Fred Newman

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Little Spirit: Christmas in New York
When a friendly cabbie tells two young sisters the story of a boy named Leo who moved to Manhattan with his family, a magical adventure begins. While adjusting to the big city and enjoying the days leading up to Christmas, Leo accidentally loses his dog Ramona in Central Park. Leo is devastated by his loss until a magical creature named Little Spirit appears.
Doug, le film

Doug, le film

Mar 26, 1999
Quand Doug et ses amis trouvent un "monstre" vivant dans les bois près de leur ville, ils apprennent rapidement qu'il est en réalité gentil. Ils sont pourchassés par des personnes qui veulent capturer le monstre et le bal de l'école approche. Doug est en concurrence avec Guy Graham pour attirer l'attention de Patti Mayonnaise. Doug va-t-il pouvoir emmener Patti au bal et sauver le monstre ?


Mar 01, 1987
Simon Watterman, un archéologue de l'espace, découvre les "Munchies" dans une grotte au Pérou. Cecil Watterman, le frère jumeau maléfique de Simon et entrepreneur de snacks, kidnappe la créature. Ce que Cecil ne sait pas, c'est que la créature, une fois hachée, se régénère en de nombreuses nouvelles créatures et qu'elles sont méchantes !
Sesame Street: Elmo's World: All about Faces
Join Sesame Street’s curious red monster as he explores his face! Elmo learns about winking and whistling, and even tries to balance a ball on his nose! Elmo also finds out that the optometrist can help you take care of your eyes, it’s very important to blow your nose properly, and brushing your teeth will keep your mouth happy. Bonus features include the “Elmo’s Make-a-Face” game, where you can mix and match eyes and noses to create your own special character! Includes special guest appearance by Fred Newman.
Show Off! How to Be Cool at Parties
A kids humorous instructional tape on how to do gags and party tricks. It is from 1986, so the hair and wardrobe alone makes this tape comic gold. It is hosted by a young Malcolm Jamal Warner (Cosby Show) and features the likes of Fred Newman, Madman Magician Friedhoffer (who uses this strange Hasidic Jewish accent that doesn't fit his character at all) and comedian Frankie Pace. Learn how to do the Hawaiian nose hum and beatbox at the same time! Learn how to levitate, and how to juggle.
Vénus en fourrure

Vénus en fourrure

Nov 25, 1969
Après une première rencontre avec la belle Wanda, Séverin décide secrètement de la suivre et de l’observer. Il la voit sous la douche ou aller avec des inconnus. Se développe entre eux une étrange relation dominant/dominé. Mais cette relation échoue finalement. Séverin se console avec Gracia, la femme de ménage, tandis que Wanda rencontre Bruno. Séverin, trop humilié par Bruno, veut guérir de sa frustration avec une prostituée qui se révèle être Wanda. À la fin, Séverin ne peut plus supporter cet amour impossible et devient fou.
Qui veut la peau de Roger Rabbit ?
En 1947, à Hollywood, les grandes vedettes du cinéma partagent l'affiche avec les Toons, personnages animés. Roger Rabbit est amoureux transi de sa sublime femme Jessica, et son amour l'empêche de travailler correctement. Le producteur R.K. Maroon, le patron des Studios, tente de le ramener sur le droit chemin et engage Eddie Valiant, un détective privé humain et alcoolique, pour prouver à Roger Rabbit l'infidélité de Jessica. Des photos compromettantes sont prises et le présumé amant est retrouvé assassiné. Roger Rabbit est accusé du meurtre et recherché par l'ignoble juge Demort qui voue une haine féroce aux Toons.
A Prairie Home Companion 30th Broadcast Season Celebration
After 30 years of live radio broadcasts of "A Prairie Home Companion," the popular show comes to DVD for the first time, offering a rare inside look at one of radio´s most beloved shows. Taped before live audiences at the Fitzgerald Theater in Saint Paul, MN , the DVD features the 30th anniversary broadcast with Keillor and cast performing their singular blend of folk, blues and gospel songs and topical comedy sketches. The broadcast includes appearances by special guests BR549, Philip Brunelle, Jearlyn Steele and Inga Swearingen, in addition to cast regulars Sue Scott, Tom Keith, Fred Newman and Tim Russell, and music by The Guy´s All-Star Shoe Band.
TV Movie
Men in Black

