Comedy and music from Max Boyce, as he returns to Treorchy's Park and Dare Theatre. Featuring guests Shaheen Jafargholi, Fflur Wyn and Boyd Clack and an audience of celebrity fans.
A la tête de l'organisation Torchwood de Cardiff, le capitaine Jack Harkness et son équipe utilisent les technologies extra-terrestres pour venir à bout de problèmes qui dépassent le gouvernement et la police. Unis, ils se battent pour le futur de l'humanité. Car c'est au 21ème siècle que tout va se jouer...
GMTV is the name of the national Channel 3 breakfast television contractor/licensee, broadcasting in the United Kingdom from 1 January 1993 to 3 September 2010. It became a wholly owned subsidiary of ITV plc in November 2009. Shortly after, ITV plc announced the programme would end. The final edition of GMTV was broadcast on 3 September 2010.
La vie quotidienne des habitants de la classe ouvrière de la place Albert, une traditionnelle place victorienne de maisons mitoyennes entourant un parc dans le quartier de Walford, à l'est de Londres.
Gabriel and his partner Andy adopt a child. But Gabriel has a history and he will need to embark upon a journey of self-discovery and attempt to repair his relationship with his dad before he can truly begin to parent 7-year old Jake.