Dennis Blanch

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La Trahison

La Trahison

Nov 20, 1975
Un agent de renseignement peu recommandable (Dirk Bogarde) complote la chute d'un dirigeant politique du tiers monde (Bekim Fehmiu).
The full monty : Le grand jeu
Aujourd'hui Sheffield, qui fut l'orgueil du Yorkshire et le joyau de l'Angleterre, est une ville sinistrée. Le chômage y règne en maître et les hommes désoeuvrés errent dans les rues en quête d'illusoires petits boulots. La venue de la troupe des Chippendales, qui, lors de leur spectacle, provoqua un véritable délire chez les spectatrices, va donner des idées a Gaz et ses copains. Si les femmes de Sheffield craquent pour des éphèbes anabolisés, que penseront-elles de vrais hommes, prêts à aller jusqu'au bout en s'exhibant entièrement nus ?


Sep 25, 1994
Brilliant, brutal and shocking drama starring Jonny Lee Miller and John Simm, following an ex-convict who falls for a prostitute, but makes a dangerous enemy of her pimp.
The Breaking of Colonel Keyser
Battalion Commander of the Third Wiltshire Light Infantry is Colonel Keyser. On recent evidence, he is either a psychopathic personality or something very close to it. He could turn out to be the best battalion commander in the division. As the Allies prepare for invasion in 1944, will his reputed psychopathic personality be a good or bad thing, when leading his men into D-Day?


Sep 11, 1996
Drama based on the real life events of April 1989, when ninety-six Liverpool supporters were crushed to death during an F.A. Cup Semi-Final match against Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough Stadium. This movie follows three Liverpudlian families before the match, during the tragedy and at the ensuing court battles which tried to decide who was to blame and what went wrong.
Lost for Words

Lost for Words

Jan 03, 1999
Deric Longden and his wife, Aileen, come to terms with the fact that his mother, Annie, is getting too old to live on her own. Annie suffers her first stroke and a nursing home is the obvious solution, but which one and where?
TV Movie
L'homme que je suis

L'homme que je suis

Dec 17, 1975
Multi primée, cette adaptation de l'autobiographie à succès de Quentin Crisp, The Naked Civil Servant, présente un homme luttant pour vivre un style de vie ouvertement gay et flamboyant à une époque où l'homosexualité était illégale en Grande-Bretagne. Son comportement extravagant a choqué la société britannique intolérante d'avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et a provoqué de fréquentes attaques homophobes, mais Crisp a catégoriquement refusé de faire des compromis et est devenu une célébrité culte et une icône gay internationale. Drôle, tragique et parfois réconfortante, cette histoire sans faille d’un homme non conventionnel, fortement mise en scène par Jack Gold, est devenue un classique instantané de la TV britannique.
L'Espion qui m'aimait

L'Espion qui m'aimait

Jul 07, 1977
Pour retrouver des sous-marins nucléaires russe et britannique qui ont mystérieusement disparu, James Bond fait équipe avec l'agent soviétique Anya Amasova. Leur mission les conduit à affronter un ennemi redoutable, Requin, un géant de près de deux mètres vingt quasiment indestructible et armé d'une mâchoire en acier aussi coupante qu'un rasoir. 007 devra également affronter Karl Stromberg, l'employeur de Requin. Stromberg veut se servir des sous-marins nucléaires qu'il a volés pour détruire le monde et créer une cité sous-marine.
Dial a Deadly Number

Dial a Deadly Number

Nov 18, 1975
A young woman tormented by murderous dreams decides to call a psychiatrist for help but accidentally dials a desperate out -of-work actor.
TV Movie
Maîtres et Valets

Maîtres et Valets

Dec 21, 1975
A l'étage : les riches et aristocratiques Bellamys. En bas : leurs fidèles et vifs serviteurs. Pendant près de 30 ans, ils partagent une maison de ville à la mode au 165 Eaton Place dans le quartier chic de Belgravia à Londres, survivant aux changements sociaux, aux bouleversements politiques, aux scandales et aux horreurs de la Première Guerre mondiale.


