Martin Trenaman

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Sep 01, 2021
A jet-black dramedy about love, loss and the complexities of mental health.
Bill Bailey: Part Troll
Bill Bailey's Part Troll tour has been a huge success playing over 60 dates throughout the country. This DVD, filmed at the Hammersmith Apollo, captures one of the country's best and most original stand-ups at the top of his game.
The Inbetweeners 2

The Inbetweeners 2

Aug 06, 2014
Neil, Will and Simon receive an invite from Jay to join him in Australia whilst on his gap year, who promises them it’s ”the sex capital of the world”. With their lives now rather dull compared to their hedonistic school days and legendary lads holiday, it’s an offer they can’t refuse. Once again, they put growing up temporarily on-hold, and embark on a backpacking holiday of a lifetime in an awful car, inspired by Peter Andre’s ‘Mysterious Girl’. Will soon finds himself battling with the lads to do something cultural, whilst they focus their attention on drinking, girls, and annoying fellow travelers.
À vif !

À vif !

Oct 02, 2015
Plus qu’un grand chef, Adam Jones est une rock star de la cuisine, couronnée par deux étoiles au guide Michelin. Grisé par le succès, arrogant et capricieux, l’enfant terrible de la scène gastronomique parisienne sombre dans l’alcool et la drogue. Quelques années plus tard, il a retrouvé la voie de la sobriété. Entouré de jeunes commis et chefs de parties, il relance un restaurant londonien, déterminé à obtenir le graal de la gastronomie : une troisième étoile. Hanté par les fantômes du passé, le chemin de la rédemption s’annonce plus âpre que prévu : il ne lui reste plus qu’une seule chance pour devenir une légende…
Les Boloss

Les Boloss

Aug 19, 2011
4 garçons partent ensemble en vacances en Crète. 1 seul objectif : sea, sex and sun… and sex !
Mariage à l'anglaise

Mariage à l'anglaise

Feb 08, 2013
Depuis qu'ils se sont rencontrés dans une soirée, Nat, jeune femme ambitieuse, et Josh, apprenti romancier, nagent dans le bonheur, malgré leurs différences. Car si Josh est plutôt du genre intellectuel, Nat est une fonceuse. Ce qui ne les a pas empêchés d'être réunis par un coup de foudre réciproque. Leur mariage est idyllique, même si personne – de leurs proches à leurs amis, jusqu'au pasteur qui officie – ne croit qu'il pourra durer ... Surtout quand l'ex-petite amie de Josh, Chloe, et le charmant client américain de Nat, Guy, s'en mêlent... Alors que Josh et Nat s'apprêtent à fêter leur un an de mariage, aucun des deux ne veut être le premier à jeter l'éponge. Leur couple pourra-t-il résister aux pressions de toutes parts?


Oct 25, 2011
Two primordial humans fear that their "village" is in danger from a volcano that is about to erupt. To find out if they are safe, they go in search of the legendary Pythagasaurus, a dinosaur who is an expert in mathematics.


Sep 29, 2018
Lost Dogs

Lost Dogs

Jun 01, 2005
Les voyageurs new age kidnappent le chien prisé d'un revendeur Bristol Antiques, avec des conséquences désastreuses.
The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners

Oct 18, 2010
Bienvenue dans un monde de béguins futiles, de bagarres entre frères et sœurs, de se saouler trop vite et de calomnies constantes sur la sexualité de vos amis.


Dec 16, 2002


TLC is a darkly surreal farce-like sitcom set in a fictional NHS hospital called South Middlesex where coffee is traded like drugs and pretty much everyone has a personality problem. It was first broadcast on the BBC on 11 November 2002 and ran over six episodes until 16 December. There were some very mixed opinions on the show among both critics and viewers, but it achieved decent ratings and featured an excellent comedy cast including Richard Griffiths, Alexander Armstrong and The League of Gentlemen's Reece Shearsmith. The series was released on DVD in the UK on 29 October 2007. The show never confirms what "TLC" stands for, although it is presumed to be a sarcastic reference to the widely used abbreviation for "Tender Loving Care", but could equally refer to the alternative yet related abbreviation "Total Lack of Concern".
The Mighty Boosh

The Mighty Boosh

Dec 20, 2007
Suivez Vince Noir et Howard Moon dans des aventures surréalistes, depuis le zoo de Bob Fossil jusqu'à l'appel de la scène musicale.


Aug 29, 2013
PhoneShop is a British sitcom that was first broadcast on Channel 4 as a television pilot on 13 November 2009, as part of the channel's Comedy Showcase season of comedy pilots. It was then followed by a six-episode series that was commissioned on E4 and broadcasting began on 7 October 2010.
15 Storeys High

15 Storeys High

May 30, 2004
15 Storeys High is a critically acclaimed British sitcom, set in a tower block. The main characters are Vince Clark, a misanthropic, cynical recluse played by Sean Lock, and Errol Spears, Vince's exact opposite and whipping boy, played by Benedict Wong.


Feb 16, 2000
Colin and Jane have decided that their marriage isn't working and that the best thing is to separate. This could be tough on their children, Joe and Emily, but their parents are civilized about the whole thing and determined to remain friends. In fact, after the split their relationship improves considerably. Jane, a nurse, embarks upon a new relationship with Roger, a single parent of three children, the terrible trio of David, Felicity and Robbie. Colin, meanwhile, has started to see Jennifer, the therapist he and Jane consulted when trying to work through their problems.


Sep 27, 2007
Steve Coogan plays Tommy Saxondale: an ex-roadie with anger management issues and a pest-control business. Tommy is a little arrogant, a little egotistical and feels the world owes him more respect than it typically shows him. He has an assistant named Raymond who lives in a spare room in Tommy's house, a live-in girlfriend named Magz who owns a T-shirt business, and a receptionist named Vicky who has a tendency to drive him up the wall.
Queens of Mystery

Queens of Mystery

Dec 13, 2021
Matilda Stone is a perennially single female detective whose three aunts are well-known crime writers that help her solve whodunit style murders as well as set her up on blind dates.
The Undeclared War

The Undeclared War

Aug 04, 2022
En 2024, sur fond d'élections britanniques impliquant le premier Premier ministre conservateur noir du Royaume-Uni. Une équipe d'analystes au cœur du GCHQ, l'agence d'espionnage britannique de type NSA, tentent de parer à une cyber-attaque contre le système électoral du pays.
War & Politics
Inspecteur Barnaby

Inspecteur Barnaby

Nov 10, 2024
L'inspecteur Barnaby, accompagné de son adjoint, enquêtent sur les crimes commis dans la région anglaise fictive du Midsomer...


Apr 15, 2020
L'histoire de Charles Ingram, un ancien major de l'armée britannique qui a provoqué un scandale majeur au début des années 2000 après avoir été surpris en train de tricher pour gagner 1 million de livres sterling dans le jeu télévisé Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Ingram, sa femme Diana et une complice, Tecwen Whittock, qui était assise dans l'auditoire, ont d'abord levé le cambriolage à l'écran avant d'être capturés et jugés.
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

Apr 13, 2001
Tim et Daisy sont deux losers complètement paumés. Décidés à se serrer les coudes pour s'en sortir, ils se font passer pour un couple honnête sous tous rapports afin de trouver un logement. Ils réussissent à convaincre Marsha Klein de leur louer un appartement dans une pension. C'est le début des ennuis…
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

Jan 15, 2015
Never Mind the Buzzcocks is a comedy panel game show with a pop and rock music theme. The show is infamous for its dry, sarcastic humour and scathing, provocative attacks on the pop industry.
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

May 30, 2004
15 Storeys High is a critically acclaimed British sitcom, set in a tower block. The main characters are Vince Clark, a misanthropic, cynical recluse played by Sean Lock, and Errol Spears, Vince's exact opposite and whipping boy, played by Benedict Wong.
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

Jan 17, 2021
8 Out of 10 Cats is a British television comedy panel game produced by Zeppotron for Channel 4. It was first broadcast on 3 June 2005. The show is based on statistics and opinion polls, and draws on polls produced by a variety of organizations and new polls commissioned for the programme, carried out by company Harris Poll. The show's title is derived from a well-known advertising tagline for Whiskas cat food, which originally claimed that "8 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas".
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

Mar 27, 1998
Is It Bill Bailey? is a stand up/sketch comedy series written by and starring Bill Bailey. Each episode features stage performances, interspersed with skits starring himself and other actors. As well as parodies of pop songs or artists, he deconstructs music from popular television shows.
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

Feb 20, 2025
Deux équipes composées d'humoristes, de célébrités et de stars du sport s'affrontent dans un test de connaissances sportives, qui se déroule en trois manches.
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

Mar 27, 1998
Is It Bill Bailey? is a stand up/sketch comedy series written by and starring Bill Bailey. Each episode features stage performances, interspersed with skits starring himself and other actors. As well as parodies of pop songs or artists, he deconstructs music from popular television shows.
Les Allumés

Les Allumés

May 30, 2004
15 Storeys High is a critically acclaimed British sitcom, set in a tower block. The main characters are Vince Clark, a misanthropic, cynical recluse played by Sean Lock, and Errol Spears, Vince's exact opposite and whipping boy, played by Benedict Wong.