Charles De'Ath

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Sep 16, 2021
En travaillant dans un centre de soins à Liverpool, Sarah semble avoir trouvé sa vocation et fait preuve d'une grande facilité de connexion avec les résidents. Puis, en mars 2020, la pandémie de coronavirus frappa.
Dangerous Liaisons

Dangerous Liaisons

May 10, 2007
When detectives investigate a seemingly natural death of an old man, they discover a disturbing tape in his possession which alongside old family memories also features the murder of a woman. After tracking down the dead man's ex-wife and his estranged son they try to discover a link between the mans death and the horrific videotape.
A Is for Acid

A Is for Acid

Sep 09, 2002
Dramatisation of the true story of the notorious 'acid bath murderer' John Haigh, who murdered women and disposed of their bodies in vats of acid in the 1940s. He was only caught when the gallstones of one of his victims failed to dissolve in the acid and were detected by the pathologist who examined the residue from the acid bath.
Forgive and Forget

Forgive and Forget

Jun 12, 2000
David O'Neil, a plasterer and mature student Theo have been best mates for fourteen years and are practically inseparable. However, their friendship has become strained as Theo is about to move in with his long-term girlfriend, photographer Hannah. A raging jealousy awakes in David and he starts scheming to break up the loving couple using Hannah's insecurities against them. When the couple eventually separate David is in a quandary about his next move and is forced to confront his long-hidden homosexuality and feelings towards Theo. Eventually, David decides to reveal his sexual orientation and deep love for Theo very publicly by arranging for them both to appear as guests on Judith Adams' talk-show, "forgive and forget", with tragic consequences for their friendship and David's family.


May 05, 1995
John, jeune flic ambitieux, est chargé d'infiltrer un gang d'hooligans afin d'identifier et de mettre en prison les meneurs. Cependant à force de fréquenter ces groupes de supporters, John prend le risque de basculer dans un univers de haine et d'ultraviolence.
The Other Side

The Other Side

May 01, 2012
When a fresh faced nanny arrives at her new job on a creaky farm in the English countryside, she is instantly caught up in the turbulent relationship of her employers. James is struggling to provide for his family and Rachel, an inexperienced mother, is unable to cope with the demands of her new born baby. Unaware of his wife's decision to hire help, a disgruntled James leaves them alone in the secluded farmhouse. When night falls and he fails to return, a sinister intruder invades the property, unraveling a night of gruesome blood-shed and unprecedented terror. But who is behind it? What do they want? Can anybody escape alive?
Le Crépuscule des aigles
1964. Les allemands ont gagné la Seconde Guerre mondiale. On s'apprête à fêter les soixante-quinze ans du Führer Adolf Hitler, et pour cet événement, le président du dernier pays à ne pas s'être soumis à la domination allemande, les États-Unis, s'apprête à signer un traité de paix, ce qui aurait assis définitivement l'emprise du Troisième Reich sur le monde. Lorsque le Sturmbannführer Xavier March est chargé d'une enquête sur deux morts, anciens hauts dignitaires, et qu'il est stoppé dans son investigation, il flaire le mauvais coup. Aidé de son collègue Max Jaeger et d'une journaliste américaine, Charlie Maguire, il va découvrir la face cachée de l'Allemagne et devenir un homme traqué.
That Day We Sang

That Day We Sang

Dec 26, 2014
TV Film adaptation of Victoria Wood's hit musical set in Manchester in 1929 and 1969. When middle aged loners Tubby and Enid attend a reunion of the choir in which they sang as children, the music evokes powerful memories, leading them to realise they still have a chance to find happiness.
Revengers Tragedy

Revengers Tragedy

Aug 06, 2002
A film adaptation of the 1606 satirical tragedy by Thomas Middleton, relocated to a post-apocalyptic Liverpool. Christopher Eccleston plays the revenge-obsessed Vindice, who has sworn to kill the evil Duke (Derek Jacobi) who murdered his one true love.
Strong Language

Strong Language

Jan 28, 2000
While a narrator tells the story of a night of terror that changes his life forever, 16 young people chat about their lives in London. With topics ranging from the drug "ecstasy," to AIDs and one-night stands, to the sound of BritPop, and to the urban issues of racism, punk, hooliganism, and the London Police, the film documents funny and revealing insights with an unforgettable and unexpected chain of events.
The Last Witness

The Last Witness

May 11, 2018
An ambitious young journalist uncovers the horrific slaughter of 22,000 Polish officers during World War II, a secret kept hidden for far too many years.
Jardinage à l'anglaise
A la prison d’Edgefield, dans le cadre d’un programme de réinsertion sur l’apprentissage d’un métier, Colin, Fergus et 3 autres incarcérés choisissent le jardinage et la botanique. Une voie royale, puisqu’avec l’aide de l’horticultrice Georgina Woodhouse, ils vont participer à l’un des plus prestigieux concours de paysagistes du pays…
Doctor Who - La conquête de Mars
En novembre 2059, le Docteur arrive sur la base Bowie One, première colonie humaine établie sur la planète Mars sous le commandement du capitaine Adelaide Brooke. Il sait que l'endroit où il se trouve va prochainement être détruit par une explosion nucléaire volontaire afin de sauver la Terre d'une terrible infection.
Walking with the Enemy
L'intrigue se base à Budapest et dans des villages avoisinants à la fin de l'occupation de la Hongrie par la Wehrmacht lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'histoire tout autour d'un jeune Juif hongrois, Elek Cohen, qui se fait passer pour un officier de la Schutzstaffel (SS) pour savoir ce qui est devenu de ces amis pendant la Shoah.
The List

The List

Jul 05, 2013
Christopher Cowin is in his mid 30s, a family man who owns a small advertising agency. A court case he had recently lost has shown him the rich and powerful always win! That is why Christopher creates the website THE LIST. On this site, users can label corrupt individuals in public life and award them points as to how much of a menace they are. The result is a list of politicians, CEOs and bankers. The website quickly becomes a worldwide success but suddenly, whoever is number one on THE LIST appears murdered and public opinion starts to turn against Christopher.
G:MT Greenwich Mean Time
Six London school-leavers attempt to make it in the world, balancing the challenge of trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry against the pressures and tragedies of everyday life.
Different for Girls

Different for Girls

Oct 01, 1996
Paul reunites with his schoolmate Kim, and finds out she's actually a woman who has transitioned since they last met. She has no desire to stir up the past and they start to fall in love, but Paul's immaturity gets them in trouble.


Jan 01, 1984
The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain present an abridged version of Shakespeare's play, with explanatory links and introductions by Martin Jarvis. Following the presentation of the play, members of the company are shown in a workshop with actor-director Ron Daniels.


Feb 21, 2003
Davies discovers a link between three separate investigations - an armed robbery at a job centre, the disappearance of a pensioner and a routine house burglary.


Feb 13, 2004
Dangerous investigates the arson murder of a former lotto winner who is burned to death while drunk in a locked room.
The Long Bank Holiday

The Long Bank Holiday

Feb 20, 2004
A spate of computer thefts from government offices, a possible suicide under the wheels of a high-speed train, an absconded lifer on the loose, and a grisly trove of human bones in a garden all conspire to keep Davies on the job during a long Easter weekend.


Jul 06, 1998
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes policières du surintendant Charles Wycliffe et son équipe en Cornouailles. Wycliffe se heurte souvent à son supérieur, le commissaire Stevens, qui lui reproche de ne pas participer davantage à la gestion du service et « d’être trop sur le terrain ». En effet, Wycliffe déteste la routine et aime fouiller la vie et la psychologie des victimes de ses enquêtes.
The Bill

The Bill

Aug 31, 2010
The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters.
Inspecteur Frost

