After three decades, Jaws continues to intrigue, thrill and frighten viewers. This documentary focuses on the many ways in which Jaws has helped to shape popular culture.
Peter Gimbel and a team of photographers set out on an expedition to find and film, for the very first time, Carcharodon carcharias—the Great White Shark. The expedition lasted over nine months and took the team from Durban, South Africa, across the Indian Ocean, and finally to southern Australia.
Un documentaire sur les coulisses du tournage des DENTS DE LA MER. Battant tous les records du box-office et remportant trois Oscars, ce film de Steven Spielberg, le premier blockbuster de l’histoire du cinéma, n’a cessé de terroriser des générations entières depuis sa sortie en 1975.
Véritable pionnière à la fois de la réalisation de films sous-marins et de la recherche sur les requins, Valerie Taylor est une légende vivante et une icône du monde sous-marin dont l'œuvre de vie est devenue la base d'une grande partie de ce que nous savons sur les requins aujourd'hui. À travers des images d'archives sous-marines remarquables, ainsi que des entretiens avec Valérie elle-même, "Face aux requins" suit la trajectoire de cet audacieuse exploratrice de l'océan, de championne de chasse sous-marine à passionnée de protection des requins.
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of Australia that he ignores certain obvious signals that his business partner is not entirely on the up-and-up. After a brush fire destroys the resort, an insurance investigator comes nosing around, whom Howard's partner deals with in a drastic manner. By the time Lloyds of London's senior investigator George Engels (James Mason in one of his last roles) arrives on the scene, Howard (Tom Skerritt) is anxious to set things to rights.
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of Australia that he ignores certain obvious signals that his business partner is not entirely on the up-and-up. After a brush fire destroys the resort, an insurance investigator comes nosing around, whom Howard's partner deals with in a drastic manner. By the time Lloyds of London's senior investigator George Engels (James Mason in one of his last roles) arrives on the scene, Howard (Tom Skerritt) is anxious to set things to rights.
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of Australia that he ignores certain obvious signals that his business partner is not entirely on the up-and-up. After a brush fire destroys the resort, an insurance investigator comes nosing around, whom Howard's partner deals with in a drastic manner. By the time Lloyds of London's senior investigator George Engels (James Mason in one of his last roles) arrives on the scene, Howard (Tom Skerritt) is anxious to set things to rights.
A unique document about life on land and underwater in the Great Barrier Reef. Shot during an expedition that lasted more than five months, the film shows both the fauna and flora of the ocean and the technical equipment used to film these stunning images, which are now a thing of the past.
Peter Gimbel and a team of photographers set out on an expedition to find and film, for the very first time, Carcharodon carcharias—the Great White Shark. The expedition lasted over nine months and took the team from Durban, South Africa, across the Indian Ocean, and finally to southern Australia.
A baby is washed up on a Pacific Island and is adopted by a childless woman. The tribal priest takes an instant dislike to the child, proclaiming him a demon. The child is deaf and mute and therefore excluded from hunting with the other young men. Out of loneliness, he befriends a white turtle. When a drought befalls the island, the priest blames the silent one. When the chief protects the boy, the priest plots the chiefs' downfall.
A baby is washed up on a Pacific Island and is adopted by a childless woman. The tribal priest takes an instant dislike to the child, proclaiming him a demon. The child is deaf and mute and therefore excluded from hunting with the other young men. Out of loneliness, he befriends a white turtle. When a drought befalls the island, the priest blames the silent one. When the chief protects the boy, the priest plots the chiefs' downfall.
In this six-part series Ron and Valerie Taylor travel in the underwater world showing the special relationship Valerie has developed with the creatures of the blue wilderness. Now she fights for the future of these creatures.
In this six-part series Ron and Valerie Taylor travel in the underwater world showing the special relationship Valerie has developed with the creatures of the blue wilderness. Now she fights for the future of these creatures.