Oct 30, 1982
Strangers is a UK police drama that appeared on ITV between 1978 and 1982. After the success of the TV series The XYY Man, adapted from books by Kenneth Royce, Granada TV devised a new series to feature the regular characters of Detective Sergeant George Bulman and his assistant Detective Constable Derek Willis. The result was Strangers. The series began as a fairly standard police drama series with Bulman as its eccentric lead. Its premise was that a group of police officers have been brought together from different parts of the country to the north of England. There, the fact that they are not known locally gives them the opportunity to infiltrate where a more familiar local detective could not. Initially, the team consisted of Bulman, Willis and Linda Doran. Their local liaison was provided by Detective Sergeant David Singer; their superior was Chief Inspector Rainbow. Despite being based around a comparatively small team of detectives, a regular feature of the programme in its early years was that few episodes featured the entire team, with most using just two or three of the regulars in any major role.
The XYY Man

The XYY Man

Aug 29, 1977
The XYY Man began life as a series of novels by Kenneth Royce, featuring the character of William 'Spider' Scott, a one-time cat-burglar who leaves prison aiming to go straight but finds his talents still to be very much in demand by both the criminal underworld and the British secret service. Scott has an extra "y" chromosome that supposedly gives him a criminal predisposition - although he tries to go straight, he is genetically incapable of doing so. Royce's original books were : The XYY Man; Concrete Boot; The Miniatures Frame; Spider Underground and Trap Spider, though he returned to the character in the 80s with The Crypto Man and The Mosley Receipt. Regular characters included Scott's long-suffering girlfriend Maggie Parsons; British secret service head Fairfax; Detective Sergeant George Bulman, the tenacious policeman who wants nothing more than to see Scott back behind bars; journalist Ray Lynch; gay photographer Bluie Palmer and KGB chief Kransouski. In 1976 the first of Royce's novels was transferred to British television by Granada TV, in a three-part adaptation with Stephen Yardley playing Scott. The adventures of Scott caught the public imagination and ten more episodes followed in 1977. He is often co-opted into working for shadowy civil-servant and MI5 officer Fairfax. Doggedly on his trail is his nemesis Bulman and his assistant, Detective Constable Derek Willis.
The Sweeney

The Sweeney

Dec 28, 1978
Jack Regan, an unethical officer of the Flying Squad, uses unorthodox methods to pursue criminals with the help of his partner, George Carter.
Action & Adventure
Cutting It

Cutting It

Jul 12, 2005
Allie Henshall and Gavin Ferraday are partners in love and business. They own Henshall Ferraday hair salon, where Allie's sisters Darcey and Sydney work alongside them. As Allie and Gavin consider taking over a vacant property across the road, they are rocked by the news that a rival hairdresser has bought it. To make matters worse, Allie discovers that the new salon, Blade Runner, is run by her ex, Finn, and his wife, Mia Bevan. Finn fathered the child Allie claimed to have aborted. He left her when he found out she was pregnant, but he's back in town to try and woo Allie.
Van der Valk

Van der Valk

Feb 19, 1992
Le cynique commissaire-détective néerlandais "Piet" Van der Valk et ses collègues enquêtent sur les meurtres, les enlèvements et la corruption politique.


Mar 10, 1994
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.
The Royal

The Royal

Jul 31, 2011
Follows the staff and patients of a Yorkshire cottage hospital in the 60s, embroiled in tangled love lives and bitter power struggles.


Sep 05, 2010
Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.


Nov 07, 2024
Dans le Lancashire, en Angleterre, une bande d'amis déjantés tente de trouver de l'argent facile et se retrouve toujours dans des situations périlleuses.
Les Rivaux de Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes n'était pas le seul détective au travail à la fin de l'Angleterre victorienne. D'autres, parfois honnêtes, parfois peu dignes de confiance, mais tous très compétents, étaient à l'œuvre dans toute l'Angleterre, et aussi dans la vieille Europe. Dans chacun des 26 épisodes de cette série, un nouveau crime est mis en scène et un nouveau détective (rival de Sherlock Holmes) est chargé de le résoudre.


Jan 30, 2020
Adam Price mène une vie idyllique : il a un bon travail, deux fils merveilleux et son mariage semble sans faille. Mais son bonheur va soudainement voler en éclats lorsque « The Stranger » dévoile un secret choquant au sujet de sa femme.