Casey Burgess

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2012 : Terre brûlée

2012 : Terre brûlée

Nov 08, 2009
En 2012, la température a augmenté de 2°C. En proie à des incendies, la ville de Sydney n'a presque plus d'eau potable. Les habitants quittent la ville persuadés d'y être condamnés.


Apr 12, 1999
Hi-5, an Australian children's television program, was first shown on the Nine Network in 1999. Hi-5 is known as a children's pop music group as well as being a television show, much like peer children's entertainers The Wiggles. They also teach arts and crafts. Hi-5 is now shown in approximately 80 countries. Each year, the series has 45 episodes with nine weekly themes. In 2004, the show was marked by reduced episodes than normal, with 30 episodes in six weekly themes due to the band concentrating more on touring. In 2009 was marked the beginning of the "second generation" of Hi-5, with all of the original members having departed in 2007/2008. The series was renewed for another five years with the new cast by the Nine Network, which would have the contract expire in 2013. In March 2013, Hi-5's first movie, Some Kind of Wonderful, was released in selected Hoyts Junior cinemas around Australia and New Zealand. The movie showed the history of Hi-5's cast changes and a behind-the-scenes look at the search to find three new members, Dayen Zheng, Ainsley Melham and Mary Lascaris who would replace Fely Irvine, Tim Maddren and Casey Burgess in 2012/2013. The new Hi-5 series called Hi-5 House will be filmed in Singapore, according to executive producer Julie Grenne. Currently, they commitment of concerts in some Asian countries with Hi-5 Wonderful Tour.


Mar 21, 2003
John Crichton est astronaute. Le jour où il part dans l'espace pour vérifier l'une de ses théories, son module est aspiré par un vortex et il se retrouve projeté dans une zone inconnue de l'univers où personne n'a jamais entendu parler ni de la terre ni des humains. Il est recueilli par un Léviathan avec à son bord trois prisonniers en train de s'échapper. Dès lors il n'aura de cesse de chercher un moyen pour pouvoir rentrer chez lui. Mais le voyage ne sera pas de tout repos car l'univers grouille de menaces plus dangereuses les unes que les autres...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy