyer, se trouve aussi le neveu et petit-fils, Lon, qui admire son oncle. La seule femme de la maisonnée est Alma, la gouvernante. Arrive une catastrophe : le bétail semble être contaminé par une maladie contagieuse ; comment vont réagir les uns et les autres ?
World Without End

World Without End

Mar 25, 1956
Four astronauts returning from man's first mission to Mars enter a time warp and crash on a 26th Century Earth devastated by atomic war. At first unaware where they are, but finding the atmosphere safe to breathe, they start exploring and find themselves in a divided future where disfigured mutants living like cavemen inhabit the surface, while the normals live comfortably below the surface but are dying as a race from lack of natural water, air and sunlight.
Le Diable en boîte

Le Diable en boîte

Jun 27, 1980
Pourchassé par la police, Cameron trouve par hasard refuge sur le lieu de tournage d'un film, en se prétendant cascadeur. Ravi, le réalisateur lui propose alors de remplacer au pied levé celui qui vient de périr noyé peu de temps auparavant...
Walk Like a Dragon

Walk Like a Dragon

Jun 01, 1960
California, 1870s. The cowboy Lincoln 'Linc' Bartlett finds out there's a slave auction of Chinese women in San Francisco and he intervenes and purchases the Chinese Kim Sung from the auction with the intent of setting her free. But it doesn't occur to Linc that setting her free isn't enough. Where is she going to go? Kim doesn't speak English and she's just going to be exploited by somebody else. Linc takes Kim home to serve as a housekeeper. Ma Bartlett Linc's mother, is not happy that a Chinese girl is living in her home, and even less happy when Kim and her son fall in love. Their affair also arouses the jealousy of Cheng Lu, a Chinese immigrant.
Kraft Suspense Theatre
Kraft Suspense Theatre is an American anthology series that was telecast from 1963 to 1965 on NBC. Sponsored by Kraft Foods, it was seen three weeks out of every four and was pre-empted for Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall specials once monthly. Como's production company, Roncom Films, also produced Kraft Suspense Theatre. Writer, editor, critic and radio playwright Anthony Boucher served as consultant on the series. Later syndicated under the title Crisis, it was one of the few suspense series telecast in color at the time. While most of NBC's shows were in color then, all-color network line-ups did not become the norm until the 1966-67 season.
Simon & Simon

Simon & Simon

Mar 02, 1989
Ils ont beau avoir le même sang qui coule dans leurs veines, les frères Simon n'ont vraiment rien en commun. A.J. est tout ce qu'il y a de plus poli et classique, tandis que son grand frère Rick, un ancien du Vietnam, aime sortir des sentiers battus. Ensemble, ils sont pourtant à la tête d'une agence de détectives où leurs différences les aident à résoudre toute sorte d'affaires...
Au pays des géants

Au pays des géants

Mar 22, 1970
Lors d'un vol suborbital entre New York et Londres, trois membres d'équipage et quatre passagers sont projetés sur une planète semblable à la Terre, à la différence qu'elle est peuplée d'humains et d'animaux douze fois plus grands qu'eux. Tandis qu'ils tentent de réparer leur vaisseau endommagé afin de regagner la Terre, ils doivent faire face à la menace permanente que représentent les habitants de cette planète. Au pays des géants (Land of the Giants) est une série télévisée américaine en 51 épisodes de 48 minutes, créée par Irwin Allen et diffusée entre le 22 septembre 1968 et le 22 mai 1970 sur le réseau ABC. Au début des années 1970, la série a été diffusée en France sur TMC et sur RTL, et au Québec à Radio-Canada. Elle fut reprise 1993 sur Série Club.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
The Tall Man

The Tall Man

May 26, 1962
The Tall Man is a half-hour American western television series about Sheriff Pat Garrett and the gunfighter Billy the Kid that aired seventy-five episodes on NBC from 1960 to 1962, filmed by Revue Productions.
Highway Patrol

Highway Patrol

Apr 28, 1958
Highway Patrol was a syndicated, fictional police action series produced from 1955 to 1959, concerning the activities of the highway patrol and their leader, Dan Matthews (who held no rank). Although filmed in and around the Los Angeles area, the state setting for the stories was never identified, and city and street names were fictionalized.
Action & Adventure
Sauve qui peut

Sauve qui peut

Mar 27, 1968
Sauve qui peut est une série dramatique télévisée américaine mettant en vedette Ben Gazzara dans le rôle d'un homme qui ne lui reste que 2 ans à vivre. Il décide de faire toutes les choses pour lesquelles il n'a jamais eu le temps. Chaque épisode raconte les endroits où il va et les gens qu'il rencontre. La série a été diffusé sur NBC de 1965 à 1968 et a été créée par Roy Huggins, qui avait précédemment exploré le concept 'd'homme en mouvement' avec la série Le Fugitif.
Le Fugitif

Le Fugitif

Aug 29, 1967
Accusé à tort du meurtre de sa femme, le docteur Richard Kimble est condamné à mort par la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis. Lors de son transfert dans une autre prison en fourgon cellulaire, un accident se produit et Kimble en profite pour s'échapper, bien déterminé à retrouver le meurtrier d'Helen. Ce dernier est identifiable grâce à une prothèse qu'il porte en guise de bras droit.Mais Kimble est un homme traqué, recherché par toutes les polices, et spécialement par le lieutenant Philip Gerard, bien déterminé à le retrouver pour le livrer à la justice.
Action & Adventure


Apr 23, 1982
Fridays is the name of ABC's weekly late-night live comedy show, which aired on Friday nights from April 11, 1980 to April 23, 1982.
The Millionaire

The Millionaire

Jun 07, 1960
An anthology series that explored the ways sudden and unexpected wealth changed life for better or for worse. It told the stories of people who were given one million dollars from a benefactor who insisted they never know him, with one exception.
Le Virginien

Le Virginien

Mar 24, 1971
Cette série met en scène les aventures du Virginien, personnage dont on ignore le nom et régisseur du ranch de Shiloh, près de Medicine Bow dans le Wyoming.
McHale's Navy

McHale's Navy

Apr 12, 1966
An experienced South Pacific Sea Dog by the name of Quinton McHale, was commissioned as a Lieutenant Commander into the U.S. Navy Reserve at the start of World War II. McHale was made the Skipper of the Torpedo Patrol (PT) Boat #73 stationed at the U.S. Naval Installation on the island of Taratupa in the Southwest Pacific. The 73 'Family' included, among others, a con man and amateur Magician, a womanizing hunk, a dedicated Family man, a guitar-playing, moonshine-making Tennessee good ol' boy, and even a deserter from the Japanese Navy, who was an excellent cook.
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp is a television western series loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp. The half-hour black-and-white program aired for 229 episodes on ABC from 1955 to 1961 and featured Hugh O'Brian in the title role.
M Squad

M Squad

Jun 21, 1960
Lt. Frank Ballinger is a no-nonsense plain clothes cop in the elite M Squad Division. The Squad's task is to root out organised crime and corruption in America's Second City, Chicago.


Apr 11, 1966
Cette série met en scène les mésaventures de la famille Baxter et de leur bonne, Adèle. Adèle est une femme de chambre compétente et responsable et vit dans la maison de la famille Baxter. George Baxter est associé au cabinet d'avocats Butterworth; Hatch, Noll and Baxter. Adèle l'appelle 'Monsieur B'. L'épouse de George, Dorothy, est une décoratrice d'intérieur, qu'Adèle surnomme 'Missy'. Leur fils Harold est surnommé 'Sport' par Adèle. Le chien de la famille est Smiley. Adèle avait déjà travaillé avec la famille de Dorothy et entretient une relation étroite avec elle.
Adventures in Paradise
Adventures in Paradise is an American television series created by James Michener which ran on ABC from 1959 until 1962, starring Gardner McKay as Adam Troy, the captain of the schooner Tiki III, which sailed the South Pacific looking for passengers and adventure. USA Network aired reruns of this series between 1984 and 1988. The plots deal with the romantic and detective stories of Korean War veteran Troy. The supporting cast, varying from season to season, features George Tobias, Guy Stockwell, and Linda Lawson.
Action & Adventure
Au nom de la loi

Au nom de la loi

Mar 29, 1961
Josh Randall est un chasseur de primes. Ses deux crédos sont l'honnêteté et la morale. Cet homme prudent choisira d'utiliser la ruse plutôt que sa fameuse Winchester modèle 1892 calibre 40/44 à crosse et canon sciés qu'il appelle "Mare's Laig" (patte de jument). Ce "héros" est loin de l'image traditionnelle du cow-boy car s'il reste solitaire et indépendant, ses affaires ne sont pas forcément des plus glorieuses. Il est au service de la justice et de toutes les justices...
The Rifleman

The Rifleman

Apr 08, 1963
The Rifleman is an American Western television program starring Chuck Connors as rancher Lucas McCain and Johnny Crawford as his son, Mark McCain. It was set in the 1880s in the town of North Fork, New Mexico Territory. The show was filmed in black-and-white, half-hour episodes. "The Rifleman" aired on ABC from September 30, 1958 to April 8, 1963 as a production of Four Star Television. It was one of the first prime time series to have a widowed parent raise a child.
Action & Adventure
The Dakotas

The Dakotas

May 13, 1963
The Dakotas is an ABC/Warner Brothers western television series starring Larry Ward and featuring Jack Elam broadcast during 1963. The short-lived program is considered a spin-off of Clint Walker's Cheyenne. The Dakotas is perhaps most notable for the fact that it was cancelled one week after heavy viewer protest over an objectionable scene.
Bat Masterson

Bat Masterson

Jun 01, 1961
Bat Masterson is an American Western television series which showed a fictionalized account of the life of real-life marshal/gambler/dandy Bat Masterson. The title character was played by Gene Barry and the half-hour black-and-white shows ran on NBC from 1958 to 1961. The series was produced by Ziv Television Productions, the company responsible for such hit series as Sea Hunt and Highway Patrol.
Wichita Town

Wichita Town

Apr 06, 1960
Wichita Town is a half-hour western television series starring Joel McCrea, Jody McCrea, Carlos Romero, and George Neise that aired on NBC from September 30, 1959, until April 6, 1960. Joel McCrea played Marshal Mike Dunbar, in charge of keeping the peace the booming cowtown of Wichita, Kansas. His deputies were Ben Matheson, played by McCrea's real life son, Jody, and Rico Rodriquez, portrayed by Carlos Romero. Making occasional appearances were the town doctor, Nat Wyndham, the blacksmith, Aeneas MacLinahan, and the bartender in the local saloon, Joe Kingston, played in six episodes by Robert Foulk. The model for shows such as these had already been laid out by other western programs such as Gunsmoke, Lawman, and The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, so Wichita Town may not have been unique in its plotting and structure. The two most unusual features about the series were the presence of Joel McCrea, a favorite of Western movie audiences for his performance in such films as Union Pacific, Buffalo Bill, and Ramrod, and the fact that his real life son was in Wichita Town, but did not play his son. Wichita Town was produced by Mirisch Company and Joel McCrea's Production company for Four Star Television and aired for a single season.


Aug 17, 1954
An anthology series adapted from the radio program of the same name. Like the radio program, many scripts were adaptations of literary classics by well-known authors. Classic authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Agatha Christie, and Charles Dickens all had stories adapted for the series, while contemporary authors such as Roald Dahl and Gore Vidal also contributed.
Cavalcade of America

Cavalcade of America

Apr 30, 1957
Cavalcade of America is an anthology drama series that was sponsored by the DuPont Company, although it occasionally presented a musical, such as an adaptation of Show Boat, and condensed biographies of popular composers. It was initially broadcast on radio from 1935 to 1953, and later on television from 1952 to 1957. Originally on CBS, the series pioneered the use of anthology drama for company audio advertising. Cavalcade of America documented historical events using stories of individual courage, initiative and achievement, often with feel-good dramatizations of the human spirit's triumph against all odds. This was consistent with DuPont's overall conservative philosophy and legacy as an American company dating back to 1802. The company's motto, "Maker of better things for better living through chemistry," was read at the beginning of each program, and the dramas emphasized humanitarian progress, particularly improvements in the lives of women, often through technological innovation.
One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond

Jul 04, 1961
Produite en même temps que Twilight Zone, cette série a nourri l'intérêt croissant pour le paranormal d'une manière différente. Plutôt que de créer des histoires fictives avec des rebondissements surnaturels, ce programme cherchait des histoires réelles/surnaturelle, y compris des fantômes, des disparitions, des monstres, et les recréait pour chaque épisode. Aucune solution à ces mystères n'a jamais été trouvée, et les téléspectateurs ne pouvaient que se demander, et si c'était vrai ?
Hopalong Cassidy

Hopalong Cassidy

Apr 02, 1954
Hopalong Cassidy was television's first western program. The series aired on NBC and stared William Boyd as the cowboy Hopalong Cassidy.


Apr 22, 1962
Brett Maverick et Bart sont des joueurs affutés qui migrent de ville en ville à la recherche d'une bonne partie de poker. Le poker (à 5 cartes de tirage) est leur occupation favorite, le spectacle se fait autour des Mavericks, mais généralement la partie tourne autour du personnage principal.
Public Defender

Public Defender

Jun 23, 1955
The Public Defender is a half-hour 69-episode television dramatic series starring Reed Hadley as Bart Matthews, an attorney for the indigent. The series aired on CBS from March 11, 1954 to June 23, 1955, a season and a half.