Men in Black

Jul 02, 1997
Chargés de protéger la Terre de toute infraction extraterrestre et de réguler l’immigration intergalactique sur notre planète, les Men in black ou MIB opèrent dans le plus grand secret. Vêtus de costumes sombres et équipés des toutes dernières technologies, ils passent inaperçus aux yeux des humains dont ils effacent régulièrement la mémoire récente : la présence d’aliens sur notre sol doit rester secrète. Récemment séparé de son vieux partenaire, retourné à la vie civile sans aucun souvenir de sa vie d’homme en noir, K, le plus expérimenté des agents du MIB décide de former J, un jeune policier. Ensemble, ils vont afronter une nouvelle menace : Edgar le cafard…
Bigfoot et les Henderson
La famille Henderson fait une hallucinante découverte lors d'une ballade en forêt: Bigfoot, une créature géante entièrement recouverte de poils. Ils la ramènent chez eux, pensant qu'elle est morte. Mais Bigfoot est vivant. Lorsqu'il se réveille, il séduit tout de suite les Henderson. Mais Bigfoot va s'enfuir de sa nouvelle demeure...


Jun 08, 1984
Rand Peltzer offre à son fils Billy un étrange animal : un mogwai. Son ancien propriétaire l'a bien mis en garde : il ne faut pas l'exposer à la lumière , lui éviter tout contact avec l'eau , et surtout, surtout, ne jamais le nourrir après minuit… Sinon…
Les feux de la nuit

Les feux de la nuit

Apr 01, 1988
Jamie, qui aspire à devenir écrivain, quitte le Kansas de son enfance pour rejoindre New York. Marqué par la mort de sa mère, abandonné par sa petite amie, il s' adonne à tous les excès, au risque de se perdre...
The Easter Egg Adventure
The idyllic Egg Town is the location for the The Easter Egg Adventure, which sees the beautiful location under threat from some dastardly thieves. Making off with the collection of Easter Egg's the town has managed to collate, it's up to some brave residents to retrieve them from the evil doers. A wonderfully touching children's tale, The Easter Egg Adventure is a heartwarming seasonal story.


Jun 26, 1999
Chaque court-métrage présente des événements quotidiens qui se produisent dans le jardin de Doug, à travers les yeux passionnés de notre chien parlant préféré.
Between the Lions

Between the Lions

Nov 22, 2010
Between the Lions is a PBS Kids puppet television series designed to promote reading. The show is a co-production between WGBH in Boston and Sirius Thinking, Ltd., in New York City, in association with Mississippi Public Broadcasting, in Mississippi. The show has won seven Daytime Emmy awards between 2001 and 2007. The target audience is children 4 to 7 years old. It has the same puppet style as Sesame Street and several season 2 episodes, notably in Dance in Smarty Pants, had a few characters from Sesame Street guest appearing. Between The Lions started its 10th and final season on September 20, 2010. The Show Ended in November, 22 2010 Along with Reading Rainbow


Nov 10, 2002


Lomax: The Hound of Music
Lomax, the Hound of Music is a PBS Kids TV series that brings together puppets, humans, live music and animation to promote musical education for children ages 3–7. Created by Christopher Cerf, Norman Stiles and Louise Gikow, and produced by Sirius Thinking, Ltd., Eyevox, Inc., and Connecticut Public Television, Lomax first aired in December 2008, and immediately gained a reputation as a show that follows in the tradition of acclaimed educational children's TV series like Sesame Street, and Between the Lions. Lomax, the Hound of Music follows the adventures of Lomax, a good-natured, melody-obsessed puppet pooch, his feline sidekick Delta, and their human companion, Amy, on a tune-filled train ride crisscrossing the musical landscape of America. With the help - and full participation - of real kids on the train, on location, and the viewers at home, Lomax and his friends track down the wonderful songs that form the heart of our nation's diverse musical heritage.
Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

Nov 10, 2006
Journey to exciting places and build a lasting connection with your favorite books. Each episode centers on a theme from a book, or other children's literature, which is explored through a number of segments or stories.
Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

Nov 22, 2010
Between the Lions is a PBS Kids puppet television series designed to promote reading. The show is a co-production between WGBH in Boston and Sirius Thinking, Ltd., in New York City, in association with Mississippi Public Broadcasting, in Mississippi. The show has won seven Daytime Emmy awards between 2001 and 2007. The target audience is children 4 to 7 years old. It has the same puppet style as Sesame Street and several season 2 episodes, notably in Dance in Smarty Pants, had a few characters from Sesame Street guest appearing. Between The Lions started its 10th and final season on September 20, 2010. The Show Ended in November, 22 2010 Along with Reading Rainbow
Reading Rainbow

Reading Rainbow

Oct 15, 2000
Peanut, Jelly, and Baby Butter Otter live on a houseboat along with all of their friends. Whenever they get into a situation where they need to think, they perform "The Noodle Dance" until one of them gets an idea.