Ethel Corcoran

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The End of the Tour

The End of the Tour

Jan 29, 1917
A lonely wife runs off with a traveling actor, taking her boy with her but leaving her daughter behind. The boy, Byron Bennett, grows up, and is stranded back in Mayville with a theater troupe. To make enough money to get out of town, they teach the local fire department how to put on a play. While the village cutie Grace Jessup is being shown how to act, one of the troupe tries to seduce her. Byron, knowing what the lecher is up to, even if Grace doesn't, follows the pair and chokes the man senseless.
The White Raven

The White Raven

Jan 14, 1917
William Baldwin, ruined in business by his partner, John Blaisdell, implores Blaisdell's aid, and receives in answer a five-dollar bill across the face of which is written, "Spend this for a gun and use it on yourself."
A Night Out

A Night Out

Jan 31, 1916
A grandmother has an adventure for the first time in her life when she decides to have a night out.
Too Much Burglar

Too Much Burglar

Nov 19, 1914
An exceptionally capable girl, Trixie Joyce, proves a great help, to her mother, a widow with a large family of girls. They receive a proposition from Henrietta Joyce, Mrs. Joyce's wealthy sister-in-law, to take Trixie as a companion, feed and clothe her and in place of wages, send her mother an allowance sufficient to support the rest of the family. Both realize it is the solution of a hard problem, and Trixie accepts the offer. Henrietta is close-fisted and selfish in money matters, but she also has a strain of morbidly-romantic sentiment in her nature, so the largest part of Trixie's work is reading aloud to her mistress quantities of swashbuckling, mid-Victorian novels.
Hearts and Diamonds

Hearts and Diamonds

Sep 25, 1914
Tupper meets the wealthy Miss Whipple at a baseball game. When she declares that she just adores baseball players, Tupper starts up a team.
Four Grains of Rice

Four Grains of Rice

Jun 12, 1915
The leader of "The Sons of the Brazen Joss," one of the Tongs, or Chinese social organizations, is murdered by Moy Wong, cunning leader of The Four Grains of Rice," a Tong of higher class and bitter enemies of the "Sons." Sworn to vengeance, the "Sons" await an opportunity to get even.
In Arcadia

In Arcadia

Feb 18, 1916
The Youngloves have a cozy little apartment and a jewel of a cook, Bridget, and are happy until the landlord raises the rent. A slick agent convinces them to take a lease on "the modern Paradise” in Arcadia. A long, frightful journey takes them to "Eros Villa” a tumbledown old shack with a scrubby hedge running around it. After a veritable nightmare of a night trying to sleep on hastily-made-up hard beds and being scared nearly to death by huge rats scampering through the rooms the Youngloves rush to the agent's office, where he agrees to tear up the lease for two months' rent! The Youngloves, return to their old flat, sadder and wiser, but happy.
A Price for Folly

A Price for Folly

Dec 13, 1915
Noble born but dissolute M. Jean de Segni receives word from his lawyers that his profligate ways, including keeping mercenary actress Dorothea Jardeau, have led to his ruin which he accepts with a shrug of the shoulders. As word spreads Jean’s father-the Duke, who has managed to keep the boy’s mother in the dark about her son’s true nature, realizes she will soon know. Terminally ill and fearing Jean reducing them to penury, the father decides to take his beloved wife with him and kills her. Jean is at first suspected but the Duke saves him by confessing his guilt. Nevertheless, everyone, including his Dorothea, believes the Duke lied to save his son, and after his father's death Jean finds himself a social outcast. An argument leads to a duel where Jean realizes his folly has killed his parents, and he fires in the air, receiving a mortal wound from his adversary.
A Family Picnic

A Family Picnic

Nov 03, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. Jones and their six children start out for a picnic in the woods with youngest son Jimmie’s beloved Great Dane pup along. The animal proves to be a white elephant as soon as they try to board a trolley car, and they must walk to the picnic grounds. That’s only the beginning of their troubles with Mr. Jones trying everything to get rid of the pup, but when they get home from their "quiet little picnic," Mr. Pup is quietly sitting on the doorstep, and Jones disgustedly gives up.
The Dust of Egypt

The Dust of Egypt

Oct 04, 1915
Geoffrey's relationship with his fiancée is threatened by Ameuset, a princess of Egypt awakened after five thousand years. Originally a six reel feature, only short fragments of The Dust of Egypt survive today.
Heavy Villains

Heavy Villains

Aug 14, 1915
Retired businessman F.G. Lawrence favors Philip Preston for a son-in-law; Mrs. Lawrence prefers Reggie, the Dainty Dude. There's trouble, right there. Mrs. L. becomes suspicious of a stout stranger prowling about the place and tells Mary, the husky cook, to point him out to Serena Slim, the slender sleuth. The mysterious fat man happens to be Mary's beau, so she sics Serena onto John Bouncer, Philip's fat uncle. Serena is some "shadow" and the police must be called in to stop the comedy of errors which follows. After explanations all around, Lucy nestles her pretty head on Philip's shoulder while her parents soothe Bouncer's ruffled feelings.
The Revolt of Mr. Wiggs
Mr. Wiggs' wife is a militant suffragist, and he is the miserable sufferer left at home to mind their five children and feel that married life is closely approaching Sherman's idea of war. So, he decides to break her spirit with underhanded tricks. He succeeds but they are all poorer for his boorish behavior.
The Goddess

The Goddess

May 09, 1915
A young girl is reared on a desert island by natives and led to believe that she is a goddess. One day an outsider comes to the island, and persuades her to accompany him to preach about the kindness and love she has experienced. She agrees, but she's soon confronted by the problems and travails of the "outside" world.
When Samuel Skidded

When Samuel Skidded

Feb 22, 1915
While boarding a streetcar, wealthy, middle-aged Samuel Peckham slips, and the car starting up suddenly, throws him to the street. The only injury he suffers is a ruined suit of clothes, but his wife Maria insists he ought to make some money out of the mishap. Though the company offers a nominal amount to settle Maria insists on the full $50,000 they asked for or they will sue! The company hires a young lady detective to get proof and once she entices Samuel to tango the jig is up!


Jan 23, 1915


When WWI breaks out previously best friends in their New York neighborhood, The Schultz and Du Bois families, take opposite sides in the conflict. When their youngest Little Johnnie Du Bois and Heinie Schultz, backed up by their "allies," decide to fight it out in a vacant lot a battle royal takes place between the two families. But by this time the Schultze’s' eldest son Fritz and the Du Bois’ pretty daughter Marie have fallen in love so when they embrace in front of the families all agree to put their differences aside since "First and foremost we're all good Americans."
The Athletic Family

The Athletic Family

Dec 09, 1914
Retired heavyweight champion Jake Punchim is a fitness nut, keeping himself, his wife, and their twin daughters Helen and Dot in constant training much to Dot’s chagrin. While out walking separately one day both girls meet young men who are perfect for them but completely wrong for the other sister and make a date to meet them in the park at 2:00. When they arrive and the men mistake each sister for the other. Complications follow particularly when Daddy Jake becomes involved, but it all ends happily.
Father's Flirtation

Father's Flirtation

Jun 20, 1914
Betty is away at college when her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bunny, come to visit. Mr. Bunny goes for a stroll while Mrs. Bunny looks at Betty’s furnished room, which she finds unsatisfactory. Mr. Bunny meets boarding house owner Mrs. Sweet and goes to her home for a bit of harmless flirtation. Meanwhile Mrs. Bunny insists Betty move and by happenstance they head to Mrs. Sweet’s. Mr. Bunny tries to hide from them and many comic situations ensue.