Albert Speer

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Exploring Hitler's Mountain
Adolf Hitler spent over 1,000 days on the Obersalzberg, his mountain holiday refuge near Berchtesgaden. It was there he made his decisions about war and destruction. The producers, through special permits, explore the abandoned concrete tunnels in search of the relics of history of Hitler’s mountain and to tell almost forgotten tales of the people who lived there, high up in the shadow of power.
Speer Goes to Hollywood
The unbelievable second career of Albert Speer: How did a man in charge of 12 million slaves become “the good Nazi”? A cautionary tale about his 1971 attempt to whitewash his past with a Hollywood adaptation of his wartime memoir, “Inside the Third Reich”.
Hitler, une carrière

Hitler, une carrière

Jul 08, 1977
Inspiré du best-seller de l’historien Joachim C. Fest, ouvrage de référence absolu, ce documentaire est uniquement composé d’images d’archives et d’un commentaire fidèle à l’oeuvre monumentale de Fest. Il permet de comprendre comment un homme a pu conduire un peuple à commettre l’irréparable et à plonger le monde dans l’horreur…
La Victoire de la foi

La Victoire de la foi

Dec 01, 1933
Ce film de propagande, le premier tourné par Riefenstahl, financé ainsi que promu par le parti nazi, raconte le rallye de Nuremberg en 1933 et la prise de pouvoir d'Hitler comme chancelier. Longtemps considéré perdu suite à la destruction des copies sur les ordres d'Hitler, jusqu'à la découverte en 1986 en Allemagne de l'Est d'une copie survivante.
The Private Voice of Hitler
Everyone knows the public archive footage of Hitler. But most of it is silent. What was he saying? Special computer technology enables us for the first time to lip-read the silent film.
L'Empreinte De La Justice
The Memory of Justice est un film anglo-américain de quatre heures et demi réalisé par Marcel Ophüls en 1976. Comportant entre autres les témoignages des ex-procureurs Telford Taylor (États-Unis) et Edgar Faure (France) ainsi que de l’ancien architecte officiel du Troisième Reich Albert Speer, condamné à Nuremberg, ce film évoque les prolongements politiques, philosophiques et moraux du Procès de Nuremberg à la lumière des conflits de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle (Algérie, Vietnam...).
The World at War: The Making of the Series
The making of 'The World At War'. Each film in the 26 episode series had to be an essay on an aspect of the war, because the length and separate aspects of the war was far too much to cover in detail. Jeremy Isaacs talks about the production process and the aims of the project. The intention of the crew that were involved with the various skills in making 'The World at War' had no desire to use film from British, German, French, Polish, Russian, Japanese, or the Americans because of their specific means of showing the winning side of a specific action. Rather, an effort was made to interview people who were not part of the establishment, but rather the common people or assistants and secretaries of historical persons. Film was researched for those films from cameras where there was no special subject, but those that would allow the viewer to make their own decisions about what they had just seen and heard.
The Hidden Führer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler's Sexuality
In September 2001, respected German historian Lothar Machtan dropped a bombshell on the world of Hitler studies: Hitler was secretly homosexual. His highly acclaimed and explosive book "The Hidden Hitler" ignited a storm of controversy. With information from the bestselling book, award-winning filmmakers Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato and Gabriel Rotello explore areas of the Führer's private life.
The Champagne Safari

The Champagne Safari

Aug 05, 1995
The story of Charles E. Bedaux, Franco-American industrial efficiency expert, adventurer, and Nazi collaborator. In 1934, he bankrolled a 1,200-mile expedition across northern Canada, supported by an outrageously equipped entourage. Documentary about a wealthy adventurer whose Nazi ties eventually led to charges of treason.


Oct 31, 2024
Explores Leni Riefenstahl's artistic legacy and her complex ties to the Nazi regime, juxtaposing her self-portrayal with evidence suggesting awareness of the regime's atrocities.
Hitler et les apôtres du mal
Le 30 avril 1945, alors que Berlin est assiégée par les Soviétiques et que ses plus proches collaborateurs l’ont trahi, Adolf Hitler se suicide dans son Führerbunker. Ce documentaire dévoile un tout autre visage de l’homme qui a plongé l’Europe dans l’horreur. Celui d'un dictateur totalement coupé de la réalité, d'un paresseux allergique du travail qui préfère se terrer dans son refuge de Berchtesgaden plutôt que de gérer son empire. Il en laisse les rênes à d'influents et fidèles hommes de main triés sur le volet. Le documentaire fait la lumière sur le destin de six d'entre eux : Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Albert Speer, Rudolf Hoess, Josef Mengele. Des «apôtres du mal» qui se détestent et qui, pour s’attirer les faveurs de leur Führer, vont pousser les atrocités toujours plus loin.
Wie konnte es geschehen? - Teil 1:
In 1945, 160 German cities lay in ruins and the loss of millions of lives, billions in material assets and countless cultural treasures was mourned throughout Europe... With the question “How could it happen?”, the film goes back to the year 1914, when the “primal catastrophe of the 20th century” took its course with the First World War.
Wie aus der Ferne

Wie aus der Ferne

Nov 09, 2013
The Israeli historian Tom Segev writes about Simon Wiesenthal's strangest relationship: his friendship with Albert Speer. Speer who was the third Reich's chief architect and one of Hitler's closest friends took responsibility and showed remorse for the Nazi's crimes. After serving 20 years in prison he made efforts to clear his name and became a public persona with the help of his successful autobiography.
La Garde rapprochée d'Hitler
Comment Hitler a-t-il pu ressortir indemne de plus de quarante tentatives d'assassinat ? Cette série documentaire explore, en treize épisodes, les motivations et les méthodes de ceux qui les ont fomentées et nous présente les hommes qui les ont repoussées. Un regard original sur l'histoire du nazisme