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만해 한용운 님의 침묵
Donghak Rebellion (Donghak Peasant Movement) takes place in Hongjuseong (now Hongseong). Manhae, a boy who participates in the Donghak Rebellion as a 16-year-old, steals 1,000 nyang and sends it to military funds. At the age of 55, at Simujang in Seongbuk-dong, Manhae remarried while staying in a boarding house. While making a living by sewing his wife's wages, Manhae continues to resist Japanese imperialism by participating in the movement against the name change of the Chang clan and against the dispatch of Korean student soldiers along with writing. He takes over the military funds from Madam Baekhwa of Myeongwol in Yongjing. Lee Hwa-yeong hands over the military funds with Man-hae. In 1944, Manhae passed away at the age of 66. As the poem "Your Silence" flows, Manhae's achievements are introduced as highlights, and his subtitles flow.

Sep 13, 1997

A young woman is tricked into prostitution, thinking she is going to sell beverages at a village store. She soon learns about the dark world of Korea's red-light districts, where their pimps and society exploit her.
La Chanteuse de pansori
Deux orphelins, Dongho un garçon et Songwha une fille, recueillis par un chanteur itinérant de pansori, Yubong, apprennent sous sa rude férule, à devenir musicien et chanteuse. Ils vivent des représentations données en public dans les villages. Mais après la guerre, les gens ne s'intéressent plus à cet art méprisé. Dongho part, fuyant la misère, la brutalité de son père. Songwa tombe malade et refuse de chanter. Pour qu'elle perpétue le pansori, sa douleur et sa peine, Yubong la rend aveugle. A travers un mélo superbe, un hommage à une tradition culturelle coréenne.
삼거리 극장

삼거리 극장

Nov 23, 2006
One rainy night, Sodan's grandmother disappears, only telling her she's going to see a movie. In an effort to track her down Sodan gets a job as a box office attendant at the local theater. But there's more to this run down cinema than meets the eye.


Mar 17, 2011
Pil-Yong, un fonctionnaire s'occupe de sa femme handicapée après un accident. La restauration d'un livre ancien imprimé sur du papier traditionnel (hanji) est l'occasion pour lui de monter en grade. Au cours de sa mission, il rencontre Ji-won, une réalisatrice préparant un documentaire consacré au hanji.


Apr 12, 2007
Un maître du chant traditionnel coréen enseigne son art à sa fille Song-hwa et le tambour à son beau-fils Dong-ho. Le père est un professeur sévère, toujours en quête de perfection pour ses jeunes élèves. Ne supportant plus ses exigences, Dong-ho s'enfuit et abandonne à la fois la musique et sa demi-soeur qu'il aime en secret...


Jun 06, 1996
Aux obsèques de sa mère, un écrivain voit resurgir d'anciens conflits familiaux.
장군의 아들 2

장군의 아들 2

Jul 20, 1991
Upon being released from prison, Kim Du-han begins rebuilding his street gang in the face of Hayashi's Yakuzas and increasing Japanese influence.
사백년의 꿈

사백년의 꿈

Apr 03, 2011
Kang Hee Sun is a professor at the Hanbaek Medical School who is called in when Jo Hyun Min, the owner of a traditional Korean house, finds a mummy preserved in a small room in the barn which was previously sealed off. The two of them feel a strange sense of recognition at their first meeting, which they put down to instant attraction until the series of bizarre occurrences that followed lead them to suspect that they may actually be deeply connected to the mummy's past. Hee Sun and Hyun Min's investigation reveals the tragic story of a pair of lovers who were torn apart 400 years ago, with a resulting misunderstanding spawning a centuries-long hatred.