Apr 22, 1962
Brett Maverick et Bart sont des joueurs affutés qui migrent de ville en ville à la recherche d'une bonne partie de poker. Le poker (à 5 cartes de tirage) est leur occupation favorite, le spectacle se fait autour des Mavericks, mais généralement la partie tourne autour du personnage principal.
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

May 02, 1969
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. is an American situation comedy that originally aired on CBS from September 25, 1964, to May 2, 1969. The series was a spinoff of The Andy Griffith Show, and the pilot was aired as the finale of the fourth season of The Andy Griffith Show on May 18, 1964. The show ran for five seasons and a total of 150 episodes. In 2006, CBS Home Entertainment began releasing the series on DVD. The final season was released in November 2008. The series was created by Aaron Ruben, who also produced the show with Sheldon Leonard and Ronald Jacobs. Filmed and set in California, it stars Jim Nabors as Gomer Pyle, a naive but good-natured gas-station attendant from the town of Mayberry, North Carolina, who enlists in the United States Marine Corps. Frank Sutton plays Gomer's high-octane, short-fused Gunnery Sergeant Vince Carter, and Ronnie Schell plays Gomer's friend Gilbert "Duke" Slater. Allan Melvin played in the recurring role of Gunnery Sergeant Carter's rival, Sergeant Charley Hacker. The series never discussed nor addressed the then-current Vietnam War, instead focusing on the relationship between Gomer and Sergeant Carter. The show retained high ratings throughout its run.


Apr 11, 1966
Cette série met en scène les mésaventures de la famille Baxter et de leur bonne, Adèle. Adèle est une femme de chambre compétente et responsable et vit dans la maison de la famille Baxter. George Baxter est associé au cabinet d'avocats Butterworth; Hatch, Noll and Baxter. Adèle l'appelle 'Monsieur B'. L'épouse de George, Dorothy, est une décoratrice d'intérieur, qu'Adèle surnomme 'Missy'. Leur fils Harold est surnommé 'Sport' par Adèle. Le chien de la famille est Smiley. Adèle avait déjà travaillé avec la famille de Dorothy et entretient une relation étroite avec elle.
Kraft Suspense Theatre
Kraft Suspense Theatre is an American anthology series that was telecast from 1963 to 1965 on NBC. Sponsored by Kraft Foods, it was seen three weeks out of every four and was pre-empted for Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall specials once monthly. Como's production company, Roncom Films, also produced Kraft Suspense Theatre. Writer, editor, critic and radio playwright Anthony Boucher served as consultant on the series. Later syndicated under the title Crisis, it was one of the few suspense series telecast in color at the time. While most of NBC's shows were in color then, all-color network line-ups did not become the norm until the 1966-67 season.
The 20th Century Fox Hour
The 20th Century Fox Hour is an American drama anthology series televised in the United States on CBS from 1955 to 1957. Some of the shows in this series were restored, remastered and shown on the Fox Movie Channel in 2002 under the title Hour of Stars. The season one episode Overnight Haul, starring Richard Conte and Lizabeth Scott, was released in Australia as a feature film.
Bat Masterson

Bat Masterson

Jun 01, 1961
Bat Masterson is an American Western television series which showed a fictionalized account of the life of real-life marshal/gambler/dandy Bat Masterson. The title character was played by Gene Barry and the half-hour black-and-white shows ran on NBC from 1958 to 1961. The series was produced by Ziv Television Productions, the company responsible for such hit series as Sea Hunt and Highway Patrol.
Screen Director's Playhouse
Le Choix de... est une série télévisée américaine en 35 épisodes de 25 minutes, diffusée entre le 5 octobre 1955 et le 26 septembre 1956 sur le réseau NBC. En France, la série a été diffusée à partir du 8 septembre 1996 sur Série Club.
Annie Oakley

Annie Oakley

Feb 24, 1957
Annie Oakley was an American Western television series that fictionalized the life of famous sharpshooter Annie Oakley. It ran from January 1954 to February 1957 in syndication, for a total of 81 black and white episodes, each 25 minutes long. ABC showed reruns on Saturday and Sunday daytime from 1959 to 1960 and from 1964 to 1965.
Studio 57

Studio 57

Mar 22, 1958
Studio 57 is an American anthology series that was broadcast on the now-defunct DuMont Television Network from September 1954 to September 1955, and in syndication from 1955 to 1956.
Hallmark Hall of Fame

Hallmark Hall of Fame

Nov 27, 2011
Hallmark Hall of Fame is an anthology program on American television, sponsored by Hallmark Cards, a Kansas City based greeting card company. The longest-running primetime series in the history of television, it has a historically long run, beginning during 1951 and continuing into 2013. From 1954 onward, all of its productions have been shown in color, although color television video productions were extremely rare in 1954. Many television movies have been shown on the program since its debut, though the program began with live telecasts of dramas and then changed to videotaped productions before finally changing to filmed ones. The series has received eighty Emmy Awards, twenty-four Christopher Awards, eleven Peabody Awards, nine Golden Globes, and four Humanitas Prizes. Once a common practice in American television, it is the last remaining television program such that the title includes the name of the sponsor. Unlike other long-running TV series still on the air, it differs in that it broadcasts only occasionally and not on a weekly broadcast programming schedule.
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer
Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer is the title used for two syndicated television series that followed the adventures of fictional private detective Mike Hammer. The gritty, crime fighting detective—created by American crime author Mickey Spillane—has also inspired several feature films and made-for-TV movies.
Tombstone Territory

Tombstone Territory

Jul 08, 1960
Tombstone Territory is an American Western series starring Pat Conway and Richard Eastham. The series' first two seasons aired on ABC from 1957 to 1959. The third and final season aired in syndication from 1959 until 1960.
Arrest and Trial

Arrest and Trial

Nov 06, 2000
Arrest and Trial is a 90-minute American crime/legal drama series that ran during the 1963-1964 season on ABC, airing Sundays from 8:30-10 p.m. Eastern.
The Rifleman

The Rifleman

Apr 08, 1963
The Rifleman is an American Western television program starring Chuck Connors as rancher Lucas McCain and Johnny Crawford as his son, Mark McCain. It was set in the 1880s in the town of North Fork, New Mexico Territory. The show was filmed in black-and-white, half-hour episodes. "The Rifleman" aired on ABC from September 30, 1958 to April 8, 1963 as a production of Four Star Television. It was one of the first prime time series to have a widowed parent raise a child.
Action & Adventure
Les Envahisseurs

Les Envahisseurs

Mar 26, 1968
Un soir, alors qu'il s'assoupit au volant de sa voiture, David Vincent, architecte, est témoin de l'atterrissage d'une soucoupe volante. Depuis cette nuit-là, il n'a de cesse de convaincre ses semblables de combattre ces extraterrestres qui sous une apparence humaine infiltrent insidieusement la Terre afin de la coloniser.
Action & Adventure
Temple Houston

Temple Houston

Apr 02, 1964
Temple Houston is a 1963–64 NBC television series which has been called "the first attempt . . . to produce an hour-long Western series with the main character being an attorney in the formal sense." It was the only show Jack Webb sold to a network during his ten months as the head of production at Warner Bros. Television. It was also the lone series in which actor Jeffrey Hunter played a regular part.
Stagecoach West

Stagecoach West

Jun 27, 1961
Stagecoach West is an American Western drama television series which ran for thirty-eight episodes on the ABC network from October 4, 1960, until June 27, 1961. Characters Luke Perry and Simon Kane operate the Timberland Stage Line from fictitious Outpost, Missouri to San Francisco, California. Simon's 15-year-old son, David "Davey" Kane, joins the two as they face stagecoach robbers, murderers, inclement weather, and human interest stories. Perry and Kane, who are both deputy U.S. marshals, had been on opposite sides of the American Civil War; Kane, a captain in the Union Army, while Perry had fought for the Confederate States of America. The one-hour black-and-white program was offered at 9 p.m. Eastern on Tuesdays opposite NBC's Thriller, hosted by Boris Karloff, and CBS's The Red Skelton Show. Rogers became well-known a dozen years later on M*A*S*H, and Bray later portrayed the forest ranger Corey Stuart on Lassie from 1964–1969, both on CBS. Child actor Richard Eyer had starred in a number of films in the 1950s, including Friendly Persuasion and Desperate Hours. Stagecoach West was produced by Dick Powell's Four Star Television. It is believed that the series was cancelled despite the high quality of its production because of the glut of westerns on television at the time that it aired. The same fate had fallen on CBS's Johnny Ringo, a 1959 one-season spin-off of Dick Powell's Zane Grey Theater.
Arrest and Trial

Arrest and Trial

Nov 06, 2000
Arrest and Trial is a 90-minute American crime/legal drama series that ran during the 1963-1964 season on ABC, airing Sundays from 8:30-10 p.m. Eastern.
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp is a television western series loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp. The half-hour black-and-white program aired for 229 episodes on ABC from 1955 to 1961 and featured Hugh O'Brian in the title role.