Inspecteur Frost

Apr 05, 2010
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de l'inspecteur William Frost, plus connu sous le nom de Jack, dans la ville imaginaire de Denton. Ce veuf quinquagénaire, brillant policier de l'ancienne école, n'a pas son pareil pour résoudre les affaires les plus complexes. Il a reçu la plus haute distinction civile, la croix de Georges, pour avoir été imprudemment blessé par un homme armé alors qu'il sortait d'un bar et était ivre, le jour où il a appris que sa femme, qu'il comptait quitter, était atteinte d'un cancer en phase terminale. Souvent en conflit avec ses supérieurs, désordonné et allergique à la paperasse, il est réputé pour son fichu caractère. Bourru et prenant parfois quelque liberté avec les règlements ou les procédures, il fait toutefois preuve d'empathie avec les victimes et a bon cœur. Il est assisté dans ses enquêtes par différents sergents détectives qui apportent leur point de vue particulier à la résolution de l'affaire. L'humour anglais et le ressort comique de la série sont inscrits dans les relations entre Frost et le bureaucratique Superintendant Mullett.
Les enquêtes de Vera

Les enquêtes de Vera

Jan 21, 2024
Obsédée par son travail et guidée par ses propres démons, Vera Stanhope mène l'enquête épaulée par son co-équipier, le sergent Joe Ashworth.
WPC 56

WPC 56

Mar 13, 2015
Drama following WPC Gina Dawson, the first Woman Police Constable to join Brinford Constabulary, a fictional police force in the West Midlands, in 1956. The show focuses on WPC Gina Dawson's struggle to gain acceptance in the male-dominated police station whilst having to deal with the sexist attitudes that were commonplace at the time.
Moving On

Moving On

Mar 08, 2021
Moving On is a British television series set in contemporary Britain consisting of standalone dramas all sharing the theme of someone going through some kind of change in their life and moving on.
Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Dec 05, 2021
Dernier représentant des Seigneurs du temps et âgé de plus de 900 ans, Le Docteur parcourt l'espace et le temps dans son TARDIS. Amoureux de la race humaine, il se fait régulièrement accompagner par une femme ou un homme. Partagé entre folie et génie, insouciant mais conscient de ses responsabilités, il défendra l'humanité quel que soit le prix à payer.
Action & Adventure
The Five

The Five

May 13, 2016
Jesse, âgé de 5 ans, s'est enfui du parc alors qu’il était sous la surveillance de son frère Mark et de sa bande de copains. Après sa disparition, plus personne ne l’a jamais revu. Vingt ans plus tard, Danny, un des amis de Mark devenu flic, apprend que l’ADN de Jesse a été retrouvé sur une scène de crime. Il est vivant, quelque part…
The Royal

The Royal

Jul 31, 2011
Follows the staff and patients of a Yorkshire cottage hospital in the 60s, embroiled in tangled love lives and bitter power struggles.


Jul 20, 2024
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...


Jul 20, 2024
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...


Jul 20, 2024
Le quotidien du service d'urgences du Holby City Hospital...
Border Cafe

Border Cafe

Sep 05, 2000
Comedy drama series from Preston Front writer Tim Firth. Set in the fictional town of Hale Point on the borders of England and Wales, home to a cross-section of amazing, colourful characters who, under normal circumstances, would never have met. Rock star Charlotte Smith quits at the height of her fame and buys the American diner on the outskirts of her home town so she can settle down with her builder boyfriend David Doyle. He invites his daft elder brother Kidder to become the chef while the nervous Ronnie gives up her life as "Charlotte" in a copycat band to become waitress. The Border Cafe becomes a meeting place for all sorts of curious characters and a centre of intrigue. But as the cafe takes off, the whole notion of whose life depends on whose starts to shift with dramatic consequences
The Last Detective

The Last Detective

May 31, 2007
"Dangerous" Davies always gets the cases no one else wants, and no one notices when he eventually succeeds. But his old-fashioned decency and dogged determination have won him legions of loyal fans.
La Guerre des mondes

La Guerre des mondes

Dec 01, 2019
Dans l'Angleterre des années 1900, un couple ne cesse de défier les conventions sociales, jusqu'au jour où une invasion extraterrestre les oblige à se battre pour leur vie.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy