Kenneth Glenaan

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This Is Not a Love Song
Heaton and Spike are the unlikeliest pair: two loners who have found each other. When Spike commits a terrible crime, Heaton decides to stand by him - an act of astonishing, almost foolhardy loyalty. There begins a chase across a vast Northern landscape of moors, rivers and dark woods, the increasingly exhausted fugitives being hunted not by the police but by a posse of farmers intent on revenge. No ordinary chase film, This Is Not a Love Song is a love story trapped inside the body of a thriller.


Dec 05, 2008
Shaun and Daz are vibrant kids, wasted by their experience of education. All they have is friendship and Shaun's first love Katy. From the moment Shaun steps into our world he is bound to lose. Labeled as a violent bully he destroys himself and Daz with him. Shaun has twelve years to reflect on an intense summer of love, sex and loyalty. But Daz's imminent death forces Shaun to confront his past.


Aug 07, 2004
In England, the Pakistanis Yasmin lives two lives in two different worlds: in her community, she wears Muslin clothes, cooks for her father and brother and has the traditional behavior of a Muslin woman. Further, she has a non-consumed marriage with the illegal immigrant Faysal to facilitate the British stamp in his passport, and then divorce him. In her job, she changes her clothes and wears like a Westerner, is considered a standard employee and has a good Caucasian friend who likes her. After the September, 11th, the prejudice in her job and the treatment of common people makes her take side and change her life.
The Ark

The Ark

Mar 30, 2015
Noah, a farmer and family man, is instructed by an angel to build an ark in the middle of a desert in order to save both his family and the faithful from a devastating flood. A seemingly impossible task, especially when his sons refuse to believe him and help, Noah risks ridicule and humiliation from the degenerate townsfolk as well as his loving but exasperated family, in his quest to carry out his God-given task.
TV Movie
Magnificent 7

Magnificent 7

Dec 13, 2005
Inspired by the life of Jacqui Jackson, the story follows a self-sacrificing mother of seven children, four of whom are, in one form or another, autistic.


Jan 01, 1998
On a day much like any other, Mick and Carmen, two hard-drinking lovers down on their luck, set out to satisfy their hunger. But food is not their only need. As the day progresses, tensions rise and their stormy relationship is put to the ultimate test.
Gas Attack

Gas Attack

Aug 22, 2001
Inhabitants of a block of flats in a poor area of Glasgow fall ill with a mysterious disease. As doctors and social workers try to uncover the cause, they discover that the truth behind the illness is more sinister than expected.
The New Ten Commandments
The film was produced by Nick Higgins from Lansdowne Productions and Noémie Mendelle from the Scottish Documentary Institute and has 10 film-chapter directors for each of the 10 chapters of the film. The film's unifying theme is human rights in Scotland with each chapter illustrating one of the "New Ten Commandments" - 10 articles chosen from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 10 film chapters of The New Ten Commandments 1. The Right to Freedom of Assembly - Dir, David Graham Scott 2. The Right not to be enslaved - Dir, Nick Higgins 3. The Right to a fair trial - Dir, Sana Bilgrami 4. The Right to freedom of expression - Dir, Doug Aubrey 5. The Right to life - Dir, Kenny Glenaan 6. The Right to liberty - Dir, Irvine Welsh & Mark Cousins 7. The Right not to be tortured - Dir, Douglas Gordon 8. The Right to asylum - Dir, Anna Jones 9. The Right to privacy - Dir, Alice Nelson 10. The Right to freedom of thought - Dir, Mark Cousins & Tilda Swinton.

Oct 05, 2016

Cette série suit les enquêtes criminelles du capitaine de police Alan Banks secondé par le lieutenant Cabbot et le capitaine Morton.

Jan 18, 2015

The political and personal life of Charlie Haughey during his time in office.

Oct 27, 2008

Louise Evans is a single mother who works as a customer advisor for big bucks investors at a slick, pin-striped bank. On a night out with her best friend Anna she's introduced to Anna's slippery new boyfriend Phillip. Phillip makes Louise an indecent proposal: accept a briefcase full of money in return for helping him to defraud one of the bank's richest clients.

Oct 29, 2017

Lorsque Lee Manning, cadre dans l'industrie pharmaceutique, est assassiné au cours d'un voyage d'affaires à Berlin, sa femme Sarah se persuade peu à peu que l'entreprise pour laquelle il travaillait lui dissimule des détails sur son meurtre. Elle se rend alors compte que son mari et elle-même étaient l'objet d'une surveillance de tous les instants. Du jour au lendemain, son existence confortable et protégée vole en éclats.

Sep 29, 2015

New Tricks is a British comedy-drama that follows the work of the fictional Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad of the Metropolitan Police Service. Originally led by Detective Superintendent Sandra Pullman, it is made up of retired police officers who have been recruited to reinvestigate unsolved crimes.

Nov 10, 2016

Après qu'une médecin généraliste ne soit assassinée dans une aire de jeux pour enfants devant un grand nombre de témoins, un groupe de détectives sont déterminés à découvrir la vérité derrière ce macabre événement, sans se douter que ce dernier va les emmener dans les tréfonds d'une conspiration à l'échelle européenne.

Oct 23, 2011

MI-5, aussi surnommé "Five", n'est autre que le service secret britannique fondé pour protéger la sécurité nationale des menaces intérieures. Leurs missions : combattre le crime organisé, démanteler les trafics d'armes et autres réseaux terroristes...

Mar 10, 2013

Le beau Mitchell est un homme de ménage dans un hôpital, où son timide ami geek George y est quant à lui brancardier. Tous deux aimeraient aller en ville et traîner avec d'autres personnes, mais un petit problème s'oppose à leurs désirs : Mitchell est un vampire, et George un loup-garou ! Les deux jeunes hommes se rapprochent de leurs rêves lorsqu'ils emménagent ensemble et passent leurs soirées devant la télévision, dans leur canapé, bière à la main, comme les autres hommes de leur âge. Malheureusement, ils n'avait pas compté sur la présence d'Annie, le fantôme de la locataire précédente ! Ce trio surnaturel a une chose en commun : un désir désespéré d'être humain.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Apr 24, 2002

Mike and Luce aim to turn their website SeeThru into a fully-fledged internet start-up.

Jun 02, 2013

Jackson Brodie est un ancien policier reconverti en détective privé.